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Hangin' Around

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:26 am Reply with quote

Hello all,

I guess everybody is preparing themselves to receive the new year, so I don't expect that my message be read much. First of all, my best wishes to everyone in the forums.

About several years ago I installed phpnuke for the first time, I cannot remember the first version I used, but it was somewhat old. Since then I've been updating and updating so now my site is very patched.

Sometime ago I installed the last update of Raven Distro 7.6 (2.02.02) and Hitwalker helped me to verify that the installation of Nuke Sentinel was running ok.

Since then I had made some cleaning and some modifications regarding GoogleTap and Wysiwyg Editor. I had 2 installations of Nuke: the patched one that I used from the root directory of the server, and a new file install using the same database. The new install, although is not public, works very good, except it doesn't have GT, Wysiwyg, or most of the custom blocks and modules as the patched one.

The thing is, yesterday I deleted the folder for Sentinel that I had renamed old_sentinel several months ago. After that, my admin.php page just takes me to the root/index.php home page everytime I tried to access it. The other test installation does let me in perfectly, and they're using the same database.

I tried to turn error reporting on but I receive nothing. So I turned on the debuggin in the sql layer and although I don't know if this has anything to do with the redirecting, this is what I get in the left margin just below the administration blocks:


SQL query: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `nuke_users`
SQL query: select aid, pwd, radminsuper, radminsuper from nuke_authors where aid='******'
SQL query: SELECT count(eid) FROM nuke_events WHERE (startDate>= '2006-12-29' or endDate>= '2006-12-29') and (categorie in('10', '8', '08', 'y', '3', '03', 'g', '5', '05', 'r', '1', '01', 'b', '9', '09', '6', '06', 'u', '7', '07', 'w', '2', '02', 'c', '4', '04', 'o', '11') AND activ=1)
SQL query: SELECT eid, title, hometext, posteddate, topic, informant, year(startDate), month(startDate), dayofmonth(startDate), hour(startTime), minute(startTime), year(endDate), month(endDate), dayofmonth(endDate), hour(endTime), minute(endTime), alldayevent, categorie FROM nuke_events WHERE (startDate>= '2006-12-29' or endDate>= '2006-12-29') and (categorie in('10', '8', '08', 'y', '3', '03', 'g', '5', '05', 'r', '1', '01', 'b', '9', '09', '6', '06', 'u', '7', '07', 'w', '2', '02', 'c', '4', '04', 'o', '11') AND activ=1) order by startDate asc, endDate asc limit 0, 2
SQL query: SELECT startDate, endDate FROM nuke_events WHERE (((startDate<='2006-12-01') Or (startDate>='2006-12-01' And startDate<='2006-12-31')) AND (endDate>='2006-12-01') AND (categorie in('10', '8', '08', 'y', '3', '03', 'g', '5', '05', 'r', '1', '01', 'b', '9', '09', '6', '06', 'u', '7', '07', 'w', '2', '02', 'c', '4', '04', 'o', '11') AND activ=1)) ORDER BY startDate, endDate

****** = The admin name

Does anyone care to help me to find out where to look for?

Other errors in the system include that NukeSentinel don't write IPs to .htaccess or Database (it does write admin passwords to .staccess). The files are writable and the writing is turned on in several scripting blocking in the Sentinel Admin panel.

I'm using Nuke Distro 7.6, Nuke Sentinel 2.4.2pl5, and I can't remember wich Chatserv patch I have, I guess if not the latest, the one before that, but I think I have the latest.

I guess is something to do with Sentinel but so far I haven't been lucky to find out what.

Thanks a lot for reading and I hope someone could enlighten me on this regard.

Best regards,

Lalo Márquez
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:22 am Reply with quote

Hi superflash,

This may not be the answer but I had a similar thing happen when I renamed a folder using Dreamweaver.
It asks if you want to update all links that go to say sentinel to old_sentinel and I clicked yes by accident.

This meant I had to go searching through the site changing all instances of old_sentinal back to sentinel.

A quick test to see if this is the problem would be to get a copy of the sentinel folder from your RN76 Distro, rename it old_sentinel upload and see if it fixes the problem.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:51 pm Reply with quote

So I turned on the debuggin in the sql layer and although I don't know if this has anything to do with the redirecting, this is what I get in the left margin just below the administration blocks:

How did you turn on debugging? I didn't know there was a feature to do this.

With regard to your problem, if Hinksta's suggestions don't work you might have to bite the bullet and bring things in synch. There are so many possible combinations of paths in these programs and tables that at some point every patched boat will sink (sorry, my analogy tank is running low today). Were you running sentinel actually from an "old_sentinel" directory? Or did you upgrade to a new sentinel and just leave the old one out there too? You might want to just do a full install of the latest Sentinel and get rid of the old stuff if you can't get it working otherwise.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 1:54 pm Reply with quote

Hi guys, thanks for answering. In the folder includes theres a file named sql_layer.php and in it you may find the following line:


function sql_query($query, $id)

global $dbtype, $sql_debug;
$sql_debug = 0;
if($sql_debug) echo "SQL query: ".str_replace(",",", ",$query)."<BR>";
switch ($dbtype) {

You just turn $sql_debug to "1" and it will supposedly display the errors.

