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Theme Guru
Joined: Jan 11, 2006
Posts: 170
Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:42 pm |
I applaud your efforts in keeping the themes up to date. My suggestion, I think, is a simple one. When someone goes into the "Blocks" and/or the "Modules" to active a block. The "Do you want to Activate this block?" is further down the page. Could that be placed in a colorbox that would pop-up when the activate link is chosen?
Mike |
Former Moderator in Good Standing
Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Posts: 3312
Location: near Albany NY
Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:58 pm |
Thanks. Actually there are some fairly extensive changes to blocks in the testing phase for the next release. From a user perspective, the major one is that a top center block will be available that comes after the message and before the home module. Under the covers extensive changes have been made to filtering to correspond to new standards we are developing.
We had some discussion about the confirmation screens but decided to leave them alone for now. I have to confess that I don't know how colorbox's work. Would that require Javascript to do something when a link is clicked? I am pretty sure there are other "confirmations" in activating, deactivating and deleting blocks and modules and that they don't work consistently through the system. We should probably have a standard approach to this. For instance, require a confirmation if you are doing something that can't be undone easily ... such as deleting a block but not if you are doing something such as an activation or deactivation that can be easily fixed with a couple of mouse clicks if it goes wrong. I'd guess that this is a can of worms we might not want to open for the next release.
If I do have to go into the code for further fixes as a result of testing I will see if there is something simple we can do about the placement of the confirmation to make it more visible. I agree the current arrangement leaves a lot to be desired. |
Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:20 pm |
Hmm, I was sure that I left a response here. Well, here goes again. When a person goes into the admin area and activates a block, the "Do you want to Activate this block?" is down the page and can be missed. Could it be placed in a colorbox that would pop-up and then the person won' miss it?
Please delete another double post. You can tell that I don't know much about forums. |
Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:27 pm |
Not to repeat myself, but if we reopen the code before the next release to fix any bugs I will see if I can do something to make confirmations generally less hit or miss. Going on memory, it is not just the "do you want to activate this block" but several other confirmations that show up scrolled way down the page where they are easy to miss. We should do something systematically to address this.
Haha, this is a bit off topic but to show the way my twisted mind works. I generally hate confirmations. If, as admin, I say that I want something done I just want it done. Yes, I know that in extreme cases I might delete a months work but hopefully I have backups and if I don't then that's just too bad. So, I was thinking that in the ACP in preferences we could have a "confirmation style" area where you could say whether you want confirmations or not. If confirmation is on then when you activate or deactivate or delete something (block, module) or otherwise the program would prompt you with a confirmation screen. (and yes, we could make this more granular with separate styles for activate, deactivate and delete). But then I was wondering whether the ACP screen for setting confirmation styles should have a confirmation screen: "do you really want to set delete confirmations off?". We'll put that off to a future release though, I suspect. |
Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:45 pm |
My thinking is that since the colorbox is already built into the system, once someone clicks to activate the block, the colorbox would pop up with the activate yes or no. Check out Nuken's site, when you click to login a colorbox comes up with the login Username and Password. The color box is called up in a simple manner. <a rel="colorbox" href .....> |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team
Joined: Oct 01, 2010
Posts: 438
Location: Houston, Tx
Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:30 am |
papamike wrote: | When someone goes into the "Blocks" and/or the "Modules" to active a block. The "Do you want to Activate this block?" is further down the page. Could that be placed in a colorbox that would pop-up when the activate link is chosen?
Mike |
I've already finished exactly what you're asking for some time ago. It uses jquery to accomplish this and falls back to the standard way of activating if javascripts is disabled/not supported.
I never got around to doing the blocks management in a similar fashion though... this only works for module management.
