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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:18 am Reply with quote

Hi everyone,

I wondering where I get RavenNuke, what the latest version is and is it free or can i purchase it.

I am running nuke 8.0 but it looks like ravennuke comes with most of the things i've been struggling to add to nuke.8. I'm NEW to this so please excuse my novice questions...lol

For Example, do I install Nuke then install Raven Nuke on top? or is raven nuke a "Stand-Alone" package?

Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:25 am Reply with quote

Welcome. RN is free, and you can download it here in the downloads section.

RN is a complete distribution of PHP-Nuke that has been significantly enhanced, secured and tested. No need to install Nuke first.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:44 pm Reply with quote

Just to add, as was stated in another recent thread, if you don't have an immediate need to change versions you might want to wait for RN 2.20. It's in testing and final tweaks now. We can't give a precise date because it's ready when Raven says it is which is another way of saying it's ready when it's ready. But soon.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:15 pm Reply with quote

Thanks for the info guys...

I might wait and dump my current site and install RN 2.20.

Current site is http://www.edgeofeternity.net

Its a guild wars guild website, but i'm having lots of issues. I got it up and runnin on IIS6. Got the PHP installed... Got the email working, however this is where it gets weird.

1)New user goes to site.
2)User registers
3)User receive's email with link to activate
4)user clicks link and gets logon page
5)username and password are bad

I search for the username (a test user) in the database and the user does not exist.

Not sure where to go from here...

Anyway, thanks for the info about 2.20. And in the meantime if anyone is willing to try and help me, i would greatly appreciate it. Neutral


PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:15 pm Reply with quote

The user name and password are stored in a users_temp table until they are activated. If you set up a test user and go thru the process you described above and look at users_temp before they activate you might be able to diagnose the problem.

That said, I have no familiarity, nor do I wish such, with what might have happened in PHPNUKE 8. Hopefully, PHPnuke 8 is not so screwed up that no new users can register so you may just have an installation issue.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:58 am Reply with quote

Thanks fkelly...

I did not see anyone in the nuke_users_temp or nuke_users tables. I just ran a simple sql command from the sql command line...

select * from nuke.nuke_users_temp -------> returned 0 rows

select * from nuke.nuke_users -------> returned 1 row (Anonymous User)

What is weird is I can create an "Admin" user or superuser i guess you guys call it. I created one of those and that functionality works just fine. So I know the database can be written to.

Here is a question?

What is the relationship between the "Website Users" and the integrated phpbb board users? Are they the same? Are they stored in the same tables?

I have NOT run any scripts or upgrades on the site. I do have a theme but have not installed it yet. No MODS, BLOCKS, or otherwise...

Do i need to run the nuke2bb* (not sure of the exact name) upgrade scripts? Would that have any affect?

Sorry for all the "Newb" questions... I just trying to get my arms around how this stuff works... I do have a great deal of knowledge with respects to MS Products such as Server2003, SQL Server 2000/2005 etc... But i do not have a lot of background with PHP, PHP-NUKE, or MySQL.

Thanks again for helping me out?

If i wanted to install the RN v.2.10 what would I need to do?

(BTW, i could not get the PHP_MYADMIN crap to install... I'm not sure why? It can read, connect to database and then write the config.inc.php file. When I copy it to where it says, i get an error.) So I am using the MySQL command line client to do my querys...

For me this is like going back to the days of DOS and Hardware interrupts trying to get an ISA modem to work on a Cryix chip...lol... Bang Head So many little text files (php) that control everything.

Just reminds me of all the frustration back before PnP was implemented... And i'm not that old... in my early 30's...

Thanks again everyone,

-Enchanted Strike
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:04 am Reply with quote

Yes, the website users are the phpBB users. You would need to install the BBToNuke updates if you aren't running 2.0.22.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:13 am Reply with quote


How do i find out exactly what version of phpBB is included in my nuke install? I am using phpNUKE 8.1.

Also, it looks like these BBToNuke updates are not "Full" patches that include everything in the prior patch.

So if i'm on .20, i would need to install patch .21 AND THEN patch .22, right?


Enchanted Strike

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:38 pm Reply with quote

Getting back to your question about nuke_users, if you look at the temp table right after someone tries to create an account (you should simulate this in a test area so you can control the timing) you should see a record for them in the temp table. Once they are activated the temp record goes away and they go into nuke_users. If that's not happening, then most likely you have a SQL error occurring behind the scenes. And in all likelihood it is because your table structure does not match what the php programs expect. This would be caused by installation issues but I can't address what might have happened with a Nuke 8.0 system. They could have changed the users table and you didn't get the update or something like that.

