PHP-Nuke Service Center Now Open

Posted on Wednesday, November 15, 2006 @ 03:13:12 CST in Announcements
by Raven

forgotz writes:  
DaDaNuke will get you up and running in no time. Save your self the headaches or the long hours sorting, configuring your system, module, addon, theme or block and get it done right the first time. DaDaNuke pricing structure is affordable and reasonable, to view our services click here.

DaDaNuke marketing services allow you the impact and flexibility to help get the message out. Have a new website, product or service? Then sign up for our Starter Plan and receive 500,000 banner impressions at Or maybe you are in need of original content for your site. Our writing staff will compose one or several articles for your message, product, service or brand. To view more details on these and other marketing options offered, click here.
PHP-Nuke Installation

DaDaNuke will get you up and running in no time. Save your self the headaches or the long hours sorting, configuring your system and get it done right the first time.

This service help fill the gap if you are new to PHP-Nuke OR have experience, but not the time.

You will receive:
  • CLEAN install of PHP-Nuke or Nuke-Evolution
  • ONE additional non-standard module installed
  • Security with the latest version of NukeSentinel(tm)
  • One year membership DaDaClub (exclusive members only downloads)
  • Within 24 hours of order, your project will be listed at
  • Access to your project to check status and make requests

Price: $24.99

Access to phpMyAdmin (database)
FTP server access (files)

Please read Terms and Conditions before placing order.

PHP-Nuke Installation (Upgrade)

DaDaNuke will get you up and running in no time. Save your self the headaches or the long hours sorting, configuring your system and get it done right the first time.

This service helps fill the gap if you are new to PHP-Nuke OR have experience, but not the time.

You will receive:
  • UPGRADE install of PHP-Nuke or Nuke-Evolution
  • Security with the latest version of NukeSentinel(tm) (optional)
  • One year membership DaDaClub (exclusive members only downloads)
  • Within 24 hours of order, your project will be listed at
  • Access to your project to check status and make requests

Price: $32.99

Access to phpMyAdmin (database)
FTP server access (files)
Access to PHP-Nuke administration

Please read Terms and Conditions before placing order.

PHP-Nuke Module Installation

DaDaNuke will get you up and running in no time. Save your self the headaches or the long hours sorting, configuring your module, addon, theme or block and get it done right the first time.

This service helps fill the gap if you are new to PHP-Nuke OR have experience, but not the time.

You will receive:
  • CLEAN install of ONE PHP-Nuke or Nuke-Evolution module, theme or block
  • One year membership DaDaClub (exclusive members only downloads)
  • Within 24 hours of order, your project will be listed at
  • Access to your project to check status and make requests

Price: $16.99

Access to phpMyAdmin (database)
FTP server access (files)

Please read Terms and Conditions before placing order.

DaDaNukDaDaNukeet you up and running in no time. Save your self the headaches or the long hours sorting, configuring your module, addon, addon or block and get it done right the first time.

This service helps fill the gap if you are new to PHP-Nuke OR have experience, but not the time.

You will receive:
  • UPGRADE install of ONE PHP-Nuke or Nuke-Evolution module, theme or block
  • One year membership DaDaClub (exclusive members only downloads)
  • Within 24 hours of order, your project will be listed at
  • Access to your project to check status and make requests

Price: $24.99

Access to phpMyAdmin (database)
FTP server access (files)
Access to PHP-Nuke administration

Please read Terms and Conditions before placing order.
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Re: PHP-Nuke Service Center Now Open (Score: 1)
by hitwalker on Wednesday, November 15, 2006 @ 18:56:57 CST
(User Info | Send a Message)

sounds good ,and ill hope this published news will get you some cash as you seem to need it despirately.
i also hope with this,.. that mass mails begging for money wont be needed anymore.
good luck....

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