Also, I know Palbin was keeping up with the topic at the time... but I don't know if he decided to implement something along this nature in the next release of RN. |
_________________ Money is the measurement of time - Me
"You can all go to hell…I’m going to Texas" -Davy Crockett |
Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:36 pm |
Hello Killing-hours,
I downloaded your mod, but I can't see the animated image. When I go to the admin area and activate a module it does it automatically without asking for permission to do so. Is that the expected result? It does save time and prevents people, like me, from missing the confirmation part. |
Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:43 pm |
Yes... that part is done automatically. I honestly didn't like the idea of a confirmation on that particular part of the administration. It was quicker to just click "Activate" and have it done without being bugged. (just my own preference) |
Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:09 pm |
Mine too. |
Site Admin/Owner
Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:03 pm |
We strive to keep professionalism alive and well in these forums. For the most part we succeed. I think the comments concerning Auto Theme may be unduly harsh. I have been associated with Spidean and Mars in particular for about as long as I can remember. I am not saying that AT may have some issues. It may or may not. But, I have invited Mars to respond to the criticisms that have been mentioned here. There is absolutely to be no flaming. I expect professionalism to be shown by all parties. Let's resolve issues w/o personal attacks or arguing over techniques. Thanks! |
Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:11 am |
I humbly apologize for my poor choice of words and will keep your concerns of professional conduct in mind when I post in the future. |
Joined: Jul 08, 2006
Posts: 123
Location: Bloomsburg,Pennsylvania
Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:02 am |
Thanks Raven! I just want to address the XHTML compliance comments, AutoTheme is more than capable of doing XHTML compliant themes as it is really the themes code that makes the difference and not the engine.
On our test site I just spent about ten minutes correcting some html codes in the articles to make it pass.;ss=1;verbose=1
You can do any compliance type that you want as it is fully configurable right in the administration section for each theme.
Thanks! |
_________________ Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |
Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:22 pm |
@Mars: Great news - Thanks!
@Papamike: My post was not directed at you, per se. It just happened to follow your post . My post was just reminding everyone of our goal in postings . |
Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:44 pm |
That's ok Raven because I have been known to stand and argue with a brick wall. |
Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:22 am |
I am having a compliance issue with the "User Info" block. My website is compliant until I activate the User Info block then I get this:
Line 84, Column 59: document type does not allow element "form" here; missing one of "object", "applet", "map", "iframe", "ins", "del" start-tag
…s.php?name=Your_Account" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="__csrf_magic…
I made an assertive attempt at looking it up but without any success.
On first glance I thought it was maybe a erroneous error and was caused by something in the theme, but after checking that I found no errors there.
Any help on this matter is much appreciated.
Mike |
Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:59 am |
For what it's worth, the user info block has been rewritten for the upcoming RN 2.5. We will retest it for compliance. I can't verify whether there is a problem with the 2.4 version ... just replaced my production system with test files from 2.5 and while I have some compliance issues with the way Gallery2 is implemented I don't see any issues in that versions User Info block.
Someone else here may be able to look at 2.4 user info and see what's going on or we may just want to live with it until 2.5 is out. |
Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:41 pm |
Thanks, I'm not sure what I'll do. I don't really like the block sitting out front but, I do want to know some of the info that's on it though. |
Site Admin
Joined: Aug 29, 2004
Posts: 9457
Location: Arizona
Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:46 am |
papamike, I use the stock User Info block from RN 1.4.1 and it is perfectly valid. Have you by chance made any changes to it? Maybe post the block code you have here for comparison / review. |
_________________ Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |
Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:30 am |
Is version Site Info v2.2.2 the current one?
[Edit] I haven't made any changes to the code. This is the error I get from W3C when the block is turned on.[/Edit]
s.php?name=Your_Account" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="__csrf_magic…
It's a lot of code as you know and it is the standard RN packaged block. This is the code:
/* Setup - Use these settings to control how some of the user info block displays to users/admins. */
$showGuests = false; //Allow/notAllow displaying of guest ip's partial or otherwise.
$showGuestsAdmin = true; //Allow/notAllow displaying of guest ip's partial or otherwise to Admins.
$showServerDateTime = true; //Allow/notAllow displaying of Server Date/Time.
