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Joined: Jan 18, 2011
Posts: 86
Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:44 am |
Is it possible to use the Nuke downloads (from RN 2.40.01) in a way such that i do not have to add a download link? I just want to be able to host the files which should be available for download on my webhost.
I don't know if i'm making any sense here, or i don't know if i need Advanced downloads block for it
thanks for your time
best regards,
rrclansite |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:53 am |
What do you want to do instead of adding a link? |
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Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:52 am |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:23 pm |
The "get" button is still a link. I assume you want a button much like that one? |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:47 pm |
Wouldn't that be akin to a directory listing module of some sort? Whereas, instead of adding downloads manually (links)... you'd just upload files and the module would create a list as it's loaded. |
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"You can all go to hell…I’m going to Texas" -Davy Crockett |

Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:16 am |
well the problem i'm having, and i might be just picky here, is that i want to have no third parties involved to host my files (like zShare or something) i just want to upload the files for download to my webhost (since i got like unlimited MB's to use)
And i simply don't know how to do it, perhaps its possible within the current module as it is, but i will need some explaining in how to do it.
I'm currently going with FatCow hosting ( if that's of any help
If you guys could help me out in how to sort it, that would be much appreciated.
P.S. i think killing-hours is thinking in the right direction of my needs, but i don't know if such modules are around?
best regards,
rrclansite |
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Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:21 am |
rrclansite, still not following you. If you wish to use the Download module, you FTP the download archive/file to your server wherever it is publically accessible via a link and then use that link for the Download URL. |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:09 am |

Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:50 am |
Site Admin

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Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:40 pm |
I'll throw my favorite tool in the hat: Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
It's not nice and integrated like nuken's enhanced Download module with uploads, but it has a lot of nice features nonetheless. |
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Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:51 pm |
Nuken thanks for that module you posted
just a few questions:
1. do i need to chmod several things?
2. where can i access the upload feature? (is it perhaps clicking the file link bar? because that's giving me an error saying: incorrect .htaccess file. cannot rewrite it!)
other than that if the upload feature is going to work properly i think this might just be what i'm looking for
best regards,
rrclansite |

Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:43 pm |
That depends on how your server is set up. If your server is not using suexec, you will need to set Downloads2/kcfinder/uploads to 777 as well as the .htaccess to 666. If your server does use suexec, the 755 and 644 will be fine....
Yes, just click the file field and you should see the file/upload browser. |

Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:16 pm |
yep its running suexec...
still i tried it out but it still giving me the error that the .htaccess is not writeable... should i do the .htaccess in the main folder, or the .htaccess in the Downloads/kcfinder/upload folder? (i tried the latter one)
hmmzzz this module is most likely what i'm looking for but if the upload module is not going to work i dunno ...
wish i wasn't this retarded at this kind of stuff
hope to hear from you all soon
best regards,
rrclansite |

Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:24 pm |
Try deleting the htaccess in the uploads directory. It should write the correct on for you. |

Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:31 pm |
still not working...
ill give it a rest for today, ill delete the complete folder and see if re-uploading works.
hope i can count on some more support after this =] |

Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:39 pm |
Look in the modules/Downloads2/kcfinder/config.php and find
Code:'_check4htaccess' => true,
try to change that to
Code:'_check4htaccess' => false,
and see if that fixes it. |

Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:46 pm |
Nuken, you're my hero
that settled it =]
glad to have such wonderous support.
If i ever have the money i will most deffinitively donate something to this site and you guys make sure you get your share out of it =].
my best thanks so far towards:
for being the biggest supports on my errors and failures and helping me out in my hours of need.
Killing-Hours thank you for thinking along in the same lines, that's been great aswell
for those who i didn't mention so far, and perhaps forgot about... thank you aswell
best regards,
rrclansite |

Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:35 am |
one minor last question, if i may be so bold
I noticed that the file upload maximum is 2M (i think this refers to 2MiB?)
is there any way to remove the cap, or increase the cap to say.... 500MiB for instance?
best regards,
rrclansite |

Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:34 am |
That is a php setting on your server. If you want to increase it, you will probably need to contact them and ask if they will change it for you. |

Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:57 am |
ah ok =] will contact my webhost then
thanks for the support, you've been great
best regards,
rrclansite |

Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:51 am |
You could try adding PHP flags to your .htaccess like this:
php_value post_max_size 20971520
php_value upload_max_filesize 20971520
This is for 20MG uploads. This has to go in an .htaccess file in the root of your *nuke site. If putting those in your .htaccess causes you to get a blank white page when you access your site, your host does not allow these to be changed by you. |

Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:36 pm |
erm... i thought i got the Downloads2 module to work, uploader screen loads all proper... but then when i upload the file, it says: unknown error >,<
anyone got any ideas? |

Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:56 pm |
i just can't seem to understand how this stuff works... >,<
so i tried the KCuploader... doesn't work for me giving me the Unknown error thing
when i try to upload it by FTP towards the (KCfinder/files/) folder it gives me an 404 error saying page not found.
Are there any extensions of files which i can't use for uploading? or should i generally .rar them or something???
i have no fricking clue and i'm getting frustrated by this
please help the newb out in his hours of need
best regards,
rrclansite |
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

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Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:20 pm |
hi rrclansite, it is working properly with me, I tested on RavenNuke, on phpnuke 8.1 patch and no problems found. |

Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:11 am |
Turn on your error reporting in config.php. See what kind of error is being generated. |