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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:05 am Reply with quote

NukeSentinel(tm) 2.4.2pl5 from 7.6 distro pack
Cant access admin.php, it wont accept my user/pass.

Been testing a lot, get 500error and no login when the paths obviously are wrong, when they are correct i get the login, but it wont accept user/pass, and sends me to 401error instead.

been reading a lot around and trying several things, but my problem seems to be different to others out here....

htaccess Path:
Normally: e:\servers\xampp\htdocs\.htaccess

staccess Path:
Normally: e:\servers\xampp\htdocs\.staccess

those seem to be correct, when:
Build CGIAuth file: e:\servers\xampp\htdocs\.staccess
writes the auth login: crypted password

also tried ../htdocs/.staccess, which works also for writnig to .staccess(this is the path that other htaccess files contains in other directorys)....and a lot of others stuff. Xampp htaccess contains the longer E:\serv.. path and is working for xampp contoll access.

i run the testcode to find real path, which also repported e:\servers\xampp\htdocs\.staccess

i have not seen any problems like mine with local file system rapported, starting to wonder that there is something wrong with my server... :/
running xampp 1.5.5 pack on winXP

Since i have access to my own server settings, is it possible to activate Http Auth instead, so i could try that?

EDIT: could this problem come from that i am not running my server on standard 80 port?
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:22 am Reply with quote

In my xaamp test environment, I don't even bother with .htaccess or .staccess. I just deleted them. I'm just using it as a test bed on my home PC for my live site and no security is needed. Do you need them in your situation?

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:51 am Reply with quote

Well, not that much security is needed i guess, i just have an extra computer runnig teamspeak2-, jabber-servers etc ... and thought i would add an site, just for friends....so i dont think i would need much security...but yes, you can access it from outside... i can always disable admin auth... but it is annoying me anyway...that i cant get it to work Very Happy

when i replace nukesite with a simple html-site it works: the user:password in plain text as it is under standard Xampp installation
...something with password crypting?

i am totally lost why the paths show: e:\servers\xampp\htdocs\.staccess (both locally and from outside) since everyone else seems to have a path like /home/xxx/yyy/.staccess

EDIT: maybe i should add: server computer is running behind a router, been testing both locally(http://localhost:xxxx/...), and from outside with same results

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:56 am Reply with quote

Ok...I'm afraid I don't have experience with that enough to help. I did think though that it was not advised to run a real site on the internet with xampp. By default it has every security door wide open (it's really meant for development).

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:12 pm Reply with quote

Yes, by deffault its open, but been changing all to secure in settings, in xampp controll panel(and its behind a router, with only a non standard http port forwarded for apache.)

....exept for PHP, its not running in safe mode, do i need to change that? its just me that is messing around on the server, no other webhosting etc. shouldnt be a problem if noone else can upload scripts?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:49 pm Reply with quote

Ok, now been testing some more.....

edited the password to plain text in .staccess. and its working....
or if it is in crypted form in .staccess i have to use exactly the crypted string as password

so surely i have messed something up with the password in crypted form, just cant figure out what...

EDIT: doesnt seem to mather if i have in NS ACP Admin Auth set to Off or CGIAuth, same result...the password need to be typed exactly as in .staccess in both cases

EDIT2: After some more testing i gave up for now, i decided to switch NS Admin Auth off, and use standard .htaccess files in apache with passwords-file in plain text, since i cant get NS crypted passwords to work anyway.
Is there a big differnce between crypted and the way i did it now? I have the password file in standard ../htdocs/forbidden directory, just copying the .htaccess file to ../forum/admin and root-directory(where protecting admin.php only).
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