$showServerDateTimeAdmin = true; //Allow/notAllow displaying of Server Date/Time to Admins.
$whoisServerString = '';
$nameMaxLength = 13; //Max length for username display. Will truncate with ....
$showHidden = false; //Allow/notAllow displaying of Hidden counts. false=Admin Only true=ALL
/* You should not need to modify anything below this line */
function convertIP ($xip) {
global $admin;
if (is_admin($admin)) return $xip;
$xipx = explode('.',$xip);
for ($i=2;$i<count($xipx);$i++) {
$xipx[$i] = preg_replace ('/(0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)/', 'x', $xipx[$i]);
return implode('.',$xipx);
$content = '';
if (!isset($lastUserNameModified)) $lastUserNameModified = '';
global $db, $nukeurl, $startdate, $user, $cookie, $prefix, $user_prefix, $anonymous, $admin, $gfx_chk;
/*** Not needed with new Captcha
global $mode, $t, $f, $redirect, $random_num, $gfx_chk;
mt_srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);
$maxran = 1000000;
$random_num = mt_rand(0, $maxran);
$datekey = date('F j');
$rcode = hexdec(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $sitekey . $random_num . $datekey));
$code = substr($rcode, 2, 10);
if (count($cookie)<2) $uname='';
else $uname = $cookie[1];
// Get the last user added to the database and the total users, minus anonymous
$sql = 'SELECT username,user_id FROM '.$user_prefix.'_users ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 0,1';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$lastusername = $row['username'];
$lastuser = $row['user_id'];
$numrows = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query('SELECT count(user_id) user_id FROM '.$user_prefix.'_users'));
$numrows = $numrows['user_id'];
$numrows1 = $numrows-1;
$sql = 'SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE s.host_addr, u.user_id, u.username, u.user_allow_viewonline FROM '.$prefix.'_session s,'.$user_prefix.'_users u WHERE s.guest=0 AND u.username=s.uname ORDER BY u.username';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$member_online_num = $db->sql_numrows($result);
$who_online_now = '';
$i = 1;
$hiddenTotal = 0;
while ($member_result = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
if ($i < 10) $zi = "0$i";
else $zi = $i;
if (is_admin($admin)) {
$zi = '<a href="http://'.$whoisServerString.$member_result['host_addr'].'" title="'.$member_result['host_addr'].'" target="_blank">'.$zi.'</a>';
$sessionNameModified = strlen($member_result['username'])<$nameMaxLength?$member_result['username']:substr($member_result['username'],0,$nameMaxLength).'...'; // 2.2.0
$lastUserNameModified = strlen($lastusername)<$nameMaxLength?$lastusername:substr($lastusername,0,$nameMaxLength).'...'; // 2.2.0
if (!$member_result['user_allow_viewonline'] AND !is_admin($admin)) {
elseif (!$member_result['user_allow_viewonline'] AND is_admin($admin)) {
$who_online_now .= $zi.': <a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username='.$member_result['username'].'"><img src="images/blocks/icon_mini_profile.gif" border="0" alt="'._ALT_CHKPROFILE.$member_result['username'].'" title="'._ALT_CHKPROFILE.$member_result['username'].'" /></a> <a href="modules.php?name=Private_Messages&mode=post&u='.$member_result['user_id'].'"><img src="images/blocks/nopm.gif" border="0" alt="'._ALT_SEND.$member_result['username'].'" title="'._ALT_SEND.$member_result['username'].'" /></a> <a title="'._ALT_CHKPROFILE.$member_result['username'].'" href="forums.html?amp;file=profile&mode=viewprofile&u='.$member_result['user_id'].'">'.$sessionNameModified.'</a>'._HIDDEN_ABBREV.'<br />'."\n";
$who_online_now .= ($i != $member_online_num ? ' ' : '');
else {
$who_online_now .= $zi.': <a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username='.$member_result['username'].'"><img src="images/blocks/icon_mini_profile.gif" border="0" alt="'._ALT_CHKPROFILE.$member_result['username'].'" title="'._ALT_CHKPROFILE.$member_result['username'].'" /></a> <a href="modules.php?name=Private_Messages&mode=post&u='.$member_result['user_id'].'"><img src="images/blocks/nopm.gif" border="0" alt="'._ALT_SEND.$member_result['username'].'" title="'._ALT_SEND.$member_result['username'].'" /></a> <a title="'._ALT_CHKPROFILE.$member_result['username'].'" href="forums.html?amp;file=profile&mode=viewprofile&u='.$member_result['user_id'].'">'.$sessionNameModified.'</a><br />'."\n";
