Is Imagination Nuke Stealing Copyrighted Materials?

Posted on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 @ 15:27:36 CDT in Discussion Topics
by Raven

64bitguy writes:  
I wanted everyone to know that the latest theft of my code and solutions has really negatively affected my desire to continue helping and contributing in the Nuke Community.

If you are either a PHP-Nuke user or an author of any Nuke solution, whether that be a small script, a block or a module, I urge you to read the article that I have written about this latest case of Copyright Violations and theft of code at The Death of Syndicated News?.

Steph Benoit Webmaster: Developer: PHP-Nuke Syndicated News
I (Raven) personally contacted the author (perfect-games) after I received this article. I have always found him to be an upstanding guy and was very surprised that he would do this. He has responded back and told me what happened and I asked him to post his explanation.
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Re: Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials (Score: 1)
by drmike on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 @ 19:53:03 CDT
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/me stratches my head

Um, ok.

So, where's the required PHPNuke copyright on your site?

Re: Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials (Score: 1)
by 64bitguy
on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 @ 20:36:23 CDT
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My site is powered by PHP-Nuke platinum and the credits are displayed. Furthermore, there is a copyright section for Platinum credits.

Additionally, the Powered by PHP-Nuke information is in the source-code of every page as well as in my site-documents at:

ALL other modules and blocks have Copyright sections as well. Even if you are a dead author, at my domain you are still getting credit for your work.

Re: Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials (Score: 1)
by drmike
on Thursday, June 23, 2005 @ 09:57:29 CDT
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Nope. Sorry. That doesn't cover it.

I find it most interesting that in your responses you even suggest reading up on GNU. I suggest you may want to do the same.

Re: Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials (Score: 1)
by 64bitguy
on Thursday, June 23, 2005 @ 13:03:13 CDT
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Please don't double post. It's too hard to retype everything when you post the same information in comments and in forums.

This issue has been addressed in detail in your forum thread at

Re: Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials (Score: 1)
by Rica
on Friday, June 24, 2005 @ 21:13:50 CDT
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An user reported one of my mod without copyright...

I checked and dont found any of my copyright/credits stufss... either in source file or in the usual copyright.php

The module is Arcade_Tweaks

Module home site is

Please fix it , and give credits where credits must go.

Re: Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials (Score: 1)
by Rica
on Friday, June 24, 2005 @ 21:14:49 CDT
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Oups :) wrong reply to the wrong guy...

It was of course for "author" of Imagine-nuke


Re: Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials (Score: 1)
by afc on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 @ 21:24:14 CDT

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I'd rip him a new aries for removing credits. What a * aries to do that. I hope your package dies.

Hope they sue the hell out of you. What your problem anyways, removing credit for what at least made something like dragonfly(cpgnuke) did with every author credit in it.

Re: Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials (Score: 1)
by Raven
(raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 @ 22:15:29 CDT
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Shame on you! You've been around here long enough to know that I do not allow that kind of language. Whether it's you or anyone - do it again and you're banned.


Re: Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials (Score: 1)
by perfect-games on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 @ 22:20:39 CDT
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well i dont know the heck thats going on, back when i started on imagination nuke version 1 which was phpnuke 7.4 fully modded i had few guys helping me out and teching me a thing or to,
the reason i started with imagination was to get help in the future to build a better nuke, now futher down the line i developed serveral nuke versions, but one guy in partica who has called me the problems who is natsirk, i gave him free hosting for his scripts and bought him a domain name, quite often he gives be scripts now i find out that these are not his scripts at all but 64bits scripts,
the reason behind developing inuke 4 is to get some people see what can been done in speedwise in a fully modded nuke while it remains faster and smother then basic nuke from

my aim was to give this as a sample before i release privite betas also public beta of phoenix cms, which is a total rewrite of phpnuke, but i not going to go into this now, but what i will say i have been lied to and decieved by the developer i took on, i have like 30 guys helping me out with the project , developers and beta testers, and now i have been blamed for all this.

i going to remove his script or see if i can get the real script from his.

i hope this will help you all understand, so if you do have a developer wouking with you, check them out first dont take there work for it,



Re: Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials (Score: 1)
by 64bitguy
on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 @ 23:26:27 CDT
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I rec'd your PM and have replied to it, so you have some information to work with and you know what needs to be done next.

