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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:41 pm Reply with quote

ok, i uploaded all of the neccesary files, chmod htaccess, staccess, and ultramode to 777, per the instructions. I edited the config.php accordingly as well. btw, i've installed nuke easily 100 times, on previous sites(maybe slightly exaggerated Wink)

Then i attempt to run: http://mysite.com/INSTALLATION/installSQL.php

the page that appears afterward comes up fine, but with loads of errors:
config.php file found!
'; require_once("../config.php"); $conn = @mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuname,$dbpass); if (!$conn) {rnInstallErr(2); die();} echo 'Successfully connected to '.$dbhost.' as user '.$dbuname.' and assigned password!
'; $db = mysql_select_db($dbname); if (!$db) {rnInstallErr(3); die();} echo 'Database '.$dbname.' found!
'; function rnInstallErr($errNum) { if ($errNum==1) die('It appears that your nuke config.php file is either missing or the permissions are not allowing it to be accessed. Please verify the config.php is in your root folder where your mainfile.php is located and has permissions of at least 644. Then try running the Install script again.'); elseif ($errNum==2) die('I was unable to reach your MySQL server using the MySQL connection settings in your nuke config.php file. The exact error message that your MySQL server reported is '.mysql_error().'.'); elseif ($errNum==3) die('I was able to reach your MySQL server using the MySQL connection settings in your nuke config.php file, but I was unable to reach/locate the database '.$dbname.'. The exact error message that your MySQL server reported is '.mysql_error().'.'); elseif ($errNum==4) die('ERROR! The exact error message that your MySQL server reported is '.mysql_error().'.'); elseif ($errNum==90) die('You have attempted to crack the Installer Script. All pertinent information for this session has been saved and will be reviewed by the System Administrator and appropriate action will be taken.'); elseif ($errNum==91) die('It does not appear that there are any tables to be loaded. Installation stopped.'); elseif ($errNum==80) die('Unable to update AUTHORS table with random password. MySQL server reported: '.mysql_error().'. Installation stopped.'); elseif ($errNum==81) die('Unable to update NukeSentinel(tm) Admin table with random password. MySQL server reported: '.mysql_error().'. Installation stopped.'); } ?>

then just below the footer it looks like this:
0 AND (strlen($_POST['op'])==3 OR strlen($_POST['op'])==4)) { if (in_array($_POST['op'],$validOp)) { $isValidOp = TRUE; } else { rnInstallErr(90); die(); } } if (strlen($_POST['submit'])>0 AND $isValidOp) { if ($_POST['op']=='lct') { $result = mysql_list_tables($dbname); $varname="Tables_in_".$dbname; while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $sql = "DROP TABLE ".$row->$varname; @mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); }; $rnSql = array('rn76CorePL32Sql'=>'rn76_core_pl32.sql'); } elseif ($_POST['op']=='lgt') $rnSql = array('rn76NSNGroupsSql'=>'rn76_nsngroups.sql'); elseif ($_POST['op']=='lns') $rnSql = array('rn76NukeSentinelSql'=>'rn76_sentinel.sql'); elseif ($_POST['op']=='lip') $rnSql = array('rn76IP2Country1Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c1.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country2Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c2.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country3Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c3.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country4Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c4.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country5Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c5.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country6Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c6.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country7Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c7.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country8Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c8.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country9Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c9.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country10Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c10.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country11Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c11.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country12Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c12.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country13Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c13.sql.gz' ); elseif ($_POST['op']=='lip1') $rnSql = array('rn76IP2Country1Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c1.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country2Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c2.sql.gz'); elseif ($_POST['op']=='lip2') $rnSql = array('rn76IP2Country1Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c3.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country2Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c4.sql.gz'); elseif ($_POST['op']=='lip3') $rnSql = array('rn76IP2Country1Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c5.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country2Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c6.sql.gz'); elseif ($_POST['op']=='lip4') $rnSql = array('rn76IP2Country1Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c7.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country2Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c8.sql.gz'); elseif ($_POST['op']=='lip5') $rnSql = array('rn76IP2Country1Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c9.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country2Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c10.sql.gz'); elseif ($_POST['op']=='lip6') $rnSql = array('rn76IP2Country1Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c11.sql.gz', 'rn76IP2Country2Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c12.sql.gz'); elseif ($_POST['op']=='lip7') $rnSql = array('rn76IP2Country1Sql'=>'rn76_ip2c13.sql.gz'); else {rnInstallErr(91); die();} // MysQL dump comment types $comment[0]="#"; $comment[1]="--"; $comment[2]="-- "; $comment[3]="---"; $comment[4]="--- "; $sqlFolder = 'sql/'; $totalCnt = 0; $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $start_time = $mtime; foreach ($rnSql as $key => $value) { $lines = gzfile($sqlFolder.$value); $cnt=0; foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($line=="\n") continue; $cont=FALSE; for ($i=0;$i"; } } function generatePassword ($length = Cool { $password = ""; $possible = "0@123#456$789%BbCc&DdFf*GgHhJjKkMm!NnPpQqRrSsTtVvWwXxYyZz"; $i = 0; while ($i < $length) { $char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1); if (!strstr($password, $char)) { $password .= $char; $i++; } } return $password; } ?>

