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Joined: Jan 03, 2007
Posts: 94

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:03 pm Reply with quote


I am trying to install Raven Nuke 2.10.01 on to my local computer. I have read the info available but my question is what program do I use to read the files in the How To Install directory? They are .php files and so far I have been using just a html text editor to try and read them but I know that wasn't the way it was designed. And yes, this should tell you I am a complete novice at this but have a desire to learn and implement php nuke into my new site.
I have installed xammp onto my local host computer and it is operational. I have opened myphpadmin and have created a new database. From there I am lost, I cannot seem to find the command page where I can give it a user name and password. I know the mistakes I am making are just plain simple mistakes because I am overlooking something, but I would appreciate pointing me in the right direction.
I have xammps installed in C:xammps. In it is phpadmin,mySQL,apache,
I have a folder called C:nukeserver. In it I have uploaded the HTML folder from RavenNuke 2.10.01. This is where I am stuck. I am so close I can smell success, or at least that is what I am hoping that is.....
Thanks in advance,
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:08 pm Reply with quote

phpMyAdmin doesn't set SQL users unless you see the Privileges option. You may have to do some mysql command line options to set that.

To run the .php files, just go to your browser and put in the URL where those files are
My guess its something like http://localhost/HowToInstall/ depending on the paths you've set up

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:32 pm Reply with quote

If you want a good way to view php files you can use notepad++ they have color coding, so it's really easy to decipher code.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:27 pm Reply with quote

For a local XAMPP install, don't even bother creating a user and password for your database. Just use the root and no password ("") in config.php. Then once you get Apache going you can view the files as evaders said, in your browser. Hope that helps.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:30 pm Reply with quote

express wrote:
I have xammps installed in C:xammps. In it is phpadmin,mySQL,apache,
I have a folder called C:nukeserver. In it I have uploaded the HTML folder from RavenNuke 2.10.01. This is where I am stuck. I am so close I can smell success, or at least that is what I am hoping that is.....
Thanks in advance,

Apache under XAMPP is going to serve documents out of its htdocs directory. You need to move the HTML folder from RavenNuke under htdocs.

For example, at home, I have XAMPP under D:\XAMPP. Under there somewhere is an htdocs folder. So I created htdocs\ravennuke and copied the html files there.

Then you can access these files with your browser like: http://localhost/ravennuke

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:07 pm Reply with quote

Thanks fellas for your fast responses! I went back and reset to "root" and no password in the Database. I have xampps installed in C: I found the htdocs folder and made a new folder in there called ravennuke. I then copy and pasted the whole html folder into the ravennuke folder. When I try to view the files in my browser,
I get the following message.

Access forbidden!
You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.

Error 403

I have the xampps control center up and running with apache and mySQL started and running" .
Almost there, I can feel it but what mistake am I making now? It is really bad when a newbie such as myself cannot even get to the HowToInstall file... Embarassed
Thanks again fellas I really appreciate your help!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:24 pm Reply with quote

If the web root folder is C:/xampps/htdocs, then the URL path should be

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:41 pm Reply with quote

C:\ is a local drive on your system, not part of the web path.

Acutally with xampp you should put your file info.php in the folder C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\ravennuke\html\HowToInstall and the correct URL path should be: http://localhost/xampp/ravennuke/html/HowToInstall/info.php

At least that is how it is set up on my system. I had problems on my system setting it up the way you intended to do.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:41 pm Reply with quote

Bingo! Fellas thanks a bunch. At least now I can access the How to files and really begin to screw things up....LOL
But this is exactly where I need to start from. Once I get more experience playing with it on my localhost, I plan on purchasing a hosting plan from Raven. I was referred here because of the top notch help and hosting server plans. Looks like I will not be dissapointed. Thanks for the help!


PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:11 pm Reply with quote

Enjoy! It's addictive!
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:28 am Reply with quote

Sorry may be I missed something, where does the info.php file come from?

If you want to view the how to install files Evaders link should work. Confused
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 5:07 pm Reply with quote

Because that was the file he gave in his example... Evaders example may work, but on my system I got xampp working the way I mentioned, idk if you have set it up before or not.
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