papamike writes:11-11-2015:
-- Just a few minutes ago I finally opened my site after quite a bit of work. I have forked RavenNuke to create PMC-Nuke. I decided to do this once I heard about RavenCMS. You won't see themes for any version of Nuke that are better than the ones I made for PMC-Nuke. With this fork I changed a lot of things. Here's a small bit of what I've done thus far.
-- Over 20+ years experience and I have never used an editor and don't plan on starting now. So Bootstrap, SASS and {less} well I won't say how I feel about them.
-- 10 new themes and growing. The themes themselves are pure CSS3 gradient. I did add 20x20px button icons to spice it up a bit and some larger graphics at the top of the different modules.
-- I completely revamped the Your Account area, registration and forums. Those areas will look alien to you now.
-- I spent a lot of time on the forums and private message areas. All of the forum files are HTML5 compliant. I stripped out a ton of unnecessary code and left the images for now.
-- There are no graphics in the header logo area just colors, gradients and special fonts over shadows. Also there are no graphics in the themes image folder either. I built the core base of the theme system and now a theme can be designed and finished within an hour.
-- You'll see two fonts (besides the usual ones) throughout all 10 themes, they are, Walkway and UpperEastSide.
-- Security wasn't compromised in any of the PHP files I edited. Also the ones I did edit are HTML5 compliant and I have plans on making the entire package HTML5.
-- LOL I've been open just a few minutes and already have an abuse notification in my email.
-- I closed all options to selecting an instant messenger and replaced it with social media access. I don't think anyone uses IM's anymore do they?
-- Since it is a news site I added 125 of the most popular news sources and blogs. I read through them all of the time. I also have a secure contact form at the bottom of the page where I can get quick contacts from members.
-- I could go on-and-on but I'll quit here. Stop in, become a member and have a look around.
Mike (PapaMike)
PMC-NukePosted on Thursday, November 12, 2015 @ 05:37:17 CST in PHP-Nuke |