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RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Nov 07, 2003
Posts: 928

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 4:55 am Reply with quote

Anyone want to be a hero?
This is from bbcode.php
This is what stands between us and PHP7 support.


$tpl = preg_replace('#<!-- BEGIN (.*?) -->(.*?)<!-- END (.*?) -->#', "\n" . '$bbcode_tpls[\'\\1\'] = \'\\2\';', $tpl);

$text = preg_replace('#(script|about|applet|activex|chrome):#is', "\\1:", $text);

$text = preg_replace("/\[quote:$uid=\"(.*?)\"\]/si", $bbcode_tpl['quote_username_open'], $text);

$text = preg_replace("/\[list=([a1]):$uid\]/si", $bbcode_tpl['olist_open'], $text);

$text = preg_replace("/\[color=(\#[0-9A-F]{6}|[a-z]+):$uid\]/si", $bbcode_tpl['color_open'], $text);

$text = preg_replace("/\[size=([1-2]?[0-9]):$uid\]/si", $bbcode_tpl['size_open'], $text);

$text = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $text);

$text = preg_replace("#\[color=(\#[0-9A-F]{6}|[a-z\-]+)\](.*?)\[/color\]#si", "[color=\\1:$uid]\\2[/color:$uid]", $text);

$text = preg_replace("#\[size=([1-2]?[0-9])\](.*?)\[/size\]#si", "[size=\\1:$uid]\\2[/size:$uid]", $text);

$text = preg_replace("#\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]#si", "[b:$uid]\\1[/b:$uid]", $text);

$text = preg_replace("#\[u\](.*?)\[/u\]#si", "[u:$uid]\\1[/u:$uid]", $text);

$text = preg_replace("#\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]#si", "[i:$uid]\\1[/i:$uid]", $text);

$start_tag = preg_replace($open_tag[$start_tag_index], $open_regexp_replace[$start_tag_index], $start_tag);

$between_tags = preg_replace($code_entities_match, $code_entities_replace, $between_tags);

$after_replace = preg_replace("/^ {1}/m", '&nbsp;', $after_replace);

$text = preg_replace('#(script|about|applet|activex|chrome):#is', "\\1:", $text);

$ret = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])([\w]+?://[\w\#$%&~/.\-;:=,?@\[\]+]*)#is", "\\1<a href=\"\\2\" target=\"_blank\">\\2</a>", $ret);

$ret = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])((www|ftp)\.[\w\#$%&~/.\-;:=,?@\[\]+]*)#is", "\\1<a href=\"http://\\2\" target=\"_blank\">\\2</a>", $ret);

$ret = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])([a-z0-9&\-_.]+?)@([\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)*[\w]+)#i", "\\1<a href=\"mailto:\\2@\\3\">\\2@\\3</a>", $ret);

$text = preg_replace("#<!-- BBCode auto-link start --><a href=\"(.*?)\" target=\"_blank\">.*?</a><!-- BBCode auto-link end -->#i", "\\1", $text);

$text = preg_replace("#<!-- BBcode auto-mailto start --><a href=\"mailto:(.*?)\">.*?</a><!-- BBCode auto-mailto end -->#i", "\\1", $text);

$input = preg_replace("/&gt;/i", ">", $input);

$input = preg_replace("/&lt;/i", "<", $input);

$input = preg_replace("/&quot;/i", "\"", $input);

$input = preg_replace("/&amp;/i", "&", $input);

$message = preg_replace($orig, $repl, ' ' . $message . ' ');
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Site Admin

Joined: Aug 22, 2007
Posts: 1775

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 11:34 am Reply with quote

Take care, preg_replace is not the problem in general. The deprecated e-modifier is the cause of the issue! The most usage of preg_replace is working fine.

Edit: Solution found! Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:36 pm Reply with quote

hicuxunicorniobestbuildpc wrote:
Thanks in advance. It is creating lots of errors.

Dawg wrote:
I got it all working except the displaying the messages in the thread itself. I have no doubt that it is the preg_replace function that is screwing it. Other than that....It seems to working as expected.

hicuxunicorniobestbuildpc & Dawg, can you please try this file? This is the bbcode.php from the new RN252 package with all edits and fixes for the Advanced BBCode Box MOD.

Edit: Gist deleted because built a new version.

If you should run in errors, please post the error-messages. Thanks.

Last edited by neralex on Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:31 am; edited 1 time in total 

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:30 am Reply with quote

I tried it.

It did not throw any errors.....but I also did not display any messages in the forum either.

You get the forum....the thread....everything in the message except the message itself. error log was empty.


PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:59 am Reply with quote

Dawg, not sure what do you mean with "messages" - private messsages or the content of a topic?

It works on my local installation in both modules. Did you have edited all needed files? Which theme you are using?

