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Joined: May 08, 2007
Posts: 130
Wed May 21, 2008 7:50 am |
I am trying to shift my database to new server as its having load problems in present server - in the process of which I am trying to dump the database to my computer first using the Export option in PHP MyAdmin. This i have done once few months back it happened with out problem that time but I did face some restoration problem back then which got solved using Bigdump.
Now this time the backup is getting cutoff various times at various places.
And what is coming at end of the unfinished dump is something like this
INSERT INTO `nuke_bbsearch_wordlist` VALUES (0x7374726174656779, 7329, 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_bbsearch_wordlist` VALUES (0x7479706573, 7330, 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_bbsearch_wordlist` VALUES (0x696e746572657374696e67, 7349, 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_bbsearch_wordlist` VALUES (0x696c6c, 7348, 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_bbsearch_wordlist` VALUES (0x68656172, 7347, 0);
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<!-- PMA-SQL-ERROR -->
</!--> <div class="error"><h1>Error</h1>
<p><strong>SQL query:</strong>
<a href="tbl_properties.php?db=DBNAME&table=nuke_bbsearch_wordmatch&token=d3bff431451ba7540a3902b047c80b0f&sql_query=show+table+status+like+%27nuke_bbsearch_wordmatch%27%3b&show_query=1"><img class="icon" src=" ./themes/original/img/b_edit.png" width="16" height="16" alt="edit" /></a> </p>
<span class="syntax"><span class="syntax_alpha syntax_alpha_reservedword">SHOW</span> <span class="syntax_alpha syntax_alpha_reservedword">TABLE</span> <span class="syntax_alpha syntax_alpha_reservedword">STATUS</span> <span class="syntax_alpha syntax_alpha_reservedword">LIKE</span> <span class="syntax_quote syntax_quote_single">'nuke_bbsearch_wordmatch'</span><span class="syntax_punct syntax_punct_queryend">;</span><br /><br /></span>
<strong>MySQL said: </strong><a href="" target="mysql_doc"><img class="icon" src="./themes/original/img/b_help.png" width="11" height="11" alt="documentation" title="documentation" /></a>
#2006 - MySQL server has gone away
</code><br />
</div><fieldset class="tblfooters"> </></fieldset>
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// updates current settings
if (window.parent.setAll) {
window.parent.setAll('en-utf-8', 'utf8_unicode_ci', '1', 'DBNAME', 'nuke_bbsearch_wordmatch');
// set current db, table and sql query in the querywindow
if (window.parent.refreshNavigation) {
if (window.parent.frame_content) {
// reset content frame name, as querywindow needs to set a unique name
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if ( != 'frame_content') { = 'frame_content';
//window.parent.frame_content.setAttribute('name', 'frame_content');
//window.parent.frame_content.setAttribute('id', 'frame_content');
It some times happening before "wordmatch" sometimes happening somewhere else.
Any idea how to avoid this and get a full back up? I am using "Export" option in PHP MyAdmin as the default backend BackupDB is not backing up data as I guess its over 90MB in size the database.
Settings i have kept for export are..
SQL compatibility mode [NONE]
Enclose table and field names with backquotes [YES]
Maximal length of created query: 50000
Use hexadecimal for binary fields [YES]
Export type: INSERT
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Thanks in advance.. |
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Wed May 21, 2008 11:10 am |
You may have to take a set of tables at a time. I.e., split up your export. This is easily done from phpMyAdmin. |
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Wed May 21, 2008 11:35 am |
Hi I will try that...btw...I came across this link Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! about one software called MySQL Front and have downloaded and installed it. After running it surprisingly it actually dumped the whole data into my PC. And presently I am now having a trial upload of the dumped data at the other server - so far 20 mins have passed and no errors encountered! Its an hours job i guess at current speed.
What i am surprised about is that - I tried to use HeidiSQL a similar software few months back for backing and restoring database and it kept on hanging during Data Export and kept on hitting error while uploading data - which i later exported with PHPMyAdmin and uploaded with BigDump -- so surprisingly this MySQL Front has worked fine for the last one and half hours - contrary to what happened last time when i tried to use a software for same purpose.
I don't know what will be the net result of the operation and whether site will actually run from new database or not - will know shortly i guess.
I am running a trial export import now and will do the main shifting once satisfied..
If this MySQL Front doesn't work I will try to export individual tables as you suggested... |

Wed May 21, 2008 12:22 pm |
Well! The software finished dumping and all data has got uploaded whole 94mb of it! I browsed around the data a bit and it is looking ok.
I guess i now need to run a dummy site from this uploaded database to check whether it actually runs or not! So far so the looks of it.. |
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Wed May 21, 2008 12:42 pm |
You might also see if your server can run a dump (or already does). I think they use the mysqldump program at the server level and aren't bound my the same constraints you are withink PHP. |

