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Joined: Jun 09, 2007
Posts: 172

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:04 am Reply with quote

Are we able to have more then one module on the home page?

If i put the calendar as a module for the center block, it removes the right blocks and shows fine.
If i then go and put the news module as a center block and show on home it replaces the calendar and only the news block will be there.

would this mean only one module to show on home?

Please note there is a calendar center block, but it is just the small pic of the calendar that is used on the side block. to get the calendar to show full on the center you have to load it as a module and select show on home.

as for news, there are blocks that are new story for the day and old articles but I didnt see one just for news.
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The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:34 pm Reply with quote

Hi gator81

Open your ftp
open modules/GCalendar/index.php

Search for

if (!defined('MODULE_FILE')) {

   die('You can\'t access this file directly...');

Replace with

if (!defined('MODULE_FILE')) die('You can\'t access this file directly...');

$index = 0;
if (!defined('INDEX_FILE')) define('INDEX_FILE', true); // Set to FALSE to hide right blocks
if (defined('INDEX_FILE') AND INDEX_FILE === true) {
   // auto set right blocks for pre patch 3.1 compatibility
   $index = 1;

Note: This is the way we use to hide and show blocks when u activate your module.

Note: Remember blocks depends from modules. I hope this info helps you.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:24 pm Reply with quote

Unicornio: thanks for the input, as that will help also, I guess that lets me choose the size so i can keep a right block or remove it for more room for the center one Smile

How can you put more then one module on the home page?

I have the calendar showing as module and i selected "Put in home"
It also seems if i select another module that i want to also be put in home it replaces the first one.
So it would seem that put in home = 1 or last selected

I am sorry if i am missing something. This has been a very long month for me :/
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:40 am Reply with quote

No, you can put only one module in home. Its an logic thing of the CMS. You can use blocks from other modules in home, too. How do you want manage two modules in home? If you are on the module administration, you don't need this option. You can cklick on a another module and put it home!

Look here on this site and you will found the messages and the forum-center-block over the news module. You have enough things, what you can do - You just have to use only for what it is. Each CMS has its frame and a perfectly tailored solution for you you'll never find. Something cost you either money or a lot of their own time of coding.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:21 am Reply with quote

I probably wouldnt of had these issues if it wasnt for some suggestions. One was to have the calendar show on the home page the same way when you click on it to open in another page. I know there is a center block calendar but it is only a small box instead of the open calendar, it may be a task to see about getting the block to open like the module. Then there are other modules that I would like to use on the first page also but now cannot.
It may be hard to believe but some of the people i have worked with if it is not on the home page they have a very hard time finding anything and just leave.

Joined: Aug 03, 2012
Posts: 61
Location: Rome Italy

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:59 am Reply with quote

You can create many blocks, I can help you, tell me the names of modules
and give me link of your site please
Greetings to all from Marco Wink
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:56 pm Reply with quote

Mistertereus: you dont know what you asking when you say that to me Smile hehe

right now I am looking to make a center calendar block that has the full calendar as if you made the center block like a module.

right now all my work is with a local server untill i have it closer to being done and then I will upload and make it live. If you can right it for local server, or the good old either would be good and I could change it when i make it live.

and thanks, i look forward to your work Smile

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 6:53 am Reply with quote


//MisterStereus blocco GCalendar Home 01-09-2012
if (!defined('BLOCK_FILE')) {Header('Location: ../index.php');die();}
$module_name = "GCalendar";
require_once 'modules/' . $module_name . '/language.php';
require_once 'modules/' . $module_name . '/viewmonth.php';
$y = isset($y) ? $y : 0;
$m = isset($m) ? $m : 0;
ob_start() ;
viewMonth($y, $m) ;
$content = ob_get_contents();

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:07 pm Reply with quote

Misterstereus: sorry it didnt work. The only thing it would do if you had the calendar as a module for the center then it would place the module and the one you wrote to be a block. It was like the block worked just like the module.