$who_online_now .= ($i != $member_online_num ? ' ' : '');
$member_online_num = $member_online_num - $hiddenTotal;
$sql = 'SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE uname, guest FROM '.$prefix.'_session WHERE guest=1';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$guest_online_num = $db->sql_numrows($result);
$gwho_online_now = '';
$gArray = Array();
while ($session = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
// if (isset($session['guest']) and $session['guest'] == 1) {
$gArray[] = convertIP($session['uname']);
// }
for ($j=0;$j<count($gArray);$j++) {
if ($i < 10) $zi = "0$i";
else $zi = $i;
if ($j==0) $gwho_online_now .= '<option selected="selected">'._GUESTIPS_OPTION.'</option>'."\n";
$gwho_online_now .= '<option value="http://'.$whoisServerString.$gArray[$j].'">'.$zi.': '.$gArray[$j].'</option>'."\n";
//Executing SQL For Today and Yesterday
$userCount = 0;
$userCount2 = 0;
$todayDST = date('I',time())*3600; // 2.2.0
$yesterdayDST = date('I',time()-86400)*3600; // 2.2.0
$Today = date('M d, Y',time()-$todayDST); // 2.2.0
$Yesterday = date('M d, Y',time()-86400-$yesterdayDST); // 2.2.0
$sql = 'SELECT user_regdate, COUNT(user_regdate) FROM '.$user_prefix.'_users where user_regdate IN(\''.$Today.'\', \''.$Yesterday.'\') GROUP BY user_regdate LIMIT 0,2';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
if ($row[0]==$Today) $userCount = $row[1];
elseif ($row[0]==$Yesterday) $userCount2 = $row[1];
$who_online_num = $guest_online_num + $member_online_num;
if (is_admin($admin) OR $showHidden) $who_online_num = $who_online_num + $hiddenTotal; // 2.2.0
$sql = 'SELECT username FROM '.$user_prefix.'_users_temp';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$waiting = $db->sql_numrows($result);
$content .= '<form action="modules.php?name=Your_Account" method="post">';
if (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP')) $onlyip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');
elseif (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) $onlyip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
elseif (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED')) $onlyip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED');
elseif (getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR')) $onlyip = getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR');
elseif (getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED')) $onlyip = getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED');
else $onlyip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if (!validIP($onlyip)) $onlyip = ''; // Ensure the IP address is valid
if (is_user($user)) {
$sqlp = 'SELECT user_avatar, user_avatar_type, user_id AS uid, user_posts AS posts FROM '.$user_prefix.'_users WHERE username = \''.$uname.'\'';
$result = $db->sql_query($sqlp);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$posts = $row['posts'];
$uid = $row['uid'];
$user_avatar = $row['user_avatar'];
$user_avatar_type = $row['user_avatar_type']; //Add by Qdog to support different avatar paths
$content .= '<center><b>'._YOURIP.$onlyip.'</b></center>';
if ($result) {
////////////////Add by Qdog to support different avatar paths/////////
////////////////SQL & code modified by Raven for efficiency /////////
$sql = 'SELECT config_name, config_value FROM '.$prefix.'_bbconfig WHERE config_name IN(\'avatar_path\',\'avatar_gallery_path\') LIMIT 0,2';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) {
$board_config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
if ($user_avatar_type == 1) $user_avatar = $board_config['avatar_path'].'/'.$user_avatar;
elseif ($user_avatar_type != 2) $user_avatar = $board_config['avatar_gallery_path'].'/'.$user_avatar;
$content .= '<center><img alt="" src="'.$user_avatar.'" /></center>';
////////////////End Avatar Path Mod/////////////////////////////////////
if ($posts>0) $content .= '<br /><center>'.intval($posts).' post(s)</center>'."\n";
$content .= '<br /><img src="images/blocks/group-4.gif" height="14" width="17" alt="" /> '._BWEL.', <b>'.$uname.'</b><br />'."\n\n";
$content .= '<a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=logout"><img src="images/blocks/arrow-blk.gif" width="17" border="0" alt="" /> '._LOGOUT."</a>\n<hr />\n";
$sql = 'SELECT privmsgs_type pmType, count(privmsgs_type) pmCount'
. ' FROM '.$prefix.'_bbprivmsgs'
. ' WHERE privmsgs_to_userid='.intval($uid).''
