webmidas writes:Outshine Solutions feels proud to announce that they have taken initiative to make php nuke CMS SEO friendly, launches SEO packages for php nuke users.
Php Nuke is a content management system that lacks certain SEO features. These packages has been launched to make any php nuke based website more search engine friendly so that they can rank well in search engines.
Featres of php nuke SEO packages:
* Keywords rich urls
* Automatic titles and meta keywords for higher rankings
* XML Site map
* Content Optimization
* SEO friendly redirects
* And many more...
For more details visit Php nuke seo packages at http://outshinesolutions.com/php-nuke/php-nuke-seo.htmlNote:
From Admin: These SEO packages are not free. They range in price from $199 to $499.
Phpnuke SEO packages ReleasedPosted on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 @ 14:09:25 CDT in Announcements |