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Joined: Aug 22, 2007
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Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:21 am |
Here you can see the using of the both cropped image files. The magic-tags [featured_image] and [image_original] are creating <img>-tags, which can be placed in the 'Extended Text" editor-field where ever you want. If no image was uploaded, then the generic imag will be used.
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I have created a PHP class to load/indentify the both images, which can be used by theme-designers to add the images as design-elements outside of the editor-field.
For example:
php Code:global $getimg;
$identid = $article['sid'];
$related = 'article';
$getimg->value($identid, $related);
return values:
$getimg->img_id = id of the db-entry in the image db-table (primary key)
$getimg->identid = id of the related db-entry, in this case the stories-id (primary key)
$getimg->image_file = path to the original cropped file
$getimg->ogimage_file = path to the cropped file based on the open graph aspect ratio
if ($getimg->img_id != '' && file_exists($getimg->ogimage_file)) {
$search = array('[featured_image]', '[image_original]');
$replace = array(
'<img src="' . $getimg->ogimage_file . '" alt="' . $article['title'] . '">',
'<img src="' . $getimg->image_file . '" alt="' . $article['title'] . '">'
$article['bodytext'] = str_replace($search, $replace, $article['bodytext']);
Edit: Options added incl. language definitions to the Theme-Settings. On this way, it can be set individually for each theme.
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Last edited by neralex on Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:19 am; edited 1 time in total |

Fri Oct 06, 2017 10:44 am |
Note: RavenCMS has a functionality to use different themes with different default-values for the frontend and backend. <3
Hint: I added a function to reset the theme settings with default-values, based on the config-class and using of jQuery and bootstrap modal dialog. This function removes all settings of the used theme from the database and recreate it based on the default-values with the functionality/difference for frontend- and backend-themes.
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Fri Oct 06, 2017 10:52 am |
Theme Guru

Joined: Jan 11, 2006
Posts: 170
Mon Oct 23, 2017 1:20 pm |
Hi guys, I wasn't aware that there was work going on with themes? I went in depth trying to design a responsive theme but found that it is near impossible. I never did find a way to do it without doing away with the blocks and messages. It could be designed by using news stories only. Just saying ... |

Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:04 pm |
Responsive Design with RN25x is not really possible but not impossible. It needs a complete rewrite of the whole CMS. You need a framework like Bootstrap, which is providing an design-grid. But the big bunch of work was the reason to create a new CMS like RavenCMS, which contains all what do you need for a responsive layout.
Here you can find two examples of RN25x, which are rewritten and prepared for bootstrap 3.3.7. But as I said, it needs a huge replacement of all core-files and after that, all older themes will not more work.
With the new theme-system in RavenCMS you have all the possibilities to build themes with different frameworks. Spasticdonkey has made soooo many great changes on RavenCMS, which will help all to convert old themes to the new the system. But before I can give more details about it, I have to recode some older core-modules and after that we have to write it all down in a big wiki.
Keep an eye on - this is the current used framework for RavenCMS. But since some weeks the new version 4.x is coming and I want to prepare RavenCMS also for the new version. The Docs are pretty good and you should learn it easy step by step. I love this framework - it makes so many things easier and you have much more time for the design thing. |

Joined: Jun 16, 2004
Posts: 159
Location: Sweden
Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:36 am |
Great work neralex keep up the good work |

Fri Oct 27, 2017 1:31 pm |
I am curious to see something on RavenCMS do you have any links to the CMS or is it still off the grid. With all of the work that went into RN I'm sure that RavenCMS will be awesome!
I designed a theming system for RN which does all of the things you mentioned about the system for RavenCMS.
Anyhow, keep up the good work!!  |
Hangin' Around

Joined: Feb 21, 2011
Posts: 46
Fri Oct 27, 2017 3:36 pm |
So after reading a lot here ....
R U Guys saying there will be a Ver. 3 ???
I'm a little confused ...
Thanks ! |

Sat Oct 28, 2017 3:35 am |
papamike, The current build is not online because I'm working at the moment locally on it. There are some modules and addons, which have to get some modifications and we have to create many new wiki-entries before we can show it in public.
In respect to your work but please note, all what I had seen on your website about theming/Colorize-system is not familiar with a framework like Bootstrap and this is the core of RavenCMS. Its not a question about building buttons, backgrounds, sliders etc. I mean the design-grid on which the whole design is based. You should really keep an eye on my suggested link.
neo722712, RavenCMS is RN3x and I'm working with kguske on it to get it ready to use. |

