Continuing On With GT-NExtGEn Concept!

Posted on Thursday, June 01, 2006 @ 15:43:34 CDT in Code Hacks
by Montego

montego writes:  
Well, after careful consideration and with the seeming "demise" of the GT-NExtGEn website and all support, my intention now is to take over the development for this great concept! I am going to change the name to TegoNuke(tm) ShortURLs and will be incorporating this into the next release of RavenNuke76.

I will also be making a few improvements along the way and adding support here specific to RavenNuke76 as well as for the standalone version on my Montego Scripts site once I also release this to the public as a standalone product. I hope this will end up serving the PHP-Nuke community better. I just hated to see this great tool go unsupported and not improved upon.

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Re: Continuing On With GT-NExtGEn Concept! (Score: 1)
by whitebox on Thursday, June 01, 2006 @ 15:58:12 CDT

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montego i have few things in my forum about gt-nextgen so when you get chance look over you might find something that you need. if you need help testing something let me know i'll be glad to help

Re: Continuing On With GT-NExtGEn Concept! (Score: 1)
by montego
on Thursday, June 01, 2006 @ 18:09:49 CDT
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Sounds good whitebox! I will have to take a look.


Re: Continuing On With GT-NExtGEn Concept! (Score: 1)
by hitwalker on Thursday, June 01, 2006 @ 18:17:55 CDT
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good luck with it monty.....
seems like a perfect job for you....


Re: Continuing On With GT-NExtGEn Concept! (Score: 1)
by Tazz on Monday, June 12, 2006 @ 20:07:13 CDT
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what are the chances of getting your site working for us insight users? You are using an Invalid IP to access this site!

Re: Continuing On With GT-NExtGEn Concept! (Score: 1)
by montego
on Monday, June 12, 2006 @ 20:16:30 CDT
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Well, Tazz, just what is "insight users" mean? The error message you reference is a NukeSentinel thing that is generally due to someone either "spoofing" an invalid IP address, using a proxy, or, yes, it can be valid but not recognized as such just yet.

Please PM me here at Raven's site your IP address that you say is valid. Thanks.

Re: Continuing On With GT-NExtGEn Concept! (Score: 1)
by Tazz
on Monday, June 12, 2006 @ 22:36:15 CDT
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Insight is a cable co. that offers net access..
if the address is spoofed it is insights doing not mine.

Re: Continuing On With GT-NExtGEn Concept! (Score: 1)
by Tazz
on Monday, June 12, 2006 @ 22:39:04 CDT
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hostname is: DHCP-XXXXX along with the ip i pm'd

Re: Continuing On With GT-NExtGEn Concept! (Score: 1)
by Raven
(raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Tuesday, June 13, 2006 @ 01:23:32 CDT
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Are you receiving the Invalid IP message on my site here? Other than being blank or spoofed, here is the explanation of what causes that message.

It is a NukeSentinel(tm) issue that is usually easily rectified. IANA, the organization responsible for the assigning of IP addresses, holds unused addresses "in reserve", if you will. Then, as they are assigned they get released for public use. The sites that are experiencing the problem have not updated their NukeSentinel(tm) reserved IP table to the latest and greatest, or IANA has released some that we are not aware of. Are you blocked on my site? If not, then if you are blocked on other sites, they need to do that also.

Re: Continuing On With GT-NExtGEn Concept! (Score: 1)
by montego
on Tuesday, June 13, 2006 @ 07:27:59 CDT
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Raven, he's having troubles with my site... He has sent me his information and I just need to find the time to straighten it all out.

Re: Continuing On With GT-NExtGEn Concept! (Score: 1)
by Tazz
on Tuesday, June 13, 2006 @ 11:13:27 CDT
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Your site loads fine Raven. I do get the msg on a few nuke sites though being another one just off the top of my head.

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