I just did what hinksta suggest, I copied the nukesentinel contents into a old_sentinel directory and I really thought it would work, but I guess I must have done something else on the cleaning because it didn't.

The thing is that I don't use dreameweaver or frontpage or any automatic editor, I made the changes using a simple text editor, and I put all the new 2.02.02 files over the existing installation, so the links should be ok. There must be something else we're missing, perhaps is something very small that's why I can't find it.

My patched boat is taking water!! Laughing
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:23 pm Reply with quote

are you using protector on your website? This is a known issue with protector. If it is, let us know and I can tell you how to fix it.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:47 pm Reply with quote

Hi, Jaded, thanks for answering. I wasn't using Protector. Was the issue with protector something about a blockadmin or something in a table? I read that in a thread here but I didn't have that in that table. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:10 pm Reply with quote

can you provide a link to your website so that we can see that it redirects everyone and not just yourself. Thanks

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm Reply with quote

Sure, the domain is:

http://www.sobrenatural.net/ or http://www.escepticos.net/

But you will be asked the .htaccess password to get to the admin area Sad

I tried using 2 computers and with maxthon, firefox, and ie7. I haven't tried using other admin names, though. I didn't think of that. Should I?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:36 pm Reply with quote

I know this is off track, but we were looking at that sql_layer.php file a while ago because it didn't seem to be used in any of the Nuke modules that are distributed with Ravennuke. It turns out it's only used for older modules that haven't been converted to using the /db.php that's in the db directory. That's why I was curious; I've put a similar hack into a testing version of mysql.php in the /db directory.

Re. your immediate problem one issue is that there's a million places in the Nuke code that redirect you silently back to index.php if some condition isn't met. Like right at the start of mainfile:

if (stristr(htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'mainfile.php')) {

    header('Location: index.php');

Are you sure that it's Sentinel that's redirecting you?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:47 pm Reply with quote

Well, I was sure... now I am not Shocked That might explain why the error appears in the left margin where the blocks are, I might have an unconverted block somewhere there. This is going to be difficult, right?

I guess my best bet is to move everything to a private folder (out of root) and copy a fresh distro there, and start moving just the files that are needed by the site (images, some blocks, etc.). Also, I would also need to install the latest versions of everything (GT, NSN, FCK, Mods, PHPBB, etc.). I'm getting tired just to think about all that Sad

Anything that I could try before just to see if I can escape of all that work?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:04 pm Reply with quote

If you do go the new install route, a lot of the stuff you mention is included in Ravennuke. At least NSN and PHPBB and FCK are and it's all integrated pretty well. Unless there are last minute problems, RN 2.10 will include GT like functionality and the latest and greatest Sentinel and PHPBB 2.22 too. But, like you indicate I would definitely start with a fresh set of folders (nothing in them) and get the core distribution running well, including having Sentinel configured and then add things back one by one so you don't get one problem compounding another.

There will also be a pretty easy upgrade path from 2.02.02 (relatively speaking at least) so if you go that route over the next few days getting to 2.10 should not be a huge chore.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:35 pm Reply with quote

Well, I think that will be on the top of my list of resolutions for 2007. I really was hoping for an easier way, but I was just avoiding the unavoidable. Thanks a lot for your tips, Fkelly, I certanly would be using them when I begin the updating.

What I'm most concern is with the database changes. The files can be replaced easily enough, but if I make a mistake within the db (delete or rename a table), I'm gonna cry.

Thank you again for your help. May you guys have a great new year!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 12:33 am Reply with quote

I have worked on this for a few hours for him. It is finally fixed. I tried many things before ending up needing to replace some of his core files, they had code that was not needed. Then I had to upgrade his Sentinel because something was malfunctioning with it. Then at the end the reason that the admin was redirecting was due to a file in admin/links/links.ephemerids.php.

I have removed that file and all is well. It was ONLY redirecting the admin if you were the superadmin. Regular admins could use the admin page fine. I am too tired to try to figure out why this file was doing this but none the less the issue is fixed. All is well on his site.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:53 am Reply with quote

Nice work jaded.... :clap: Get some rest and enjoy the New Year.... Wave
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 8:03 am Reply with quote

I plan to. Today is my birthday. Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:09 am Reply with quote

Happy birthday, jaded!

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:25 pm Reply with quote

Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wave then..... Laughing
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 8:50 pm Reply with quote

Well done Jaded, Happy Birthday and Happy New Year to you.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 8:57 pm Reply with quote

thank you very much for the kind wishes Guardian, FireATST, and kguske. I appreciate it!
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