. ' AND privmsgs_type IN(0,1,5)'
. ' GROUP BY privmsgs_type'
. ' LIMIT 0 , 3';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$newpms = 0;
$oldpms = 0;
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
if ($row[0]==0) $oldpms += $row[1];
else $newpms += $row[1];
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/email-y.gif" height="10" width="14" alt="" /> <a href="modules.php?name=Private_Messages"><b>'._BPM.'</b></a><br />'."\n";
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/email-r.gif" height="10" width="14" alt="" /> '._BUNREAD.': <b>'.$newpms.'</b><br />'."\n";
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/email-g.gif" height="10" width="14" alt="" /> '._BREAD.': <b>'.$oldpms.'</b><br />'."\n<hr />\n";
} else {
$content .= '<center><b>'._YOURIP.$onlyip.'</b></center><br />';
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/group-4.gif" height="14" width="17" alt="" /> '._BWEL.', <b>'.$anonymous."</b>\n<hr />";
$content .= '<table><tr><td>'._NICKNAME.'</td><td><input type="text" name="username" size="10" maxlength="25" /></td></tr>';
$content .= '<tr><td>'._PASSWORD.'</td><td><input type="password" name="user_password" size="10" maxlength="20" /></td></tr></table>';
[ Base: GFX Code v1.0.0 ]
$content .= security_code(array(2,4,5,7), 'stacked');
[ Base: GFX Code v1.0.0 ]
$content .= '<input type="hidden" name="op" value="login" />';
$content .= '<input type="submit" value="'._LOGIN.'" />'."\n".'<br /><a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=new_user">· '._BREG.'</a><br />';
$content .= '<a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=pass_lost">· '._PASSWORDLOST.'</a><hr />';
if (is_user($user) OR is_admin($admin)) {
$lUNM = !empty($lastUserNameModified) ? '<b>'.$lastUserNameModified.'</b>' : $lastusername; //2.3.0
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/group-2.gif" height="14" width="17" alt="" /> <b><u>'._BMEMP.':</u></b><br />'."\n";
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/ur-moderator.gif" height="14" width="17" alt="" /> '._BLATEST.': <a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username='.$lastusername.'"><img src="images/blocks/icon_mini_profile.gif" border="0" title="'._ALT_CHKPROFILE.$lastusername.'" alt="'._ALT_CHKPROFILE.$lastusername.'" /></a> <a href="forums.html?amp;file=profile&mode=viewprofile&u='.$lastuser.'">'.$lUNM.'</a><br />'."\n"; //
// Code below this line is a result from/of Mantis issue 0001223: UserInfoAddOns Delete user link throws blank page
if (is_admin($admin)) {
$sql = 'SELECT username, user_regdate, user_email, user_website FROM '.$user_prefix.'_users where user_regdate IN (\''.date('M d, Y',time()).'\', \''.date('M d, Y',time()-86400).'\') order by user_regdate DESC, username';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$displayT = $displayY = '<table border="1" align="center">'."\n"
. '<tr class="boxtitle"><td>Name</td><td>URL</td></tr>'."\n";
while ($userinfo = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
if (empty($userinfo['username'])) continue;
if (empty($userinfo['user_website']) OR $userinfo['user_website']=='http://') $userinfo['user_website']=' ';
else $userinfo['user_website'] = '<a href="'.$userinfo['user_website'].'" target="_blank">'.$userinfo['user_website'].'</a>';
