SQL query: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `nuke_users`
SQL query: select aid, pwd, radminsuper, radminsuper from nuke_authors where aid='******'
SQL query: SELECT count(eid) FROM nuke_events WHERE (startDate>= '2006-12-29' or endDate>= '2006-12-29') and (categorie in('10', '8', '08', 'y', '3', '03', 'g', '5', '05', 'r', '1', '01', 'b', '9', '09', '6', '06', 'u', '7', '07', 'w', '2', '02', 'c', '4', '04', 'o', '11') AND activ=1)
SQL query: SELECT eid, title, hometext, posteddate, topic, informant, year(startDate), month(startDate), dayofmonth(startDate), hour(startTime), minute(startTime), year(endDate), month(endDate), dayofmonth(endDate), hour(endTime), minute(endTime), alldayevent, categorie FROM nuke_events WHERE (startDate>= '2006-12-29' or endDate>= '2006-12-29') and (categorie in('10', '8', '08', 'y', '3', '03', 'g', '5', '05', 'r', '1', '01', 'b', '9', '09', '6', '06', 'u', '7', '07', 'w', '2', '02', 'c', '4', '04', 'o', '11') AND activ=1) order by startDate asc, endDate asc limit 0, 2
SQL query: SELECT startDate, endDate FROM nuke_events WHERE (((startDate<='2006-12-01') Or (startDate>='2006-12-01' And startDate<='2006-12-31')) AND (endDate>='2006-12-01') AND (categorie in('10', '8', '08', 'y', '3', '03', 'g', '5', '05', 'r', '1', '01', 'b', '9', '09', '6', '06', 'u', '7', '07', 'w', '2', '02', 'c', '4', '04', 'o', '11') AND activ=1)) ORDER BY startDate, endDate