Sun Oct 29, 2017 7:46 pm |
neralex wrote: | papamike, The current build is not online because I'm working at the moment locally on it. There are some modules and addons, which have to get some modifications and we have to create many new wiki-entries before we can show it in public.
In respect to your work but please note, all what I had seen on your website about theming/Colorize-system is not familiar with a framework like Bootstrap and this is the core of RavenCMS. Its not a question about building buttons, backgrounds, sliders etc. I mean the design-grid on which the whole design is based. You should really keep an eye on my suggested link.
neo722712, RavenCMS is RN3x and I'm working with kguske on it to get it ready to use. |
My theming utility isn't about bells and whistles or building buttons, backgrounds and/or sliders either. My website only shows what can be done using RavenNuke NOT RavenCMS. Mine is a theming utility for those who want to download and install RN then build their own themes with a minimum amount of fuss.
Will users of RavenCMS be able to build their own themes? Or will they need Bootstrap .. ? |

Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:01 am |
papamike, Bootstrap is an CSS framework with Javascript components which provides an design-grid and responsive features for mobile devices and its the core of the whole RavenCMS. So it would be very helpful to use it. You can create a own theme without the framework but then you will loose the design-grid, all responsive features and many more. At the end it would looks and works like an old RavenNuke. So make it sense to ignore it? You can use also another frameworks like "Foundation", the core-functions of RavenCMS would allow it with some minor changes.
Please take your time again to compare my suggested links above to rovworld and soefm. Maybe you will see, what can be "also" done using RavenNuke. The used theme on the rovworld-website is an highly modified RavenIce theme from the core-package of RN251 based on Bootstrap. The soefm website is using a theme created by myself - also based on Bootstrap. Both installations are RavenNuke 251 and not RavenCMS. |

Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:15 pm |
Oh well, I'm not here to argue the finer points just make comparisons. I'm a boot strap user and have been for some time now. The slider on my page (and I say 'my page' just like Ravens site isn't RavenNuke) is a boot strap product. I visited the sites you linked to and to be fair and truthful, I see no difference in those sites and what my theming system can accomplish. Maybe it's just me because I have been making themes for years and I can tell you that I can make a theme using my system to look anyway I want - that, in-no-way, look like RavenNuke. I can even make the themes that are on the sites you linked to.
Again, just saying not arguing a point. |
Hangin' Around

Joined: Feb 27, 2012
Posts: 30
Tue Oct 31, 2017 4:38 am |
Great to see all this.
Neralex, if you need help in french translation (my domain) in some parts of the work, i'm your man with no problem. |

Tue Oct 31, 2017 4:50 am |
gravutrad, thank you! Cheers.  |
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Joined: Nov 22, 2012
Posts: 6
Sat Nov 04, 2017 10:25 am |
papamike wrote: | Oh well, I'm not here to argue the finer points just make comparisons. I'm a boot strap user and have been for some time now. The slider on my page (and I say 'my page' just like Ravens site isn't RavenNuke) is a boot strap product. I visited the sites you linked to and to be fair and truthful, I see no difference in those sites and what my theming system can accomplish. Maybe it's just me because I have been making themes for years and I can tell you that I can make a theme using my system to look anyway I want - that, in-no-way, look like RavenNuke. I can even make the themes that are on the sites you linked to.
Again, just saying not arguing a point. |
Papamike I think you're putting the final nail on Ravennuke's coffin with those colorized themes. It looks like themes for kiddie clan sites. I no longer use Ravennuke but I still want it to stay alive & well in the future. |

Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:03 pm |
ralphort wrote: | papamike wrote: | Oh well, I'm not here to argue the finer points just make comparisons. I'm a boot strap user and have been for some time now. The slider on my page (and I say 'my page' just like Ravens site isn't RavenNuke) is a boot strap product. I visited the sites you linked to and to be fair and truthful, I see no difference in those sites and what my theming system can accomplish. Maybe it's just me because I have been making themes for years and I can tell you that I can make a theme using my system to look anyway I want - that, in-no-way, look like RavenNuke. I can even make the themes that are on the sites you linked to.
Again, just saying not arguing a point. |
Papamike I think you're putting the final nail on Ravennuke's coffin with those colorized themes. It looks like themes for kiddie clan sites. I no longer use Ravennuke but I still want it to stay alive & well in the future. |
ralphort ... Of course everyone has their own opinion. I don't really know what "kiddie clan sites" are and why that would put a nail in RavenNukes coffin. Actually I don't see what you can base your opinion on. I haven't released Colorize yet. So how do you know what the themes are. In fact using my theming system a theme can be designed in any style. If you're going by my site it is a designers resource so I demonstrate any/all plugins I can find. |