I would also contact GNU (if they haven't contacted you yet) and explain what is going on in your own words. I would suggest taking your time when communicating with them as this is now an enforcement issue and you want to be clear about your position.

I have also received your .zip file of, "the Syndicated News files that you were provided with", where the person "Kristan Carnie" of claims exclusive ownership of my code and gives no other credits. I can't comment on the integrity of this zip; however, I would comment that this is just quite simply stolen code and this person should be identified (as in who he/she is, where he/she lives, etc...) to GNU when they come calling.

I would appreciate any information on this person as well, but I would not propose that this is the place to post that information, but rather that should be sent to me in Private.

I would next comment that the .zip file itself is extremely suspicious and should have raised eyebrows and questions as the files within it are dated from the year 2002, yet most of the functions within the code itself (included in that zip file) were not invented until 2004; including Chatserv's security fixes.

By the way, CHATSERV's credits which do actually appear in MY code are also mysteriously missing from the code that you sent me in this zip file, as well as from other places where they should appear in "Imagination Nuke" files.

Next, I would comment that I have found a great deal of my code in your latest soluton BEYOND PHP-Nuke Syndicated News.

Much of that code is for many other modules and blocks that were recoded by me exclusively for the PHP-Nuke Platinum community, intended for the as-of-yet unreleased version of Platinum 7.6.x, so I am curious as to how you got your hands on that code as well.

Curiously, all of my credits have also been removed from that code as well.

In any event, it looks like a great deal of the module and block code in the "Imagination Nuke" release is stolen. Not only from me, but from others as well including Bob Marion, Raven, Chatserv, Paladin, Dashe, TechGFX, MrFluffy and others.

And yes, if I see someone's work, but not the credits of the original works, I call that what it is, "stolen".

Saying, "Thanks" in the code script is not enough, Copyright integrity must be maintained as a matter of law (read the GNU/GPL license!) meaning you can't modify the code credits (the opening section of comments in the code) except to add new, additional credits for anyone that may have modifed that code for redistribution.

Anyway... I would begin by addressing the things that I sent to you in private, but I have serious issues with "Imagination Nuke" for obvious reasons and it is an excellent example of why people like me that have made major contributions to the community, end-up leaving the community.

As it is, we aren't getting paid for our work, yet then so many people come along and think it is okay to steal our work, remove our copyrights and copyright notices and even take the credit for our labor.

This kind of thing only adds insult to our existing injuries and it hurts everyone, including the poeple that don't benefit from the future evolution of our solutions because of this kind of abusive theft.

Why should I keep working on these solutions? Give me a good reason!

Right now, I can't think of one! I only think of how much I have lost in terms of my time and efforts. I also find it hard to forget about the people that won't pay for solutions (even while they are coming into forums "demanding" them.

I also am forced (repeatedly) to remember how every time I give solutions away u
Read the rest of this comment...

Re: Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials (Score: 1)
by perfect-games
on Thursday, June 23, 2005 @ 01:55:59 CDT
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all files removed now and uninstall scripts on site

i hope we can get this resolved i have also emailed kristan about this, as i dont have his address only his hotmail address,

and what you mean there are pnp 7.6.1 scripts thats in possible all my scripts are from the nuke community


Re: Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials (Score: 1)
by Guardian2003
on Friday, June 24, 2005 @ 10:06:27 CDT
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All your scripts are from the nuke community?- so none of it is your work or that of your *developers*??
I presume you had some indemnity clause in your contract with these 'developers' to ensure that they would be responsible for any legal proceedings taken against you for any reason?

Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials + PAID SCRIPTS (Score: 1)
by MatyScripts
on Thursday, June 23, 2005 @ 03:44:20 CDT
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You NOT only removed the Copyrighted Materials, but you even added paid Scripts from MS to your Imagination product and MS Paid Scripts in your downloadsection.

You even didn't react on my E-mail to remove all the scripts.

Re: Imagination Nuke Steals Copyrighted Materials (Score: 1)
by Mighty_Y
on Thursday, June 23, 2005 @ 07:47:04 CDT
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I can understand all of this, I have had problems with him before (=> see this []) but we settled that back then.
I don't know how it is with the package atm though :s


Re: Is Imagination Nuke Stealing Copyrighted Materials? (Score: 1)
by jbsarma on Thursday, June 23, 2005 @ 11:53:04 CDT
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Just to say, any copyright notice that the author of a script want website using it to display should not be very elaborate (which is not the case with syndicated news as far as I can remember). A 2-line copyright notice in a block just can not be afforded. I hope script author will bear in mind that a site using it should not look ugly because of the notices if they want compliance. I think best idea is to come with some standard within the community - my feeling is so far it is displayed and ackowledged in the site, may be in a public credit page, it should be acceptable. For ordinary visitors of a ordinary site, these notices do not mean much - it is the script author who should not be stealing and removing notices where it is due.

