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New Member

Joined: Oct 27, 2011
Posts: 7
Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:45 pm |
i have the lastest RN installed. with only 1 extra module installed. i tried to add a Skype Icon in profile mod, but after the mod didnt work i re-uploaded all the default files that were edited in the mod.
there was a slight SQL addition in the mod. im thinkin this may be part of the issue.
the site as a whole functions fine all except this form. i have also had no problems with new user registrations. at:
when entering new information in the edit profile page.. after clicking submit,
i get the "Your profile has been updated Click Here to return to the Index" message. but when you return to view/edit the profile, i see that no changes were saved. not even the password change will take effect.
1 option on the edit profile works. and that is change avatar.
any idea what file could be in error here? or could it be a DB issue? |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 29, 2004
Posts: 9457
Location: Arizona
Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:09 am |
If the mod made a change to a table and then you backed out the mod, then you needed to also back out the table change. Any idea which table was modded? If so, using phpMyAdmin (or equivalent), post the table structure (NOT data) here so we can compare against the core RN table(s). Please only post the table(s) which were modded. |
_________________ Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:34 am |
this is the sql command used by the installer for the mod.
Code:$sql[] = "ALTER TABLE ".USERS_TABLE." ADD `user_skype` VARCHAR( 255 ) AFTER `user_msnm`";
Field Type Null Default Comments
user_id int(11) No
name varchar(60) No
username varchar(25) No
user_email varchar(255) No
femail varchar(255) No
user_website varchar(255) No
user_avatar varchar(255) No
user_regdate varchar(20) No
user_icq varchar(15) Yes NULL
user_occ varchar(100) Yes NULL
user_from varchar(100) Yes NULL
user_interests varchar(150) No
user_sig varchar(255) Yes NULL
user_viewemail tinyint(2) Yes NULL
user_theme int(3) Yes NULL
user_aim varchar(18) Yes NULL
user_yim varchar(25) Yes NULL
user_msnm varchar(25) Yes NULL
user_skype varchar(255) Yes NULL
user_password varchar(40) No
storynum tinyint(4) No 10
umode varchar(10) No
uorder tinyint(1) No 0
thold tinyint(1) No 0
noscore tinyint(1) No 0
bio tinytext Yes NULL
ublockon tinyint(1) No 0
ublock tinytext Yes NULL
theme varchar(255) No
commentmax int(11) No 4096
counter int(11) No 0
newsletter int(1) No 0
user_posts int(10) No 0
user_attachsig int(2) No 0
user_rank int(10) No 0
user_level int(10) No 1
broadcast tinyint(1) No 1
popmeson tinyint(1) No 0
user_active tinyint(1) Yes 1
user_session_time int(11) No 0
user_session_page smallint(5) No 0
user_lastvisit int(11) No 0
user_timezone tinyint(4) No 10
user_style tinyint(4) Yes NULL
user_lang varchar(255) No english
user_dateformat varchar(14) No D M d, Y g:i a
user_new_privmsg smallint(5) No 0
user_unread_privmsg smallint(5) No 0
user_last_privmsg int(11) No 0
user_emailtime int(11) Yes NULL
user_allowhtml tinyint(1) Yes 1
user_allowbbcode tinyint(1) Yes 1
user_allowsmile tinyint(1) Yes 1
user_allowavatar tinyint(1) No 1
user_allow_pm tinyint(1) No 1
user_allow_viewonline tinyint(1) No 1
user_notify tinyint(1) No 0
user_notify_pm tinyint(1) No 0
user_popup_pm tinyint(1) No 0
user_avatar_type tinyint(4) No 3
user_sig_bbcode_uid varchar(10) Yes NULL
user_actkey varchar(32) Yes NULL
user_newpasswd varchar(32) Yes NULL
points int(10) Yes 0
last_ip varchar(15) No 0
user_login_tries smallint(5) No 0
user_last_login_try int(11) No 0
agreedtos tinyint(1) No 0
lastsitevisit int(11) No 0
im not sure how to copy and paste the table structure to here lol
i actually noticed the form wasnt working after i finished with the mod, but before i replaced the edited files.
i wish it were easier to replace these fields with other options ( aim icq msn )
just found that the information form in the Your_Account module does work
here ( modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=edituser )
but the forums edit user does not
here ( modules .php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=editprofile )
another edit*
when editing a user the forum module admin.( phpBB admin )
( modules/Forums/admin/index.php )
any changes made there do take effect, including the skype mod. |

Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:13 am |
also, i am now seeing this at the top of the forum after submitting the form "function validate_optional_fields(" im not sure if it wasn't there before, or if i just didnt notice it. it appears just on top of the table that is created by story_page.html by the theme. its not an error, it just shows that text. |

Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:35 am |
no changes have been made, but i was just trying to change my avatar, which i thought was working before. but it was just 1 time.
i got this message
"Could not update users table
SQL Error : 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'user_avatar = 'gallery/005.gif', user_avatar_type = 3 WHERE user_id = 2' at line 2" |

Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:30 am |
Yeah, any mod that changes the user table is going to cause problems.
To completely fix this, just remove that one column using phpMyAdmin. Or, you could use the following SQL (again using phpMyAdmin):
ALTER TABLE `nuke_users` DROP `user_skype`
If that was the only field added, then removing it from the table will fix everything else. |

Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:51 pm |
so is it not possible to make this work with the added column?
i pretty much need this skype feature integrated into my site. it seemd the mod had all the necessary files modded and scripts added to make it work, and it does, sorta. lol but only from phpBB admin. i dont understand why it works fine on the admin side. but not the user side. |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
Posts: 6799
Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:23 pm |
Regretably this is one of those difficult situations.....
The forums are a module and should really (IMHO) keep it's data seperate.
Unfortunately it doesn't and it 'shares' some if it's data with the main user table but keeps other data seperate.
Unfortunately the MSN, Skype etc buttons/links are part of that 'seperate data'.
To be honest, someone should just re-write the whole forum thing and get rid of all that Smarty-esque template nonesense while they are at it - but it isn't going to happen.
Where do you need the Skype icons to show?
Maybe there is another way to get you what you need. |

Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:03 pm |
i would like for it to show in the users profile. my gaming clan uses skype as our main form of communications, for group calls and everything, and no body really uses the others. and it is a requirement for being a member of the clan. thats why its so important.
but unfortunately the users profiles is tied in with the forum module, like you said guardian.
heres a link to my profile on my site,
as you can see it does work. but i can only change it through the phpBB admin panel. which seems funny to me because that form and the form on the user level write to the same tables do they not?
and i figured out that the sql error i was getting was caused by an avatar resize mod i put in. without the avatar mod in place, when using the edit user form, i get no errors, it just simply dosnt write the data, but the admin user edit page will! im so confused lol.
thanks for the help guys, your work is very much appreciated. |

Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:21 pm |
All your users should be able to edit that via the Forum->Profile link.
You'll get a pop-up box warning but just click 'continue' to get to the profile editing screen.
The draw back as we already mentioned is that you only see the Skype link when using the Forum user profile.
It might be easy enough to add that bit of extra info to the main users profile (thought they would need to add it via the forums) if that interests you?
I started to do something a while actually; not sure if you can see this page without registering or not, |

Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:26 am |
well that is the problem. the Forum ->Profile does not work.
when i change the values and hit submit it i get "Your profile has been updated Click Here to return to the Index" and no errors, but it dosnt write the data. when i go back, its the same as before. |

Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:59 am |
Ah OK.
Let's do some basic checks first of all before we dive into stuff too deeply.
First, make sure you are looged OUT of your super user account.
When you are logged in as only a normal user, change your theme to RavenIce and try changing your Skype thing.
Then change your theme to Karate and do the same again.
The results of this fairly quick test will determine if the problem is file related - RavenIce has it's own forum files, Karate doesn't and so uses the Forum template files.
If you need help after that, send me a PM with your FTP log-in and whatever your hosting services uses to manage your databases and I'll try and take a look tomorrow for you. |