I was once a Site Admin at Nuke Cops. I left due to differences with Paul, aka ZX, the owner. That doesn't mean that we didn't comment on things in public. I have tried to keep a professional relationship with him by not attacking him in public and not belittling him. He has repeatedly (twice today) made public inuendos concerning me, to the extent of stealing technology. This has gone far enough. I will no longer respond to any posts, articles, PM,s at nuke cops. I also will no longer refrain from answering your inquiries concerning things at NC that I have been privy to. I will not openly attack him nor will I voluntarily post things. But, when asked a question I will answer it if it is needed. Here is the post I am referring to http://nukecops.com/postp120442.html#120442 .
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) | ![]() | Yeah I might still be lurking over there from time to time if it wasn't for that one. Can't say I miss it much other then some of the regular posters (Like Raven) of interesting snippets and hacks. I spose those will become nc copyrighted too. Well I'm just glad their fundraiser was a huge success and the folks over their can now complete a post without getting bounced back to that rediculous message about the donation can. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) by Nukeum66 (Iam@home.now) on Friday, April 23, 2004 @ 19:31:40 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.facebook.com/scott.johnson.66 | |
I think that's called EXTORTION! 8) |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) by sharlein on Saturday, April 24, 2004 @ 16:21:46 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
Hmmmmm... Either their fundraiser didn't work, or I have been banned. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) by Raven on Sunday, April 25, 2004 @ 19:13:06 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
My id has been deactivated too :lol: |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) | ![]() | Well Raven, you must have sliced him deep with that sword of truth for him to unleash the hounds on you like that. I read the post in question earlier in the day, at first I thought 'alright ZX is finally going to post something usefully'. Then his 'look at me! holier than thou!' attitude had to kicked in. What an (Y) he is. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) | ![]() | I used to respect you Raven as a coder and a person, but to make a comment like that about someone you have never spoken to leads me to believe there may be more truth in her post then you would like others to believe. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) by Raven on Friday, April 23, 2004 @ 21:32:02 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
It's an expression, not a reflection. There is much more going on here than what the public knows. So, I can only suggest that you be careful making and/or changing opinions based on what you read. Trust me, you don't even know a tiny fraction of the history. I was helping her way before she ever knew ZX. If you notice, she is very frequently seen attacking anyone who disagrees with Paul. She's his wife. Keep that in mind. Her views are bound to be quite skewed, wouldn't you say? |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) by Raven on Friday, April 23, 2004 @ 21:43:58 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
I have removed the comment. It is a common expression in this area to represent an aggressive woman. But, I can see where it will cause more harm than humor. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) by temptaker on Friday, April 23, 2004 @ 21:56:52 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
Thank you, that was very big of you. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) by temptaker on Friday, April 23, 2004 @ 21:54:19 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
I will say this and be done, I know them both personally. I know more of the history then you have given me credit for. They have never said anything negative about anyone who has commented here to me. They both have actually said good things about you Raven. It is because of them that I found this site. I don't know about frequent attacks, as far as I know, there has only been two times anything said directly to anyone who has commented here, and it was because something was said which wasn't true about Paul in a public venue, I would do the same thing. Actually I guess what I'm doing now could be considered the same thing. I guess my views will now be considered 'quite skewed' because I know them both. You can split hairs anyway you want, the 'expression' was still uncalled for. The fact that you have attempted to defend it instead of removing it or saying sorry actually proves her point more. I'm sorry you are resorting to tactics of trying to color someone's reputation because you didn't like what she said. By doing so you lost a fan in me. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) by Raven on Friday, April 23, 2004 @ 21:59:18 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
Read the comment above yours. Also, yes, you are judging me having not met me, so you are guilty of the same thing you accuse me of. The difference? You don't have all the PM's and emails, etc. that I do that show my side, if you will. And because of that I don't take offense at what you've said. I don't consider your views skewed, just uninformed. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) by sharlein on Saturday, April 24, 2004 @ 16:03:51 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
I think your judgement may be clouded. People cannot be judged by your relationship with them. To do so is pure folly. To set matters straight, I TRUST Raven, but I have lost my trust in Paul. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) by southern on Saturday, April 24, 2004 @ 23:02:32 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
I'll believe Raven over ZX or you any day, buddy. He is one of the few people on the Internet I really respect. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) | ![]() | Well I broke the golden rule and went to see this post. I have to say it appeared confrontational by design to me. It certainly was not what I'd call constructive or enlightening. I've seen other times when people claim copyright over a snippet when the primary function is a default php one. I guess I fail to see it as anything but flame bait. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) by Raven on Sunday, April 25, 2004 @ 19:16:25 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
I knew it was too but you know, after a while you just grow weary of taking it. Anyway, what's said is said. Time to move on. Hopefully there will not need to be any more seting the record straight :) |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) | ![]() | I am really starting to fear for the future of the Nuke community in general. Everyone it appears to be fighting with everyone else. Every time you turn around theres yet another fork being setup. It is to bad that it all has to come to things such as this. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) by Raven on Saturday, April 24, 2004 @ 07:23:09 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
As long as there are those who try to set themselves up as 'god', consider their work to be above everyone else's, believe that they are the only one's who do this or that, and especially attack the character and reputation of others, there will be conflict. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) by sharlein on Saturday, April 24, 2004 @ 16:15:23 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
Don't fear for the future of the community, just support the community. Support all, one or any combination that you choose, but remember, support is far more than a voice. It also entails helping where you can and financial support. Whoever you pick, an extra $5.00 or $10.00 goes a long way. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) | ![]() | I second sixone. It was an ambush of you by NC. The mediocrities are jealous of the real talent- you. |
Re: Permanent Split From Nuke Cops (Score: 1) | ![]() | I just found a script I wrote way back in 2001 to trap the Red Worm hack attempts. It would trap the attempt and would email the Abuse contact and me with all the pertinent information. Now, I never heard of Nuke Cops until early 2003 and never knew Allevon nor his script until mid 2003. So, there is no way that I misappropriated his technology as Paul contends. |