Re: Is Imagination Nuke Stealing Copyrighted Materials? (Score: 1)
by 64bitguy
on Thursday, June 23, 2005 @ 12:57:21 CDT
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I agree; however, to a point where if someone finds the copyright intrusive, they should seek permission to modify it; however, they don't have the right to simply remove it.

In the case of Syndicated News BETA's and Version 1.0, the copyright displayed was simply the Copyright information and a link, but it was quite visible. Maybe moreso than some people would like, BUT IT IS NOT LIKE ANYONE PAID ME FOR THAT CODE. Display of my copyrights is the price you pay for using my code!

In Syndicated News 2.0 this was completely changed to use the JABASCRIPT based Copyright function, with a very small "Copyright" button in the bottom right hand corner of the module, now commonly found in Nuke Modules and blocks.

On my domain, I have created this function for modules that didn't have public copyright notices to actually give authors credits for their work when they weren't showing it before.

In addition, I have used this popup function to identify when I have changed an author's work (so people know that what they are seeing MAY NOT be what they will get if they download that solution from the author).

Where I can, I have modified the Popups to point to the author's homepages, forums and downloads sections as in many cases, that information had changed from older release that I may be using, versus the present "actual" information.

Finally, I wanted to comment that where possible, I have also written directly to many authors providing them with fixes to code that I have rewritten for my own use including compliance fixes so that these things may better help not only them, but the community at large.

There are numerous example of this and I generally find authors are pleasantly "Surprised" to get emails from me with code revisions, fixes and 100% W3C Compliance recoding.

After all, what's the sense of my completely fixing something and then not sharing it back with the guy that actually wrote the thing in the first place? I do not however put these revisions on my domain in any attempt to redistribute them. I let the author of the work do that... as in my mind, it is after all his or her solution.


Re: Is Imagination Nuke Stealing Copyrighted Materials? (Score: 1)
by burnwave on Thursday, June 23, 2005 @ 16:58:17 CDT
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Does anyone have a copy of this lying around? I'd like to take a look at the copyright info on Workboard and other scripts that he may have added to his package.

Re: Is Imagination Nuke Stealing Copyrighted Materials? (Score: 1)
by twelves
(fjldijfldfjlkfjdlfjdklfjklj@lsfjljdsfklsdfkljsfj.sfjjd) on Thursday, June 23, 2005 @ 18:41:11 CDT
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Imagination Nuke closed after only 2 days from when I installed it.

This was an upgrade from Post nuke platinum also on its death bed.

Any one know what I should do?

This looks kind of bad!

I have a great new page but want to act fast with my backups,

Or can I deinstall SQL script and go plane Jane nuke?

Thanks, I'm getting kind of worried...

Re: Is Imagination Nuke Stealing Copyrighted Materials? (Score: 1)
by afc
on Thursday, June 23, 2005 @ 18:48:19 CDT
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i have it if you want it im me at
icq 107453717

Re: Is Imagination Nuke Stealing Copyrighted Materials? (Score: 1)
by perfect-games
on Thursday, June 23, 2005 @ 23:52:24 CDT
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ok everyone i closed my site so i can fix all the files , double check the modules make sure it all has the correct copyright etc, then i will release patch and fixes


sorry for any problems caused by the work from our dev team



Re: Is Imagination Nuke Stealing Copyrighted Materials? (Score: 1)
by Mesum on Friday, June 24, 2005 @ 02:23:10 CDT

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I knew something this would happen to him once again and that's exactly why I offered him my help to make sure that all copyright are at it's place and help him where I can (knowing that I don't know anything about coding) to make sure everything goes well this time.

Steve, Steve, Steve... Why did you have to move that fast without asking me, Raven or anyone who offered to help to make sure everything was at it's place man.
Too many work hours have just went right down to drain ...

I hope that everything works out and all the issues are solved this time.
This was my last PHP-Nuke related project where I thought of helping others out to help myself.

Valogen, here I come.

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