if ($userinfo['user_regdate']==date('M d, Y',time())) $displayT .= '<tr><td><a href="mailto:'.$userinfo['user_email'].'" title="Email User '.$userinfo['username'].'"> <b>'.$userinfo['username'].'</b></a></td><td>'.$userinfo['user_website']."</td></tr>\n";
elseif ($userinfo['user_regdate']==date('M d, Y',time()-86400)) $displayY .= '<tr><td><a href="mailto:'.$userinfo['user_email'].'" title="Email User '.$userinfo['username'].'"> <b>'.$userinfo['username'].'</b></a></td><td>'.$userinfo['user_website']."</td></tr>\n";
if (ereg('href', $displayT)) $displayT .= '</table>'; else $displayT = '';
if (ereg('href', $displayY)) $displayY .= '</table>'; else $displayY = '';
$btdLink = _BTD . ': <b>'.$userCount.'</b>';
$bydLink = _BYD . ': <b>'.$userCount2.'</b>';
if ($userCount>0)
$btdLink = '<a href="javascript:hideshow(document.getElementById(\'newToday\'))">'._BTD.'</a>'.': <b>'.$userCount.'</b>'
.'<div id="newToday" style="display: none;">'.$displayT.'</div>';
if ($userCount2>0)
$bydLink = '<a href="javascript:hideshow(document.getElementById(\'newYesterday\'))">'._BYD.'</a>'.': <b>'.$userCount2.'</b>'
.'<div id="newYesterday" style="display: none;">'.$displayY.'</div>';
else {
$btdLink = _BTD;
$bydLink = _BYD;
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/ur-author.gif" height="14" width="17" alt="" /> '.$btdLink.'<br />'."\n";
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/ur-admin.gif" height="14" width="17" alt="" /> '.$bydLink.'<br />'."\n";
// Code above this line is a result from/of Mantis issue 0001223: UserInfoAddOns Delete user link throws blank page
if (is_admin($admin) AND @file_exists('modules/Resend_Email/index.php')) $waitLink = '<a href="modules.php?name=Resend_Email" title="'._TTL_RESENDEMAIL.'">'._WAITLINK.'</a>';
else $waitLink = _WAITLINK;
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/ur-member.gif" height="14" width="17" alt="" /> '.$waitLink.': <b>'.$waiting.'</b><br />'."\n";
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/ur-guest.gif" height="14" width="17" alt="" /> '._BOVER.': <b>'.number_format($numrows1,0).'</b><br />'."\n<hr />\n";
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/group-3.gif" height="14" width="17" alt="" /> <b><u>'._BVISIT.':</u></b>'."\n".'<br />'."\n";
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/ur-anony.gif" height="14" width="17" alt="" /> '._BVIS.': <b>'.$guest_online_num.'</b><br />'."\n";
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/ur-member.gif" height="14" width="17" alt="" /> '._BMEM.': <b>'.$member_online_num.'</b><br />'."\n";
//if (is_user($user) OR is_admin($admin)) {
if (is_admin($admin) OR $showHidden) { // 2.2.0
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/ur-hiddenmember.gif" height="14" width="17" alt="" /> '._HIDDEN.': <b>'.$hiddenTotal.'</b><br />'."\n";
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/ur-registered.gif" height="14" width="17" alt="" /> '._BTT.': <b>'.$who_online_num.'</b><br />'."\n".'<hr noshade="noshade" />'."\n";
if ($member_online_num > 0 OR is_admin($admin)) {
$content .= '<img src="images/blocks/group-1.gif" height="14" width="17" align="middle" alt="" /> <b><u>'._BON.':</u></b><br />'.$who_online_now;
$hr = "\n".'<hr noshade="noshade" />'."\n";
if ($guest_online_num > 0 AND ($showGuests OR ($showGuestsAdmin AND is_admin($admin)))) {
$content .= '<br /><select style="width:140px" name="name1" onchange="gotoURL(this)">'."\n$gwho_online_now\n".'</select>';
