Pc-Nuke! releases updated Xtreme! 7.9031e_V2 and new test...

Posted on Thursday, August 17, 2006 @ 01:31:59 CDT in PHP-Nuke
by Raven

pcnuke writes:  
Pc-Nuke! releases Xtreme! 7.9031e_V2 & sets up 7.9032 test site
PCN Xtreme! 7.9...( Test Site): An updated release of Xtreme! v7.9031eV2 has been released, and testing is currently underway on a new version of Xtreme! v7.9032. Visit the main Pc-Nuke! website or the TEST SITE to get more info & see whats included in these versions.

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Pc-Nuke with many great module, block and hack projects - celebrate (Score: 1)
by nukeevangelist on Thursday, August 17, 2006 @ 03:22:56 CDT
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hi there, good day pcnuke,

[hope everything is all right across the Atlantic]

many thanks pc-nuke for this great article, it is great to hear from you.
You are very very active. The many projects you work on - it is overwhelming.

i for one love your Hot-Or-Not module, the Amazon-module and lots of other things you do.

one word to some outstanding things;:

what is with the MrEview-module; can some body take care for the sustainable development. I am not very sure if the guy over at thassemalia-pakistan works in a sustainable way. I guess that the salman is very very busy.

an other outstanding project is the amazon-module. pcnuke can you have a closer look at the projects over at preciogasolina.com - I am pretty sure that edgardo does not work in a sustainable way on the great great amazon-module.

PCNuke - you work hard an your place is very very well known for good work and sustainable development. If you would could take care for the above mentined projects they would get more (raise) more attraction among the thousands of nukers.

pcnuke - above all - keep up your great work

best luck and all the best with all your great projects. Keep up your sustainable development.


ps - the Hot or Not module os supergreat, i love it for its flexible & powerful options

ps-2 plz make all your mods. blocks and addons running in PHPNuke as well. This ensures you a wordwide audience and user-group. Then your mods , blocks and hacks will be wanted and needed by Nukers in more than 50 countries.

PHPNuke has more than 200 000 user all across the planet ;-) celebrate this with us.

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