Guide : Modifying phpNuke Captcha

Posted on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 @ 00:48:17 CST in Code Hacks
by Raven

zulhar writes:  
It is a known fact that phpNuke is using a simple form of CAPTCHA (called security code), which will try to resist against automated actions - login brute force, account creation DoS, etc. phpNuke, with the standard 6-digit CAPTCHA, can be easily attacked not only by human, but also by any malicious script exploiting the design weakness.

It is a good move to use not-a-standard-phpnuke-captcha. However, for a newbie, it is not an easy task.

I've written a guide to change the captcha from 6 digits to 8. Read the full article at
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Re: Guide : Modifying phpNuke Captcha (Score: 1)
by nukeevangelist on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 @ 06:11:14 CST
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hi this is obviously a good news.

mille grazie


Re: Guide : Modifying phpNuke Captcha (Score: 1)
by Guardian2003
on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 @ 09:36:24 CST
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Actually no it isn't - sorry to be the bearer of bad news!
Whilst I appreciate the effort the author has made all this proposal does is increase the number of numeric characters required it does not address the underlying problem with the core nuke code, in that the security code can be easily guessed or bypassed under certain circumstances.
One has only to look at some of the sites that report security vulnerabilities to realise how outdated and problematical the core nuke code is with regard to nuke security code.

In Raven Nuke, whilst we have kept backward compatibility for the security code for third party modules etc, we have provided a new security system based on a proper CAPTCHA system.

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