No Longer (Directly) Associated With Nuke Cops

Posted on Monday, September 08, 2003 @ 20:41:02 CDT in Announcements
by raven

If you need to contact me, please be sure to contact me at my sites. By my choice, I am no longer associated with Nuke Cops and will not be checking nor responding to PM's there as a normal course.Nuke Cops is still a great site with excellent resources. They are just going off in too many directions for me. I intend to stay focused on just the current releases and issues therein.
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Re: No Longer Associated With Nuke Cops (Score: 1)
by Nukeum66 ( on Tuesday, September 09, 2003 @ 07:52:20 CDT

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I hate to hear that! You have help many people at Nukecops. I myself have learned alot from reading some your post ... Thanks!


Re: No Longer (Directly) Associated With Nuke Cops (Score: 1)
by msimonds on Friday, September 12, 2003 @ 11:05:16 CDT

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I have talked to other php developers and they say the same thing... That they release stuff to fast and then have to come back and release patches all the time... In my line of work that would get your fired in a heart beat

Re: No Longer (Directly) Associated With Nuke Cops (Score: 1)
by money
on Sunday, September 14, 2003 @ 05:23:43 CDT
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What has NukeCops released that they've had to make a bunch of patches? They offer the analyzer which has been updated quite frequently and then their bundled version. The latter one has never had an official release. It hasn't gotten beyond the CVS stage. Any developer should know not to run a CVS version on a production site. It is still in the development stage. NukeCops shouldn't be encouraging the average person to use it live.

As for official releases, FB is releasing new versions of Nuke way too often and known bugs are not getting fixed. If this is the one you actually meant then FB not NukeCops is to blame.

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