I edited the language-files, bbcode.php and posting.php manually. After that I replaced the tpl-files of subSilver and RavenIce.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 12:03 pm Reply with quote

I will try the tpl files...


PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 1:06 pm Reply with quote

The local paths to the tpl-files of the ABBC_BOXv25 ZIP archive:

\ABBC_BOXv25\RN v2.50 Pre-edited files\modules\Forums\templates\subSilver

\ABBC_BOXv25\RN v2.50 Pre-edited files\themes\RavenIce\forums

PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 4:03 am Reply with quote


It is the content of a topic that I am missing.

I disabled the site....changed my modules/forums? to modules/forums_OLD/ and uploaded the entire Forums folder from the master branch...

Caught an error on line 895....I think I got it right....
From.... $poster_from = ereg_replace(".gif", "", $poster_from);
To.... $poster_from = preg_replace('/.gif/', "", $poster_from);

No other errors in the logs

I tried it on ....
7.1.15-> Nope

I am guessing it is something in bbcode.php


PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 4:22 am Reply with quote

Dawg, I need the complete error-message, not only an part of it. Which files did you updated, which BBCode Box version you are using?

I started an search with "$poster_from" through all files of the github repo and my local installation (where I addd the bbcode box). This is the result. There is nothing like that. Maybe you overrrided files from a older RN-Version?

Hint: You have to move the old forums-folder outside of the module folder, otherwise it will take some parts of the old one. I will repack the BBCode Box Addon today on github with modified instructions.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 3:01 pm Reply with quote

Dawg wrote:
$poster_from = ereg_replace(".gif", "", $poster_from);

I was able to identify this issue. This was from a pre-edited file (modules/Forums/viewtopic.php) of the Advanced BBcode Box package...play it back from the master branch.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 6:41 am Reply with quote

just a test Wink

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:05 am Reply with quote

I tracked down the problem I was having....
line 1190

// Replace naughty words
if (count($orig_word))
$post_subject = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $post_subject);

if ($user_sig != '')
$user_sig = str_replace('\"', '"', substr(@preg_replace('#(\>(((?>([^><]+|(?R)))*)\<))#se', "@preg_replace(\$orig_word, \$replacement_word, '\\0')", '>' . $user_sig . '<'), 1, -1));

$message = str_replace('\"', '"', substr(@preg_replace('#(\>(((?>([^><]+|(?R)))*)\<))#se', "@preg_replace(\$orig_word, \$replacement_word, '\\0')", '>' . $message . '<'), 1, -1));


If I remove this code....It works as expected in php 7.2.3

The same code is in RN-Master on Github.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 7:05 am Reply with quote

Thanks but this has nothing to do with the bbcode box but it would help, then you post the complete error-message and it would help, if you are decribing how I can reproduce it. For example: I got this error after add text in the forum signature. When you show me code snippets without to describe what you got and what you had done, it could be that much more codelines are affected.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:30 am Reply with quote


I was NOT getting any errors. That is what made it hard to find.... I was getting a blank message in the forums. When I looked at a topic thread....each post was complete except for the message and the signature. No errors in the error logs. It just did not exist.

I tracked it to the {postrow.MESSAGE}{postrow.SIGNATURE} in the viewtopic_body.tpl

Those 2 vars are assigned their content in viewtopic.php line 1116.... $message = $postrow[$i]['post_text'];

I echoed it out there so I knew it existed at that point.

Line 1190
// Replace naughty words
turned out to be the one killing it.

// Replace naughty words
if (count($orig_word))
$post_subject = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $post_subject);

if ($user_sig != '')
$user_sig = str_replace('\"', '"', substr(@preg_replace('#(\>(((?>([^><]+|(?R)))*)\<))#se', "@preg_replace(\$orig_word, \$replacement_word, '\\0')", '>' . $user_sig . '<'), 1, -1));

$message = str_replace('\"', '"', substr(@preg_replace('#(\>(((?>([^><]+|(?R)))*)\<))#se', "@preg_replace(\$orig_word, \$replacement_word, '\\0')", '>' . $message . '<'), 1, -1));


Once I removed that section it works as expected. Of coarse it is no longer checking for naughty words in the content or the sig....but it does work.

As soon as I get a chance I will try to come up with some replacement code for that section that will work with 7.2


PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:15 am Reply with quote

Blank page is everytime based on an error and this results in a error-message. Maybe your error-reporting is not set correctly to show ALL errors. I'm working also with php 7.2.3 in wamp.

in rnconfig.php find:

php Code:
$error_reporting = E_ALL^E_NOTICE;

change it to:

php Code:
$error_reporting = E_ALL/*^E_NOTICE*/;

and in config.php find:

php Code:
$display_errors = false;

change it to:

php Code:
$display_errors = true;

Please note: this is only recommended on a local server not for live-usage!

