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PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:20 pm Reply with quote

I hated the standard 150 pixel image on the side block for ruining the page edge, specialy nasty when using a fixed pagewidt theme like deepblue or positioned on the left. So i tinkered a little.

1: made logo smaller
2: moved number to its own line to compensate for future highnumber width Very Happy
3: removed the eyesore text link at the buttom (nukescript.....) and added the link to the logo.

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is changed to this.


/* NukeSentinel(tm)                                     */
/* By: NukeScripts(tm) (http://www.nukescripts.net)     */
/* Copyright © 2000-2008 by NukeScripts(tm)             */
/* See CREDITS.txt for ALL contributors                 */

if(!defined('NUKE_FILE') && !defined('BLOCK_FILE')) { header("Location: ../index.php"); }
global $db, $prefix, $ab_config;
$total_ips = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query('SELECT * FROM `'.$prefix.'_nsnst_blocked_ips`'));
if(!$total_ips) { $total_ips = 0; }
$content  = '<center><a href="http://www.nukescripts.net" target="_blank"><img src="images/nukesentinel/nukesentinel_small.png" height="19" width="130" alt="'._AB_WARNED.'" title="'._AB_WARNED.'" /></a><br />'._AB_HAVECAUGHT.'<br>'.intval($total_ips).'<br>'._AB_SHAMEFULHACKERS.'</center>'."\n";


if there is a legal problem with the removed tm text say so ! It looks stupid, will disable block then.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:37 pm Reply with quote

You should really leave copyrights etc in place.

The author is the best person to ask, it's not really our place to say.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:31 pm Reply with quote

I would have if it was a copyright, it was only NukeSentinel(tm) that also is in the logo at the top. The TM is a trademark for the the text, so i think there is no legal problems, and btw this is from nukescripts site on sentinel

NukeScripts(tm), Raven's PHP Scripts and NukeResources were all producing scripts that enhanced security. Then we combined efforts and NukeSentinel(tm) was born.

and i was convinced that this was the place to ask the author if he was offended by my change (thought raven and nukescripts worked together and this was the support).
I just looked a bit closer. NukeSentinel is copyright NukeScripts in the block with a notice to check the credits.txt. Now the credits list every part and block except this and ends with.

Actualy, NukeScripts.net is so cleaned that it would be illegal for a company to host/own in my country (or EU?)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:40 pm Reply with quote

benny_tllh wrote:
Actualy, NukeScripts.net is so cleaned that it would be illegal for a company to host/own in my country (or EU?)

Sorry I don't understand what you are trying to say Question

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:43 pm Reply with quote

BTW I never mentioned anything about legal.

I am sure it is fine but Bob, who is the main author and runs Nukescripts, is the best person to comment.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:18 pm Reply with quote

To clarify : Its a consumerprotection law for a Company in Denmark to have easy available and constant updated contact/company info. (maybe for the EU ?)

Sure, if there had been a forum on nuke scripts, or a contact for Bob Marion i would have, but as i said i thought i had seen him and other nukescript guys answering here. (and i only removed 1 of 2 nukesentinel TM)

I said legal and ment use at your own risk, and was kind of a joke it would be a 2 line block to rewrite. Modding actualy gave the oppertunity to give a little credit/link without destroying to much layout.

Like on ravenphpscripts nukesentinel TM 3 times in a 5 line block
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:46 am Reply with quote

benny_tllh wrote:
To clarify : Its a consumerprotection law for a Company in Denmark to have easy available and constant updated contact/company info. (maybe for the EU ?)

Not sure it applies to Open Source/Free software where no warranties are given nor implied...

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:56 pm Reply with quote

Ok that would have been true, if there wasn't the isue with selling banners, bannerscripts.
Buy NukeClients(tm) For $17 you will be able to download NukeClients(tm)

Now im not a IRS lawyer, and don't know your laws. In my country u have to have a vat number to sell and then u are automatic a personal company. And u would hate this, u have to pay tax from recieved gifts and donations even as a private citizen and u would cry if u knew out tax rate. (if not a gov. approved charity)

And remember i wrote consumerprotection law, it is a good thing u will always know who presice u are buying from (to som degree).

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:03 pm Reply with quote

There is a contact form which you can use at Nukescripts.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:46 pm Reply with quote

hehe after this thread that started as a easy fix for a logo that was to wide without just making it smaller (i cut some space, and shrinked it horiz. to make it as vissible as possible to fit in with standard blockdesign) i started to look for contact as i have done before (after he closed forum) i reconsidered the link admin feedback. When i see "Feedback" + Admin etc. i think here is where u contact the person running the site, and prob. not a person deeply involved in content. (that is feedback is not equal to contact). Ok if it was serious like he hosted a hacker script i would have taken anything.

But again i read his and for that matter Ravens as a bussiness site and that make me act. diff than on a "private" site. U would prob. think it strange i have looked more than one time for a contact overlooking Feedback while serching for a "contact bob e-mail" or just a plain contact.

And for the record, people "hiding" make me suspect and not donate/buy. Raven's is a bit diff. with a active forum but still makes me hessitate donate. And another free private page i just used a small script from with personal info and actualy pictures, made me at once think donate and if he can help finetune the script i will donate more.

This made me think of one thing FB made right, he found something to "sell". (removing(c) not good in itself when building on others), As a small company, if i would donate say 100$ it would cost me 300$ because if u donate u dont get invoice and no invoice the donation is private = tax from highest group on 60-70%.

Can bee im the only one thinking this way, holding back as a reaction....who knows.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:03 pm Reply with quote

I don't want to split hairs, but it says Admin Contact on Nukescripts, not feedback. Wink

I think we are probably getting off topic now, but I would be happy to continue this conversation under a different topic. I am sure Raven would be interested on your thoughts on how to get people to donate, as I understand he very rarely hits his monthly goals that help keep this website live.
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