The admin users (super user) goes in the Nuke authors table and that is separate from Nuke users so that could work fine while your nuke users is fubared.

As to the BB updates, yes you need to run them in sequence.

As to version, it should say it in the footer of the BB page but you can also look in the bbconfig table. There is a version field there.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:24 pm Reply with quote

Ok... here's what i did...

Did the forum ugrade thing (downloaded BBtoNuke2.0.22). My forums were already at 2.0.21.

Copied the files like the instructions said to. Ran the upgrade20-21.php file. NO ERRORS (That I can see).

I go back and everthing seems to be working... UNTIL....


General Error
The Edge of Eternity Forum Index » General Error
General Error

Could not delete stale confirm data


SQL Error : 1146 Table 'nuke.nuke_bbconfirm' doesn't exist

DELETE FROM nuke_bbconfirm WHERE session_id NOT IN ('0c2e2f5f981787cecf7fbe5e38ba0194', '0d2f107f8c038755a5c99d9eb3acd7cb', '1166917e19b2aebbb3df457309a5234a', '11f7a2cbb59ab4c289b208c22632f000', '13e2edcde1f9ba0a1f0e09e615f94c60', '141c3e73d8e9a747ad5cc9e647264296', '17fe03f1744fa94805d925f62585b977', '2ad3412a6d80e9dffb3b9a839fc8a045', '302ea09ba29060857048716443af3bfa', '31acb073959e3e4e6a23ac50f562a929', '31bbdcc4c7078bb6701f1b37266ac94f', '390247130129944ac8990a905b9ffcdf', '3dda6c963d6a59b75666c8a87691c591', '44c096c0ef6d6b2f9f6939ae13732308', '49fb4d073121f93567cbdeabcad88ce6', '4ae2dff3fc93f3a1ed491cbbf3151132', '50689af0480ce3622c4e23805eed1ccb', '5f19b80b76184a28a4e9807cd4df8a0f', '60c00e21d25cd6c3317aca06e635930b', '6b109024c8e9561ba20677c856f2d63d', '6b45ed8ab8ed8efb47e8f6fbbc9fa41c', '6b49b0a69078628fb2909fe9e390d823', '6fb78e99d989712e5c6ea7b79c9f5c4c', '6ffeb2afa4abcfa00b77d4cc475d6fd8', '715b87f0df74013afc5353d459ac53b9', '726e2d562a10a0fae641ea21102d198a', '7b22524a7b740fd3d749212624e7d409', '7db249ce62e15438c319cc5ee9ad9827', '8d01a0fdebdcc6056015911a55cd3e58', '8ea8e840f74a7129e1a032bad395d82e', '92c07cff57ee3cf62662f32bcf5484f1', '93e9d6ae343ef94022e17821de868d63', '9d234a4a9fd0a59766d790da38e22782', 'a86adf795a84138a067e26c4d17ca941', 'aa69dd444fc9b24fe95e56fb179e4a43', 'ad405c32a0de45885e90dbf136349b73', 'adb91dcacb97cb14fbe34b9766ba45bf', 'b7d59d010a65ce2b4e88a2b172e4ed7c', 'b918fe886582a36554afd41aba4d8a6b', 'bb20a65c436a374453205eab956a8e13', 'cf76623a1e2344784304f531758f4b70', 'd506adddf725725bdcf1202df3508293', 'd7e3dd58145f62f55e1c485c1495e3a6', 'daadd03e41f0dcb5921d2f88dabd3c08', 'dc3f6369d428c4c82d18a02cb838c9af', 'e4fca09ce609f53824cc588a6db37434', 'ef7dbed23265d19cf235abad367353d4', 'faff9adce97633882076285e8f8f636e', 'fd4c892e76bbfbfbe40a1768e6772d0d')

Line : 971
File : usercp_register.php

I look in my sql database and sure enough... the table nuke.nuke_bbconfirm is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. I looked at the original sql cmds that come with phpNUKE8.1. There is no reference to any nuke_bbconfirm table and it does not create one anywhere?


Now i wondering what is wrong? Did i download the wrong file?

Here is a link to the file i downloaded...


