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Joined: Jul 30, 2006
Posts: 205
Location: McLean, VA
Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:08 pm |
Specifically site nav bar while in forums, forums nav bar, etc.
Tried style.css, forums.css, subSilver.css, header.html to no avail.
This is latest RavenNuke with 2.0.21 phpBB upgraded with bbtonuke.
Can somebody help?
Thanks, Misha |
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Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:35 am |
Are you using a theme that has its own CSS for forums? |
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Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:51 am |
default fisubice theme. yes, it has forums.css, but this does not help for some reason I changed ALL of 10px and 11px to 12px, this does not work. |

Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:34 pm |
Did you clear your browser cache? |

Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:03 pm |
It's not cache. I found the file. For some reason beyond my understanding, forum font sizes are specified in overall_header.tpl |

Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:29 pm |
Strange...glad you found it. |

Joined: Sep 13, 2005
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Location: Cornfields of Indiana
Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:16 am |
Misha wrote: | It's not cache. I found the file. For some reason beyond my understanding, forum font sizes are specified in overall_header.tpl |
The theme needs to be properly coded. A lot of nukemods themes had css styles hardcoded in the overall_header.tpl. I dunno why. They should have deleted them and made all references to the style.css file.
However, your perserverance prevailed! |

Fri Aug 11, 2006 10:04 am |
yep, I'm extremely persistent and consistent and even boring
and I don't like bad coding - but it probably takes quite a bit of experience to appreciate a good one.... |

Joined: Feb 08, 2005
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Location: USA
Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:48 pm |
Thanks for posting the fix, I had the same problem LOL
But I do have to ask ... rather than changing EVERY single .css, etc, for both the main site AND the forums ... is there perhaps a script that we could put in the root nuke folder that would force font size to default of 12px (specifically for only things currently set at 10px or 11px)? It would be so much easier to make changes to just one file rather than all themes/styles/css/tpl/etc/etc/etc... |
_________________ Bluezzz
~ Stop & smell the roses, while you can! ~ |

Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:39 pm |
actually, there are only two files to change - "\themes\{YOUR THEME}\style\style.css, and the one mentioned earlier. This worked for me  |
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Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:14 pm |
I looked at this a while ago whilst investigating an issue for Susann.
From memory.......
overall_header.tpl has a hard coded style sheet 'to get the site going' in the event there is a problem with the forum template.
The forum template style data is held in the forum style sheet as you have found BUT if you do a little digging, you will also see in the forum admin area some nice buttons relating to styles.
This style admin area will allows you to set specific criteria related to your desired forum style which is then held in the database. Another button then allows you to 'write' this data to the style sheet (if it has the correct read/write permissions).
The drawback (yeah you knew it was going to be too good to be true) is that the whole thing falls over when you use a theme with a custom forum template like fisubice or DeepBlue.
I had actually (as an experiment) seperated the fisubice forum files from the fisubice 'theme' and created a new full forum template (to replace subSilver) so this functionality could be used with fisubice and then we had a forum update so it got put to one side.
I will be looking at it again but not in the imediate future.
However, now I have waffled on, yes, what you have done works equally well. |

Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:31 pm |
I've been changing these (from 10px or 11px to 12px) ... I back up the originals first tho LOL
and if need be overall_header.tpl (as you'd pointed out)
The thing is tho, it IS a bother to do that to every single theme, and I plan to have ALOT of theme choices for my members! So back to my question, can a page be created to force all themes/forums/styles to default to font size of 12px (but ONLY those that are 10 or 11 now, those are the only ones I've changed besides one other that might be 8 or 9)?
I have already run into an issue where changing the font size has made the block title area now not correctly line up (where the font in that area is larger than what is on either side of it) ... any idea where the settings are for top_left & top_right for blocks? The section that holds the text looks right at 12px but the areas before and after are not the right size : o/ |

Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:18 pm |
I'm not sure I would go wth large number of themes all at once. I would rather test them rigorously one by one before introducing them to users. For example, Kaput theme has incorrect link for forums . So, even if you manage to solve fonts script problem (which is not that easy, considering the number of theme designers), you have a bunch of other problems to deal with . Right now I have only default theme available to my users, and do not plan to add any extra any time soon.
Not sure what did you mean by "block title are not correctly line up". Link to the site might make it clear  |

Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:02 pm |
I fixed the block title, it was caused by titles with more than one word so I just made all block titles one word and as short as I could get away with ... looks fine now : o}
As for themes, I'm a theme fiend ... I LOVE this aspect of CMSs where you can change your look at the press of a button. But for what it's worth I am testing each one as I u/l it. I've taken out all the standard ones even ... except the fisubice and DeepBlue ones (and left in subSilver for forums). What I'm doing is changing all the stuff that needs changing for each theme. One item that needed fixing on most of these is that only the left blocks were showing ... I found out how to fix that and now they all look fine. I've only got five themes in at the moment but I plan to have many more. The themes I'm trying to stick with are:
1) Free
2) Must have forums pack
3) Must be able to see all three columns (left/center/right)
So I'm sticking with packaged themes from nukeMods for now ... I do want to learn to make my own themes tho, not sure I'm looking forward to that chore! LOL I then change the logos so they are site friendly, which you can do with these free ones cause they have *resource files* (base graphics you can change). They only require you to leave on their copyright, that's not too much to ask.
I know Jaded makes some lovely themes too ... I've d/l some of hers but I don't know right off if they have matching phpBB themes.
This new site I'm working on will be a christian ministry so I want folks to have a good and impressive choice of themes : o} |