I apologize if this is EXTREMELY long !! Also i really believe this is sentinal related, because nuke 7.5(un-patched) loads and runs fine. as well as, 7.5 patched, and 7.9 unpatched, heck, even drupal loads up no prob. I have used Ravens versions before, and they ran perfectly, but that was on a different setup.

Any ideas?----Help !!-----Thank You !!

Aapache2.2.3 - MySql - 5.0.24, and PHP 5.1.24

sorry, i just realized, i probably posted this in the wrong section, sorry !!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:54 pm Reply with quote

It sounds like an FTP problem at first glance. Did you use Notepad or Wordpad to edit any files before ftp'ing them to your server?
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:55 pm Reply with quote

Also, RN76 is not certified to run under PHP5,x and MySQL 5.x. There are some backwards incompatiblities with those in other applications and that could be affecting things also.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:07 pm Reply with quote

Raven wrote:
It sounds like an FTP problem at first glance. Did you use Notepad or Wordpad to edit any files before ftp'ing them to your server?

No, php expert editor for any edits, and kate in suse10, i've also tried ftp'ing from windows and linux.

Also, RN76 is not certified to run under PHP5,x and MySQL 5.x. There are some backwards incompatiblities with those in other applications and that could be affecting things also.

Does that mean i'm S.O.L. ?........ Crying or Very sad Wink

thanks for the reply Exclamation Exclamation
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:02 am Reply with quote

The code that's in InstallSQL.php that you are running looks like this:

if (!file_exists($nukeConfigFile)) {rnInstallErr(1); die();}

echo '<b>config.php file found!</b><br />';

The code that you quoted in your initial post shows that there is probably a missing single quote after the echo statement that tells you your config.php file was found. That's why Raven said the indication was that there is an FTP type error. With a missing quote the "echo" would just continue on "dumping" the program code to the screen, as it did.

Perhaps you have a way to look at the code as it exists on your server and verify it. Or maybe it got mangled during the download so each time you upload it it is remaining mangled.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:16 pm Reply with quote


You could very -well be correct, but the only thing is that other versions of nuke load up just fine.(check the bottom of the very first post on this topic). I only get errors when trying to use a distro that has sentinal installed already, or when i try to apply sentinal to a patched version of nuke, via doing the edits myself.

Like Raven said, his distro is not certified for MySql5, and PHP5, perhaps it will be in the future Wink Wink Smile , Sure would give me a bit more peace of mind.

I dunno, im no coder, i just follow the directions given, and hope for the best.....lol, Very Happy

Thanks for the reply
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