If i removed the module and put the block there it would no show no matter what position i put it in.

I am just grasping at ideas, but you might be able to take the block_gcalander_center and edit it to open the full size and still retain just being a block and not a module.


PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:32 pm Reply with quote

Hi gator81:

Remember blocks depends from modules.

After reading your post I think it is impossible to make a block without depending the whole module. This is how CMS works but I have a better idea.

Activate GCalendar and instead of giving permission to register or anonymous just make it visible for ADMIN ONLY. You block will always depend from your calendar module in this case. Otherwise you make a Flash Calendar block which contains all what u need. Shocked

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:07 pm Reply with quote

It seems he does not understand it, that he can't put two modules into one with simply clicks. But i haven't more ideas to explain it better.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:20 pm Reply with quote

unicornio: thank you for trying, I am reading some more information on the sourceforge.net site where the author Brian Neal has addressed questions about the module, that is where I found out how to have it on the home page. I may try to talk with him also and if i find anything I can let you know if there are any changes if you would like.

Neralex: I have never untill i updated to 2.5 every tried to put 2 modules on the home page. Only untill it was asked if it could be done a specific way did i make the attempt and found out that it wouldnt. unicornio just misunderstood my question when i asked, but i am very please as he explained the issue and suggested a positive to get the result. Instead you just say nothing to help you want to just show your intelligence.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:53 am Reply with quote

gator81 wrote:
I have never untill i updated to 2.5 every tried to put 2 modules on the home page.

gator81 wrote:
How can you put more then one module on the home page?

hmmm... Rolling Eyes

gator81 wrote:
Instead you just say nothing to help you want to just show your intelligence.

I think you're going too far here. That you personally attacking me now, although i have responded directly to your question, Sorry, but i can not understand it. I must not help you. I like helping and have tried it also with you, but if something does not work and/or i can not explain it better, then i can not change it. That's just a fact and have nothing to do with you. I have hoped somebody can explain it better, not more.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:12 pm Reply with quote

the very first post
Are we able to have more then one module on the home page?

you let me know
No, you can put only one module in home. Its an logic thing of the CMS.

so i become confused. why is there a block calendar center? it would be a thought that it was a "block" that was configured to load for the center and not conflict as a module, but the block is only a icon that loads the module when clicked on instead of text.
Other people tried to help but my post were confusing it seem for what i was trying to do. I have other programs that loads and runs on a block that is not a module and it lets me show more for the home center page.
so for me to keep news on the home i was going to have to try and see if calendar could be converted to run as a block on the center and look like it does when it is there by itself.
someone else said they missunderstood my question and said why.
but you had to then post what you did
It seems he does not understand it, that he can't put two modules into one with simply clicks. But i haven't more ideas to explain it better.

there was nothing helpfull in that statement, it was you trying to tell someone else about me.
If you dont want to help me then dont post, if you do then thank you as it is a learning process for me. there are times i can accept the short answer, and there are times that a short answer wont work for me because i have seen different methods done to get the same result or the desired result.

So I am sorry for my statement, I lowered myself to the level of your statement.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:14 pm Reply with quote

I accept your apology, but I ithink your are very cunfused and I'll hold back in terms of the help of your problems. Good luck with your modules, block or whatever you mean! Smile

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:24 am Reply with quote

gator81 my block is == module GCalendar you tested it?
if you do more blocks modules can put in home what you want or I not undestend

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:02 am Reply with quote

misterstereus: yes I tested it, because it is reference to a module it uses the same rules of a module posted on the home page.

I did go through the test again and noticed that if i activate gcalender as a module and show on home and activate the block you gave me then it would show two calendars on the home page center. so when i would remove the module from showing and only have the block, it would act like the module and i can not put another module on the home page.
so it would be my "guess" that the only way to get this to work like a block and not reference a module would be to have the gcalendar to work only as a block.
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