You can see the error yourself... Go to FORUMS, REGISTER, Pretend like your registering... after the CCOPA thingy... WHAM.... SQL ERROR. BUT>>>
If u use the login on the side, it will go all the way through.... and let u register. So it seems that the error is somewhere in the forums code...


Thanks again for all the help...


I created another test user and YES the user is in the users_temp table (yea...). I guess when i clicked the link in the e-mail it goes to the site and removes the user from that table and puts it into nuke_users? Weird thing is the user is not making it into the nuke_users table...

When i go back into the admin Control Panel, I click the users module. I search for user that i created and it says "USER DOES NOT EXIST".

So, it seems like the user is somewhere BETWEEN nuke_users_temp and nuke_users.

Does that help any?
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:59 pm Reply with quote

Yeah for some reason that I forgot, PHP-Nuke doesn't come with a bbconfirm table. I remember when I ditched PHP-Nuke 7.9 and converted to RavenNuke that it added the bbconfirm table, and I was quite surprised by that.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:23 pm Reply with quote

One last quick question?

Does ravennuke 2.0.10 come with (or can i add) the autothemes module?

autotheme Lite (to be exact... the free one)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:00 pm Reply with quote

I will just try to address the questions that I might know something about. These don't include what Nuke 8.x might have done.

Almost certainly you are hitting a SQL error when Nuke tries to add that temporary user to the permanent users table. What that is: I don't know. You'd have to compare the code in the Your Account module with the table structure. There's a gadzillion fields in the users table so trying to figure out which field in the update PHP code goes with which field in the table can be a grand P.I.T.A. In RN 2.20 we will have an optional SQL errors log which will vastly simplify finding such errors. Not that that is of immediate use to you.

As I write this Autothemes is in RN 2.20 which will be release "soon". It is not in 2.10.01.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:43 pm Reply with quote

Can I add the autothemes module to rn 2.10? or ami going to royally screw something up? I'm not asking HOW to do it, just if it has been done anyone successfully?

Thanks fkelly... I am installing XAMPP right now on a new virtual and will be installing RN 2.10 to start tinkerin'......Ahem.... Learning Embarassed

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:48 am Reply with quote

Raven himself put autothemes into 2.20 so he'd have to address how hard it is to integrate. You could just try it and see, or you could wait. If you want to tinker by trying it on an xampp type set up it shouldn't hurt anything, especially if you have a backup.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:03 pm Reply with quote


Got PART of RN 2.0.10 installed...

during the install (running xxx/INSTALLATION/installSQL.php)

STEP 4 = is giving me the following error:

The exact error message that your MySQL server reported is:
MySQL Error # 4 = BLOB/TEXT column 'cdescription' can't have a default value

STEP1 = Good Install
STEP2 = Good Install
STEP3 = Good Install
STEP5 = Good Install
STEP6 = Good Install

Any ideas?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:12 pm Reply with quote

What version of MySQL are you using?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:17 pm Reply with quote


PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:41 pm Reply with quote

This looks to be in the newsletter SQL, I think. The description there is set to default ''. The MYSQL manual says blob and text columns can't have a default value. We'll need Montego to address this. I suspect you have error reporting turned way up in your MYSQL and that it has simply ignored this situation on most other installs. I say that because this has been run 100's if not 1000's of times with no one reporting it.

You could just take the default out of that field in the rn_htmlnewsletter.sql file that's in your INSTALLATION/sql directory as an expedient.

And you were referring to version 2.10.01 no?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:03 pm Reply with quote

Yes...Referring to RN 2.10.01...

Got it working... Just removed the "Default Value" and then used sql query loader to manually run script...

Then went back and finished web config...

Everything is up and running FINE!!!!!! Very Happy

Installed autothemes .87-lite for PHP-NUKE. It installed and runs perfectly...

THANK YOU SO MUCH.... to everyone that has helped me...

BTW... Running on:

Windows Server 2003
PhP 5.2.5
MySQL 5.0.45
and using an internal EXCHANGE Server 2007 for e-mail functionality....

Talk about nuts.... (I think i am...)

You can check out the site at:


I still got a lot of work to do, but.... I'm MILES closer now!

Thanks everyone,

-Enchanted Strike
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:44 pm Reply with quote

I'll take care of that... Thanks!

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:07 am Reply with quote

Fixed in the upcoming 2.20.00 release... Wink
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