I was recently asked these questions:
1) "Aren't the things going as you want it to, because I've never seen you releasing scripts so fast over and over.."
2) "I'm still waiting for "that" sentinel release that is very stable..."
3) "I'm worried about those fast follow-ups..."
Grab a cup of coffee and get comfy, this may take awhile :) Now the person that asked these questions may think, why is Bob pointing my questions out. It's simple, these are really good questions/statements and deserve a reply. The fast releases, mostly with NukeSentinel(tm), are patch updates. Since I deal with single script sets I can patch faster then ChatServ, and he does an outstanding job, can because he deals with all of PHP-Nuke and up to 12 different versions at a time.
I want you to think of a patch not as a repair but as a refinement. A refinement can speed a routine up or enhance a routine. Take for example the Add Range to IP 2 Country. It is a very stable routine but I found a way to present more information when the range your adding conflicts with another range already in the database.
Now I understand that to some the pl system of release versioning can seem to mean that the previous patch was less stable then the present patch, this is not the case with NSN releases. The questions at the begriming of this article prove to me that you, our community, have grown to expect a higher level of quality from NSN releases and the pl's seemed to diminish that quality. Please know that pl's here are not the same as pl's from say phpMyAdmin where a pl release means security issues. Here it means that I found a better/faster way for the script to do what it already does.
The newest version of NukeSentinel(tm) will be out within hours of this publication. I had slated it for pl5 but I was asked why, since it dealt with 7.7 charges, not change it to 2.2.1 or 2.3.0. It will be released as 2.2.1 not because it deals will 7.7 changes but because I promised to start going thru the scripts and adding ` marks around table and field names in sql statements. To me this is not a patch but a fix and therefore requires a new version number.
Re: Fast Releases (Score: 1) | ![]() | In a sense the same applies to Nuke Patched, 3.0 came to be because of the extensive changes made to its core, way to many to simply dub it 2.9B or similar and like you said the work involved with putting out a new version is too much, the 6.x patches stayed at 2.8 and maybe will stay at that level or get dropped altogether, if you check the front page you'll see only three packages have been moved to 3.0 and neither includes yet a CVS update, hopefully all 7.x patches will be upgraded to 3.0 in the next few days, the CVS though will have to wait. |