nCo Modfied 7.6 Ultra
Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2005 @ 15:07:15 CDT in PHP-Nuke
by Raven
NukeCode writes: Introducing nCo Modified PHP-Nuke 7.6 Ultra. We would like to think this is the best one we have done yet. Two months and several revisions later we think this version has everything a person could want in a nuke install. Including Nuke Sentinel 2.2.0pl4, NSN GR Downloads 1.0.3, NSN Groups 1.6.4, NSN Centerblocks 2.1.3, NSN Mailing List 1.0.3, NSN News 1.2.0, MS-Topsites 1.1, Quiecom Shoutbox 2.4, nCo Status Clock just to name a few of the modules and addons we put in this baby. Several useless blocks and modules were removed as well as most of the stock themes. This version contains chatservs patched 2.9 and phpbb 2.0.14 and a few other nice security features all of which are explained in the accompanied documentation.
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