slaytanic_wehrmacht writes:Content Plus 2.2.0 have just been released and is getting better and better with each new release. Prepare to enjoy the amazing new features and new design on the latest and greatest release to date.
* Developed in RavenNuke™ v2.30.00 * 100% XHTML 1.0 transitional compliant (all over the module without exceptions)
* Fixed a bug in PrintPDF function when using Unicode charset that was not displaying any content
* $module_name in administration no longer hardcoded to Content (Now you can change module name without bother)
* More modern appeal for pages and administration.
* Added tags system for pages.
* Added social bookmarking system for pages.
* Redesigned admin menu.
* Speed up and validated admin interface.
* Added summary feature to the main admin interface.
* Users can now change the order of pages.
* CSS almost everywhere (Due to nuke core functionality, these have to be inline/hardcoded).
* New pagination class thanks to vecchio_joe.
* As well as some other security updates and minor bugs fixed
Seeing is believing??? Then point your browser to the Content Section at Slaytanic Scripts. Hurry to download??? Get it while it's hot and DOWNLOAD IT NOW.Travel over to Slaytanic Scripts to get this and others essential addons for PHP-Nuke, RavenNuke™ and other popular derivatives, share your experiences, post your ideas and help this getting even better.Note:
From Raven: We wanted to include this integrated in the very soon to be released RavenNuke™ v2.30.00 but there just wasn't time! Instead, it is being included in the AddOns directory of the RavenNuke™ v2.30.00 upcoming distribution :). And, since it is developed under RavenNuke™, it should work right out of the box. An extra added bonus!
Content Plus 2.2.0 Just Released, Prepare to be Amazed!!!Posted on Monday, October 13, 2008 @ 09:24:25 CDT in Modules |