NukeScripts(tm) to close

Posted on Sunday, January 20, 2008 @ 20:55:27 CST in Announcements
by BobMarion

On Dec 31st 2008 at 23:59:59 NukeScripts(tm) will close. It has become increasing upsetting to see NSN code appearing in more and more scripts that the "owners" claim they have written themselves. Add that to the just about no donations aside from those generated from client work.

I have decided that it just isn't worth the time, money, or headaches anymore. On Jan 1st 2009 at 00:00:00 NukeSentinel(tm) will become my one and only full time project aside from the afore mentioned clients.

I have, believe it or not, enjoyed helping the Nuke communicty for the last 7 years. Like other top coders in the community I have endured the slings and arrows thrown by the fb die hards. Unlike many I stayed being determined not to give in to the crap.

Well folks, my crap meter has finially topped out. I've taken time off, I've tried to pray through everything, laugh when no one else was laughing. The community is not what it once was. A few coders have banded together, like raven and the gang there, to continue improving the community.

Have to say I'm proud to be part of the RVN team and proud to keep updating NukeSentinel(tm) to protect the community. I'm giving it a year for a good clear reason. Things may improve enough that I feel that it would be worth staying around for a while longer. If that happens then I would keep the place open.

I'm just getting to old and tired to play kiddy games with the kiddies and I'm sorry to say that but it is true. To all the friends I have made, Thank You. To those I have yet to make, Thank You. To those that take and never give, Screw You!
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