$hr = "\n".'<hr noshade="noshade" />'."\n";
$content .= '<hr />';
/* Hits for Today */
$t_time = time()-$todayDST; // 2.2.0
$t_year = date('Y', $t_time);
$t_month = date('n', $t_time);
$t_date = date('j', $t_time);
$result = $db->sql_query('SELECT hits FROM '.$prefix.'_stats_date WHERE year='.$t_year.' AND month='.$t_month.' AND date='.$t_date);
list($today) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
if (is_admin($admin)) {
/* Hits for Yesterday */
$y_time = $t_time - 86400 - $yesterdayDST; // 2.2.0
$y_year = date('Y', $y_time);
$y_month = date('n', $y_time);
$y_date = date('j', $y_time);
$result = $db->sql_query('SELECT hits FROM '.$prefix.'_stats_date WHERE year='.$y_year.' AND month='.$y_month.' AND date='.$y_date);
list($yesterday) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
/* Hits in Total */
$totalhits = 0;
$result = $db->sql_query('SELECT sum(hits) FROM '.$prefix.'_stats_year');
list($totalhits) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$content .= '<center><small>'._WERECEIVED.'</small><br />'."\n";
$content .= '<b>'.number_format($totalhits,0).'</b><br />'."\n";
$content .= '<small>'._PAGESVIEWS.'<br />'.$startdate.'</small></center>';
$content .= '<hr noshade="noshade" />';
$content .= '<center>'._BHITS.' '._BTD.': <b>'.number_format($today,0).'</b><br />';
if (is_admin($admin)) $content .= _BHITS.' '._BYD.': <b>'.number_format($yesterday,0).'</b><br />';
$content .= '</center>';
if ($showServerDateTime OR ($showServerDateTimeAdmin AND is_admin($admin))) {
if (is_user($user) OR is_admin($admin)) {
$content .= '<hr noshade="noshade" />';
$sdt = date('j F Y'."\n".'H:i:s T');
$zone = date('Z')/3600;
if ($zone >= 0) {
$zone = '+'.$zone;
$content .= '<center>'._SERDT.'<br />'.$sdt.' (GMT '.$zone.')</center>';
else {
$hr = "\n".'<hr noshade="noshade" />'."\n";
$content .= $hr;
$content .= '</form>';
***** Edited by Pablin: Add Code Tags |
Last edited by papamike on Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:57 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:35 pm |
It doesn't really affect me. I can run with it or without it. Might help someone else having the same problem though. |
Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:00 am |
I don't understand your edit, Palbin. "Add Code Tags?" |
Site Admin
Joined: Mar 30, 2006
Posts: 2583
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:15 am |
I added the bbcode tags so that you code is in the box, and does not make your post really long. |
_________________ "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. |
Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:01 am |
Oh, I see I learn something new everyday. Thanks! |
Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:19 pm |
papamike, that is definitely the same block of code and it is XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant like the rest of RN 2.4.x. I only see one issue (I'm not logged in as a user) and I think it is being caused by your theme's use of the FONT tag for the blocks. FONT should be stripped out everywhere... Its not the block that is the issue, I believe it may be that the FORM tag comes in-between the theme's FONT tag. Remove the FONT tag in your theme and I think you'll be good. |
Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:42 pm |
Thanks Montego that did the trick! You're a genius. |