CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go !

Posted on Saturday, December 30, 2006 @ 18:05:02 CST in Thoughts and Ideas
by Raven

nukeevangelist writes:  
We are only a few steps away from the path that is going straight ahead! Let us do some major changes in the architecture of the Nuke: Let us install a CVS and get rid of some bottlenecks in core development: The bottleneck is quite too big - we have to be aware of the advantages of CVS.

What is CVS? CVS is a version control system, an important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM). Using it, you can record the history of sources files, and documents. It fills a similar role to the free software RCS, PRCS, and Aegis packages.

Why do we need CVS? To speed up the development - and to push it and to take it out of the hand of one single friend. We have great documents - and knowledgeable folks all over the planet - we can rely on thousands and thousands of user, developer, supporter and friends.
Admin comment: I am not commenting on the pros/cons of the suggestion here. But I did want to say that working with SubVersion is far superior to CVS, imo. Get more info on SubVersion.
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Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by hitwalker on Sunday, December 31, 2006 @ 07:57:30 CST
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i absolutely agree on that...subversion is great stuff...

Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by nukeevangelist
on Sunday, December 31, 2006 @ 12:02:00 CST
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hello hitwalker hello Raven,

i too - i also agree on the subversion-thing.
well - what bout the underlying ideas.

To ensure the sustainability we need to have more participation in core-development.

i am curious about your ideas. ....

let us start a discussion


Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by Guardian2003
on Sunday, December 31, 2006 @ 20:39:42 CST
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SubVersion is definitely the software of choice!

A CVS or SVN for the community at large to use for fixing phpNuke would never work though - though the idea is to be applauded.

It's a pretty moot point when you think it has already been done, it's called Raven Nuke 2.10

I have had the 'Mantis' bug reporting tool on my own site for some time for the community to use, completely free of charge but so far no users.

Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by nukeevangelist
on Monday, January 01, 2007 @ 04:19:29 CST
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many thanks for the reply.

Mantis bug reporiting is also a great tool.
Does raven have a Subversion or cvs running.

What bout going the subversion way. We need more sustainability. How to reach the most sustainability that is possible? How to get the many PHPNuke-User involved?

Perhaps we should use the bug reporter on your site. I head over and have a look at it.

Above all - Guardian 2003 we have to talk a bout the sustainability and about the tools that guide us the sustainable way. What do you think?

i am curious to get you ideas to know.


Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by hitwalker
on Monday, January 01, 2007 @ 20:12:56 CST
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c'mon nukeevangelist, is it because you dont wanna learn,read or whatever?
I realy dont wanna start 2007 ranting but your not adding anything extra to this subject if you keep on repeating yourself over and over and posting your own duplicate replies.

fact is....the nukecommunity is most devided one out cant change that.....
And using the words .."sustainable" and .."sustainability" excessively doesnt help.

Your entire postings everywhere are pure duplicates of your own stories ,over and over again...
Your constantly writing about the same websites and forget about a lot of others....

Make a nice start in 2007 and impress us a little bit.


Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by nukeevangelist on Sunday, December 31, 2006 @ 12:02:36 CST
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hello hitwalker hello Raven,

i too - i also agree on the subversion-thing.
well - what bout the underlying ideas.

To ensure the sustainability we need to have more participation in core-development.

i am curious about your ideas. ....

let us start a discussion - and yes: i am looking forward to your ideas and suggestions



Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by Gremmie on Sunday, December 31, 2006 @ 16:18:33 CST

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Definitely go with subversion over CMS.

However I don't think you are going to wrest control from the current author of Nuke. He doesn't want help or feedback, he doesn't even have forums on his own site.

A fork or new project is the way to go.

Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by nukeevangelist
on Monday, January 01, 2007 @ 04:21:52 CST
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Hi Gremmie,

many thanks for the reply. It is great to hear from you. Well i think SubVersion is a great tool.

We should use it - why not`?

BtW - in the above reply Guardian 2003 answered:

He runs and there he has a Mantis-Bug-Reporting-Tool.

Yes Mantis bug reporiting is also a great tool.
Does raven have a Subversion or cvs running.

What bout going the subversion way. We need more sustainability. How to reach the most sustainability that is possible? How to get the many PHPNuke-User involved?

Perhaps we should use the bug reporter on your site. I head over and have a look at it.

Above all - Gremmie and Guardian 2003, we have to talk a bout the sustainability and about the tools that guide us the sustainable way. What do you think?

i am curious to get you ideas to know.


Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by hitwalker
on Monday, January 01, 2007 @ 14:27:28 CST
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any chance we could use the word "sustainability" not that often....i think raven said it all in the latest reply posted...
there's no unity in it all ,you can forget about that...
and you can post it another dozen times but it wont change anything.

Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by hitwalker
on Monday, January 01, 2007 @ 14:28:51 CST
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any chance we could use the word "sustainability" not that often....i think raven said it all in the latest reply posted...
there's no unity in it all ,you can forget about that...
and you can post it another dozen times but it wont change anything.

Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by nukeevangelist
on Monday, January 01, 2007 @ 19:21:02 CST
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well i regard the Nuke group as a community of innovation - sensu Hippel ( )
von Hippel, Eric 2002 - 06 Horizontal innovation networks- by and for users

Innovation development, production, distribution and consumption networks can be built up
horizontally with actors consisting only of innovation users.
User innovation networks can function entirely independently of manufacturers when

(1) at least some users have sufficient incentive to innovate,
(2) at least some users have an incentive to voluntarily reveal their innovations, and
(3) diffusion of innovations by users is low cost and distribution.

von Hippel, Eric 2002 - 06 Horizontal innovation networks- by and for users ( )

PHPNuke is powerful and very very [well damned] sustainable. It is a true user innovation network.
Well - with or without SubVersion we have a very powerful development. And yes: The module development is very very active.

perhaps we can benefit from the setup of a Mantis-bugtraker and featuretracker - in order to

1. support the community
2. give Franzisko new inspriation and
3. motivate the user to feed back their experience

- well lots of good ideas could be mentioned and discussed - and yes; To mention and to discuss allready helps to push the thing to more sustainabilty.

Raven, Gremmie, Guardian2003 why not setting up a MANTIS - /(eg like Guardian 2003 runs one on ) -

best regards


Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by nukeevangelist on Monday, January 01, 2007 @ 04:22:05 CST
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Hi Gremmie,

many thanks for the reply. It is great to hear from you. Well i think SubVersion is a great tool.

We should use it - why not`?

BtW - in the above reply Guardian 2003 answered:

He runs and there he has a Mantis-Bug-Reporting-Tool.

Yes Mantis bug reporiting is also a great tool.
Does raven have a Subversion or cvs running.

What bout going the subversion way. We need more sustainability. How to reach the most sustainability that is possible? How to get the many PHPNuke-User involved?

Perhaps we should use the bug reporter on your site. I head over and have a look at it.

Above all - Gremmie and Guardian 2003, we have to talk a bout the sustainability and about the tools that guide us the sustainable way. What do you think?

i am curious to get you ideas to know.



Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by Raven (raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Monday, January 01, 2007 @ 11:18:16 CST

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The RavenNuke(tm) TEAM uses both SubVersion and Mantis. We have found them to be invaluable as we attempt this massive and frustrating effort.

I hate to rain on the parade and this is just my personal opinion and id not meant to discourage nor oppose anyone, but there are too many flavors of nuke out there for this to work. FB had a team helping him at one time and he he fired them all because ... well, no use in dragging all that up again. They have moved on to PostNuke , Xaraya, etc.

Bottom line, unless we all were to unite, which is not likely to happen for MANY reasons, this just will not work.

Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by nukeevangelist
on Monday, January 01, 2007 @ 19:19:57 CST
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helllo Raven, Gremmie, Guardian2003 & hitwalker

First of all; all the best to you and your familly. Best whishes for the new YEAR 2007

Raven, great to hear from you... Well i agree with you - in some parts of your ideas and arguments.

Above all: Well i love the discussion here - we have to talk bout the necessary things - and musing bout
better conditions is not the worst thing at first of January....

well i regard the Nuke group as a community of innovation - sensu Hippel ( )
von Hippel, Eric 2002 - 06 Horizontal innovation networks- by and for users

Innovation development, production, distribution and consumption networks can be built up
horizontally with actors consisting only of innovation users.
User innovation networks can function entirely independently of manufacturers when

(1) at least some users have sufficient incentive to innovate,
(2) at least some users have an incentive to voluntarily reveal their innovations, and
(3) diffusion of innovations by users is low cost and distribution.

von Hippel, Eric 2002 - 06 Horizontal innovation networks- by and for users ( )

PHPNuke is powerful and very very [well damned] sustainable. It is a true user innovation network.
Well - with or without SubVersion we have a very powerful development. And yes: The module development is very very active.

perhaps we can benefit from the setup of a Mantis-bugtraker and featuretracker - in order to

1. support the community
2. give Franzisko new inspriation and
3. motivate the user to feed back their experience

- well lots of good ideas could be mentioned and discussed - and yes; To mention and to discuss allready helps to push the thing to more sustainabilty.

Raven, Gremmie, Guardian2003 why not setting up a MANTIS - /(eg like Guardian 2003 runs one on ) -

best regards


Re: CVS: A most important step towards the brightest future ever - lets go ! (Score: 1)
by nukeevangelist on Monday, January 01, 2007 @ 19:19:13 CST
(User Info | Send a Message)

helllo Raven, Gremmie, Guardian2003 & hitwalker

First of all; all the best to you and your familly. Best whishes for the new YEAR 2007

Raven, great to hear from you... Well i agree with you - in some parts of your ideas and arguments.

Above all: Well i love the discussion here - we have to talk bout the necessary things - and musing bout
better conditions is not the worst thing at first of January....

well i regard the Nuke group as a community of innovation - sensu Hippel ( )
von Hippel, Eric 2002 - 06 Horizontal innovation networks- by and for users

Innovation development, production, distribution and consumption networks can be built up
horizontally with actors consisting only of innovation users.
User innovation networks can function entirely independently of manufacturers when

(1) at least some users have sufficient incentive to innovate,
(2) at least some users have an incentive to voluntarily reveal their innovations, and
(3) diffusion of innovations by users is low cost and distribution.

von Hippel, Eric 2002 - 06 Horizontal innovation networks- by and for users ( )

PHPNuke is powerful and very very [well damned] sustainable. It is a true user innovation network.
Well - with or without SubVersion we have a very powerful development. And yes: The module development is very very active.

perhaps we can benefit from the setup of a Mantis-bugtraker and featuretracker - in order to

1. support the community
2. give Franzisko new inspriation and
3. motivate the user to feed back their experience

- well lots of good ideas could be mentioned and discussed - and yes; To mention and to discuss allready helps to push the thing to more sustainabilty.

Raven, Gremmie, Guardian2003 why not setting up a MANTIS - /(eg like Guardian 2003 runs one on ) -

best regards

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