Thu May 22, 2008 4:29 am |
Hi good news is that i ran the test site and its running fine so i guess I can go ahead with the main dump and upload with this software. Well i am quite impressed with it's usability - but one has to buy the software after 30 days of usage (After this backup job - looks like a good investment for $30-35 i guess)
Quote: |
You might also see if your server can run a dump (or already does). I think they use the mysqldump program at the server level and aren't bound my the same constraints you are withink PHP. |
I don't know that but I did have a talk with the hosting company and they actually said will help me shift the database! I mean they will do it at their end - actually right now just shifting the data from one server to another - they said they will gladly do that in their backend!
But for future backups is surely need a concrete solution like this Front End program..
Btw...I saw that in the restored test site when i am logged in as a normal user I am being able to post stories and everything but i am not being able to go to "Your Info" page to change personal settings. Its taking me to "account-edituser.html" but with "Your Home" content only...only url is changing but not the content...any ideas? |

Joined: Aug 26, 2007
Posts: 236
Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:51 pm |
For big backup and restores of databases, I use MySQLDumper, which is free. I can't backup my database with phpMyAdmin, due to time out issues, but MySQLDumper manages that. |
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Joined: Aug 28, 2003
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Wed Jun 11, 2008 2:30 pm |
If you have two hosting accounts using WHM/cPanel your host can import the whole site, email, sql the lot with just your username/pass for the account you are transferring from. |

Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:34 am |
Hi I have finally managed to shift the site to the new host altogether...and the main reason for shifting was that my database was getting overflowed by a magnitude of quires which were not optimized. So what i did is tried to upgrade to Nuke 7.6 patched 3.3 from 7.0 after shifting the site to the new server.
Everything went well - the whole up gradation part - till after doing every thing i found a script called upgrade.php in the html root with supporting sql which it is supposed to execute.
What has happened is after executing the script whenever I am trying to go to admin.php or any related admin function the page does not load fully - only few links in the admin menu gets visible and thats its - basically admin backend has become non functional though the front end is working just fine except few hitches (like some previously working java scripts or iframes in the blocks no longer loads).
Any idea what happened? Here is the upgrade script that was there in the patched 3.3 version
title("Correcting username length in db tables");
$result = $db->sql_query("alter table ".$prefix."_stories change informant informant varchar(25) not null default ''");
if (!$result) { echo "Modification one to ".$prefix."_stories failed<br />\n"; } else { echo "Modification one to ".$prefix."_stories performed<br />\n"; }
$result = $db->sql_query("alter table ".$prefix."_stories change aid aid varchar(25) not null default ''");
if (!$result) { echo "Modification two to ".$prefix."_stories failed<br />\n"; } else { echo "Modification two to ".$prefix."_stories performed<br />\n"; }
$result = $db->sql_query("alter table ".$prefix."_autonews change informant informant varchar(25) not null default ''");
if (!$result) { echo "Modification one to ".$prefix."_autonews failed<br />\n"; } else { echo "Modification one to ".$prefix."_autonews performed<br />\n"; }
$result = $db->sql_query("alter table ".$prefix."_autonews change aid aid varchar(25) not null default ''");
if (!$result) { echo "Modification two to ".$prefix."_autonews failed<br />\n"; } else { echo "Modification two to ".$prefix."_autonews performed<br />\n"; }
$result = $db->sql_query("alter table ".$prefix."_reviews change reviewer reviewer varchar(25) default NULL");
if (!$result) { echo "Modification to ".$prefix."_reviews failed<br />\n"; } else { echo "Modification to ".$prefix."_reviews performed<br />\n"; }
$result = $db->sql_query("alter table ".$prefix."_reviews_add change reviewer reviewer varchar(25) not null default ''");
if (!$result) { echo "Modification to ".$prefix."_reviews_add failed<br><br />\n"; } else { echo "Modification to ".$prefix."_reviews_add performed<br><br />\n"; }
$result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_bbsessions ADD COLUMN session_admin tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");
if (!$result) { echo "Modification to ".$prefix."_bbsessions failed<br><br />\n"; } else { echo "Modification to ".$prefix."_bbsessions performed<br><br />\n"; }
$result = $db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_bbconfig SET config_value='.0.17' where config_name='version'");
if (!$result) { echo "Modification to ".$prefix."_bbconfig failed<br><br />\n"; } else { echo "Modification to ".$prefix."_bbconfig performed<br><br />\n"; }
echo "Correction finished, <b>Delete this file now!</b><br><br />\n";
echo "Back to <a href=\"index.php\">website</a>\n";
And the sql database that it executed i guess is this one..
Code:alter table nuke_stories change informant informant varchar(25) not null default '';
alter table nuke_stories change aid aid varchar(25) not null default '';
alter table nuke_autonews change informant informant varchar(25) not null default '';
alter table nuke_autonews change aid aid varchar(25) not null default '';
alter table nuke_reviews change reviewer reviewer varchar(25) default NULL;
alter table nuke_reviews_add change reviewer reviewer varchar(25) not null default '';
alter TABLE nuke_bbsessions ADD COLUMN session_admin tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;
update nuke_bbconfig SET config_value='.0.17' where config_name='version';
I guess this can be a separate issue than the one that I started.
...Thanks for the link I will have a go with it.. |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Apr 30, 2004
Posts: 3221
Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:30 am |
Are there older scripts in your admin folder? I expect that some are not designed to work in 7.6 and higher |
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Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:08 am |
That I do not know! I guess i need to do a side by side analysis or check by modified date or something and may be delete the scripts if they are there..I have uploaded all the files that came with the 7.6 and have also searched and deleted the old sentinel files. Will hunt for older scripts as you suggest.. |

Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:51 am |
I ugraded recently to 7.633 also, but from 7.2, but I got no problem with admin.php at all. Did you ran the upgrade scripts for PHP-Nuke too from 7.1, 7.2 etc up to 7.6? upgrade.php is just a upgrade script for the patch and not for PHP-Nuke. |

Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:37 am |
Well.....I am kinda speechless well! I do not know how it happened - possible scenarios..
a) As I shifted to a new server almost at the same time same day infact ..due to some reason the ftp didnot upload the Admin folder!
No idea how i managed to upgrade the database without the admin folder - but considering i just had to run those 7.0-7.1php etc scripts chances are there it never used the admin folders. In fact when I installed sentinel that also maybe did not use the admin folder!! So it never came into my notice! I guess after i ran upgrade.php it took me somewhere in the admin module and nothing was nowonder visible.
b) Another scenario is may be I got hacked and hacker removed the admin folder .... so i will check all the folders now and see if anything was modified in between!
To sum it up as I said I am speechless! I have just now uploaded the admin folder
Ya the admins working fine now - yet to check all aspects though - one of those crazy moments  |

Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:56 am |
All looks fine now so far except these...
a) One of my left hand side Blocks used carry a rotating banner code in iFrame (I used to put it in the block through phpmyadmin) that block is getting stripped of code and banners are not loading - its breaking up the code.
b) My right hand side blocks are no longer visible - I am using the same theme that was being used in 7.0.
Can these issues be corrected in 7.6 3.3?
And something funny happened - I changed the password for GOD account as a safety precaution and the semtinel blocked me out! I have unblocked the ip again but I was changing it after logging into the admin interface! |

Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:58 am |
Have found the solution to B) its in this forum only Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! as for A) Codes getting stripped... searching the forums.. |

Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:49 am |
Well regarding the solution to problem a) iframes getting stripped...I have found a semi solution as per Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! by adding "iframe"=>2 to the config file but still parts of the code is getting stripped like this..
Code:<iframe id='hju0980' name='hju0980' src='http://adserver.tld/adframe.php?n=hju0980&what=zone:2&target=_blank&refresh=45' framespacing='0' frameborder='no' scrolling='no' width='160' height='600' allowtransparency='true'><a href='http://adserver.tld/adclick.php?n=hju0980' target='_blank'><img src='http://adserver.tld/adview.php?what=zone:2&n=hju0980' border='0' alt=''></a></iframe>
Code:<iframe id 'hju0980' name 'hju0980' src 'http://adserver.tld/adframe.php?n hju0980&what zone:2&target _blank&refresh 45' framespacing '0' frameborder 'no' scrolling 'no' width '160' height '600' allowtransparency><a href 'http://adserver.tld/adclick.php?n hju0980' target><img src 'http://adserver.tld/adview.php?what zone:2&n hju0980' border '0' alt></a></iframe>
Basically the '=' are missing in the final output..any suggestions? |
Last edited by bugsy on Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:51 am; edited 1 time in total |

Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:50 am |
For A), sounds like you would be much better off making this an actual block file. Then it could have whatever code you want and not get "stripped". Take a look at some other files within the blocks directory for example code. |

Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:54 am |
ok...I will try to make it a block file then...thanks.. |

Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:20 am |
Wow montego its working I copy pasted the code in the sample block file .. renamed it and uploaded and activated and its as good as before thanks..
..for interested visitors..this is the solution to that problem..
/* PHP-NUKE: Web Portal System */
/* =========================== */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 2002 by Francisco Burzi */
/* */
/* */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. */
if (eregi("block-Sample_Block.php",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
Header("Location: index.php");
$content = "<iframe id='hju0980' name='hju0980' src='http://adserver.tld/adframe.php?n=hju0980&what=zone:2&target=_blank&refresh=45' framespacing='0' frameborder='no' scrolling='no' width='160' height='600' allowtransparency='true'><a href='http://adserver.tld/adclick.php?n=hju0980' target='_blank'><img src='http://adserver.tld/adview.php?what=zone:2&n=hju0980' border='0' alt=''></a></iframe>";
| saved it as a block |

Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:29 am |
Great job!