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Hangin' Around

Joined: Mar 08, 2011
Posts: 37
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Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:48 pm |
I have my Content showing via RSS on my site in a block. I made a new catagory, in Content, hoping to also have show via RSS in another block. But I haven't seen a way to separate the catagories, as a result both catagories show in one block. Not exactly what I'd like to see. I have seen something similar to this being discussed in this forum from many years ago. The solution then seemed to be to set up a 'Content2'. When I say many years ago, it was back in 05-06 or so, with an older version of RN. I am using the latest, 2.40.0. Is this still the way I need to go about what I need to do? Or has it been incorporated into the newer version? If not, I would like some assistance (pointers) on what needs to be how to copy Content over and rename all pertinent info to reflect Content2 and just how to modify sql for this set up. My site is the one shown in my profile and the block in question is on the right side called 'features'. As can be seen, I would like to show some forklifts for sale in a separate block. Or maybe what I'm trying to do can be done in a better, easier way. As a side note, I would also like for the user to be able to hover over those and see the page, like most of the other blocks on that page allow. But I think I have seen that already discussed and can probably figure that out. As always, any help or points to where this has been discussed, are appreciated. Just don't ban me or I'll truly be lost. Thanks. |
_________________ Life is hard. Concrete is hard. Life is concrete. |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Dec 02, 2006
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Location: Texas, USA
Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:08 am |
In nukeFEED when you create your feed, select Content module, then select Level=category, and for level id use the category id for the desired category. You should now have a feed for just that category. |

Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:07 pm |
Thanks for the assist Spas. After playing with it for most of the day, I still haven't got it. I believe I did as you said, as shown...
I wasn't positive if the last line in the above picture was an example or what I actually needed to use, according to the info icon. I used the info that was high lighted. If that was an example, please tell me how to find the correct info. This may or may not have been my problem, so I will continue with my steps.
I saw this in the feed preview (above pic), which is what I thought I wanted.(?) At this point, am I supposed to put what I see in the address bar (next pic below), into the new block, where it wants the RSS file url? Or is it supposed to be the I tried both and had the same negative results.
I even attempted to look at the block that caused me to start this thread, but it didn't show any RSS feed or url, so I have to display my lack of knowledge in this area. In the past with other RSS feeds, it seems I had to subscribe to them in my google reader and/or do something with feedburner. I stumbled thru that step in the past and somehow it worked. I tried that in this case, but kept getting a message that the url was not a feed, but a website. I used the same two urls as above. Hopefully, I haven't bored you with my mountain of a molehill and can still get the assistance I'm looking for. If you view my site, it shows the feed not found in the block.
I tried to make pics as small as I could and still be useful, please accept my apologies if this post is too big. |

Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:55 pm |
if you are using feedburner you need to register with them (they have some pretty cool widgets and options for free)
they will give you an address for each feed when you register feeds with them (individually) - that is what you put in the feedburner box
or disable feedburner and use as your url when creating the block. You were using the url for the html preview which wont be recognized as a feed
also, nukeFEED uses the Header Text field of Content Plus to generate a preview. If you move some of your content from Page Text to Header Text it will include that in the feed. |

Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:43 am |
Now, I'm getting somewhere. Thanks spasticdonkey, job well done, you know your stuff. I got that fixed and thanks for the header tip, I knew there had to be a reason for the header area. Now any good tips for the footer? BTW, I was already registered with Hopefully, now I won't have to stumble through their process and hope for the best.
I want to add the last step, you left off above, for others, including me, in the future. The last line, in the new nuke feed section, is highlighted on hovering over info icon. You have to add 'nukeseonews' and save. Then look at the preview for that feed and copy the address in address bar and delete the 'html' from the end and add 'rss'. Now use that new address for's box (also used in the new block, if that is where you want the feed to show) to get their name for that feed. Then go back to nukefeed and edit the feed you are making, by removing the 'nukeseonews' and adding what feedburner gave you and save. Is that correct, I hope?
I want to say the assistance I've received here, has been super, above and beyond what you normally get from other help groups. Thanks to Raven, spasticdonkey and everyone here.(' ') |

Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:09 am |
Glad we are making progress
Couple of notes, I use shortlinks so wasn't really familiar with the long url version but I accidentally left off part of the URL
but it seems to be functioning anyway...
When creating a feed, leave the feedburner box empty. "nukeSEO News" is just an example. Once your feed has been created go to feedburner and give them the address of the feed. The address of the feed is used in the subscribe buttons
When you register the feed with feedburner they will give you a new address. Go back to nukeFEED and edit your feed and insert in the feedburner box. |

Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:14 am |
I fixed that rss20. However, I seem to be getting slammed with emails informing me of abuse at my site for forklifts. Email as follows:
Created By: NukeSentinel(tm) 2.6.03
Date & Time: 2011-08-04 08:51:24 MST GMT -0700
Blocked IP: **.**.***.**
User ID: Anonymous (1)
Reason: Abuse-Script
Referer: on site
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:5.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0.1
HTTP Host:
Script Name: /modules.php
Query String: name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=6&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+ForkliftsForSell-KeystoneHeightsOnline+(Forklifts+For+Sale+-+Keystone+Heights+Online)
Get String: name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=6&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed: ForkliftsForSell-KeystoneHeightsOnline (Forklifts For Sale - Keystone Heights Online)
Post String: Not Available
Forwarded For: none
Client IP: none
Remote Address: **.**.***.**
Remote Port: 1991
Request Method: GET
And one friend who went to site was blocked when attempting to click one of the items in forklifts. Any clues? |

Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:55 am |

Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:30 pm |
Nice. Once again, you saved the day. I will add, also, that santy worm is on by default, in my version of nukesentinel (2.6.03), so I had to turn it off. This type of problem may be the reason for other abuse email on other sites I run, which, hopefully, is now fixed.
Thanks spastic donkey. Ravennuke rocks!
It seems it works fine for some, but one friend, who also has a feedburner acct, gets sent to his feedburner page when he clicks on a forklift link. He was saying it may be due to having google acct open in his browser. I ask you, because you have a feedburner acct. Ever heard of that? |

Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:56 pm |
Hmmm, never had that happen... tried out yours while logged into feedburner, with no issues. Your feed looks nice, I almost want to buy a forklift
be sure to check out the cool features under "Publicize" in feedburner. Syndicate to twitter, animated widgets, etc. |

Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:12 pm |
I am just gonna consider this as fixed. Thanks for the good words. I will check out the other neat gadgets there. Once again, thanks for all your help. |