rino writes:
After a long wait finally we released our latest version called PHPNuke Donkeys76 V2.0.0 (based on PHPNuke v7.6) making many improvements including the principal is the integration of the last version of phpBB3.0.4 Forums. The PHPNuke users are automatically recognized by the phpBB3 Forums! But we see the main components that, remember, are all already pre-installed. To get your site online is not that transfer files, transfer the database and configure your data!
* PHPBB Forum v3.0.4
* Nuke SEO
* Nukeseo_sb
* Shortlink Tegonuke
* NSN Sentinel v2.6.1 IP2Country
* NukeWYSIWYG 2.6.3
* TegoNuke (tm) DynamicTitles 1.1.0
* Antispam comment news
* Form Feedback_Resecured audio captcha
* Ajax block
* Patch Chatserv 3.3
... and much more to discover!
We recommend you read the readme.txt file!
New release *PHPNuke Donkeys76 v2.0.0* now with phpBB3.0.4 integrated!Posted on Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 11:10:20 CDT in Nuke For Donkeys |