Sat Nov 04, 2017 4:40 pm |
papamike, I guess he means the same as I meant about your buttons, backgrounds etc. For sure, you can do what do you want on your website and if you like it - ok fine. But it has nothing to do with a design-grid or the Bootstrap framework and also nothing with RN3.
We are using all modern website-designs for News, Sports, Banks, TV, Netflix, Facebook, Youtube etc. All of them are using design-grids, they are responsive and all are following a modern way of minimalism. That is the way how new website-templates should be look and work. The massive count of awesome Wordpress themes is that you should looking for - that is what people wants to have on own websites - fresh, modern, responsive without to much overloaded effects.
The time is gone, where you create a complete own css-framework from scratch or typing the whole css-code in the style-atrributes. Big projects using cascadian style sheets built with SCSS/SASS. The amount of work is not comparable - for what? To build own design-grid for each own theme? Why? This is the reason why frameworks exist. At moment the Browser devolopers are working on a build-in css-grid, it exist flex-boxes etc.
Frameworks and grids are helpers to get you focused more on the design itself and exactly this posibility we want give the users of RavenCMS. |
Last edited by neralex on Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:28 pm; edited 3 times in total |

Sat Nov 04, 2017 5:02 pm |
neralex- We could go round-and-round about this and we both would think we are right and nothing and no one could make us change our mind. The fact is that when raven got sick members dropped out of here in droves. And RavenNuke died on the vine but I hung around, like you and kguske trying to revive it. But wanting to revive it is commendable, and I hope you do, it's not for me or anyone else to make assumptions about another persons work. I could pick your work apart but you see I don't do things like that. I work with computers everyday (network engineer) so I do know the way of things as they are on the web.
Enough said ... |

Sat Nov 04, 2017 6:18 pm |
papamike, I tried to explain it for you only from the technical-side. But you make it personal and that is far away from fair. I'm working as web-designer with different fameworks and grids, with people who have a different knowledge, older and younger ones. But what nobody helps is narrow-mindedness or refusing new approaches. Stagnation is the end and that doesn't help anyone. |
Last edited by neralex on Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:15 pm; edited 1 time in total |

Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:25 am |
papamike wrote: | neralex- We could go round-and-round about this and we both would think we are right and nothing and no one could make us change our mind. The fact is that when raven got sick members dropped out of here in droves. And RavenNuke died on the vine but I hung around, like you and kguske trying to revive it. But wanting to revive it is commendable, and I hope you do, it's not for me or anyone else to make assumptions about another persons work. I could pick your work apart but you see I don't do things like that. I work with computers everyday (network engineer) so I do know the way of things as they are on the web.
Enough said ... |
Not sure about that hanging around Papamike. First time I saw your site months ago you've posted on your homepage about "Let's face it, PHP-Nuke is dead." & that... why should you have a website that have sideblocks? PHP-Nuke is obsolete as you said. You actually removed the sideblocks on your Raven then switched to Wordpress for about a week or two. Not sure if it's because you have hard time with Wordpress or just wanna have some relevance that's why you're coming back in complete 360 to Raven but you're taking Raven back to stone age with those themes. Even E107 is now using Bootstrap & phpBB3 is heavy on GRID with their Pages ext. Why not follow Neralex suggestion? |

Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:43 pm |
Let's face it, whoever you are, RavenNuke has withered on the vine because of people like you. You don't use RavenNuke anymore, so why did you come here to cut me down because of the comments I made about your work of Facebook? The sites that neralex linked to are just simply trash and the use of WordPress there really is, well let's just say, not up to par. I have dropped out of the community now because I see the direction that Raven CMS is headed, and that is down the path to total ruination. So anyhow, I'm really going to miss your mighter-than-thou attitude neralex. |

Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:16 pm |
RavenCMS is a complete new approach with the using of modern web-techniques and it was clear since the start of the development years ago. And yes you are right, that will leave defo old ways. If you don't want use - its fine. Wordpress is one of the most used and supported blog-system. The current version is very powerful. The way how you can build own themes, plugins and addons is realy amazing. The developer documentation is brilliant. If we should come a bit closer to this approach with RavenCMS, then we are on the right way. We have a big lead to catch up and I will do my best to achieve that.
But please spare us with your personal attacks, if you can't handle some critics.  |
Last edited by neralex on Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:36 pm; edited 3 times in total |

Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:20 pm |
Subject Matter Expert

Joined: May 15, 2004
Posts: 727
Tue Jan 02, 2018 6:13 am |
neralex wrote: | RavenCMS is a complete new approach with the using of modern web-techniques and it was clear since the start of the development years ago. And yes you are right, that will leave defo old ways. If you don't want use - its fine. We have a big lead to catch up and I will do my best to achieve that. |
Hi neralex i understand you and things just take a lot of time.
I'm currently at the stage of finalizing and releasing Dragonfly CMS v10 and d***, even things i programmed for it in 2012 are now obsolete and getting removed (OpenIDv2 and XRI are obsolete, so "wasted" time).
I know the code is probably different then yours, but if you are interested tak a look at this post for the important things these days: |
_________________ $ mount /dev/spoon /eat/fun auto,overclock 0 1
ERROR: there is no spoon |

Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:31 am |
I will give it a try. Sounds good! |