Anyway, I know how to fix this deprecated e-modifier issue.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:02 pm Reply with quote


I was NOT getting a blank page...I was getting a blank $message

I have the error reporting turned on.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:27 pm Reply with quote

I played around with the signatures and the "Word Censoring". I got, as expected, error-messages for the deprecated e-modifier and I guess I found a solution for the viewtopic.php.

php Code:

// Replace naughty words
if (count($orig_word)) {
$post_subject = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $post_subject);
if ($user_sig != '') {
$user_sig = preg_replace_callback(
function ($m1) use ($orig_word, $replacement_word) {
return preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $m1[1]);
$message = preg_replace_callback(
function ($m2) use ($orig_word, $replacement_word) {
return preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $m2[1]);

While the work on this issue and on the rebuilding of the BBcode Box I found more issues in the Forums module, many of them are based in the admin-section. So I made fixes on 12 other files **without the changes for the BBcode Box**.

I rebuilt the BBcode Box in order to let it work in RavenCMS and I'm thinking about to include this MOD completely in current build RN252. But before I will test it and I will provide the MOD as 3rd Party Addon because Spasticdonkey has done a good jop and with this description it helps to customize it.

For all they are trying currently to include the BBcode Box 2.50 - hold on! The new version has some specific changes, e.g. the /mod/ folder ist not more used, its located now in the includes folder, new paths for css/js files, updated css/js files etc.
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 1123

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 7:28 am Reply with quote

Neralex, where is the bbcode.php. I can not find it. Now I discovered my wimpy player is not working. The flash is not showing the music list. This module I won't remove it. I guess I will keep php 5.6 for a while.


//                      Wimpy MP3 Player                       //
//                          v6.0.33e                           //

$wimpyVersion = "v6.0.33e";
$wimpyConfigFile = "wimpyConfigs.xml";
$myWimpySWFfilename = "wimpy.swf";
$wimpy_auth = "wimpy_auth.php";
$media_types = "xml,mp3,m3u,pls";
// If you are using multibyte characters (i.e. Chinese, Korean
// or non-alpha-numeric characters set $useSysCodePage to yes.
// $useSysCodePage = "yes";
$useSysCodePage = "no";
// httpOption
// Allows you to run wimpy in "https" mode;
//$httpOption = "https";
$httpOption = "http";
// blockPHPinfo
// Setting this value to 'Yes' will prevent anyone
// to view your phpinfo() page by adding the correct ?request to the URL.
// viewing the PHP info is only used for troubleshooting first installs.
$blockPHPinfo = "no";
// fileSortOrder
// Controls the sort order of how the files should be listed.
// Can be set to:
//"asc" - sort the files in alphabetically acending order (A-Z)
//"des" - sort the files in alphabetically descenting order (Z-A)
//$fileSortOrder = "des";
$fileSortOrder = "asc";

$myDataSetup = "filename|artist|album|title|track|comments|genre|seconds|filesize|bitrate|visual";
$v110 = false;
$v91 = "/";
if(!@getcwd ()){
$v32['path']['physical'] = str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(__FILE__));
} else {
$v32['path']['physical'] = str_replace("\\", "/", getcwd ());
function f1(&$array, $id, $var){
$v96 = array($var => $id);
$array = array_merge ($array, $v96);
$v64 = FALSE;
$v115 = strtolower (@$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]);
} else {
$v64 = TRUE;
$_REQUEST = array();
$v90 = get_defined_vars();
$v0 = explode("&", $v90['argv'][0]);
$v1 = explode("=", $v0[$i]);
f1($_REQUEST, $v1[1], $v1[0]);
} else {
$v90 = get_defined_vars();
$_REQUEST = $v90;
$v115 = strtolower (@$_REQUEST["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]);
} else {
$v79 = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$v71 = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$v25 = explode("/", $v79);
$myWimpyPHPfilename = array_pop($v25);
$v78 = implode("/", $v25);
$v32['path']['www'] = $httpOption."://".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST'].$v78;
} else {
$v32['path']['www'] = $httpOption."://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$v78;
if($v42 = f6($wimpyConfigFile)){
$v121 = @xml_parser_create('');
@xml_parser_set_option ($v121, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false );
@xml_parse_into_struct($v121, $v42, $v116, $v61);
foreach ($v116 as $k=>$v){
if($v['type'] == "complete"){
kaching!v['tag'] = trim(@$v['value']);
$v112 = true;
} else {
$v112 = false;
$v120 = $v32['path']['www']."/".$myWimpyPHPfilename;
$wimpySwf = $v32['path']['www']."/".$myWimpySWFfilename;
$wimpyApp = $v32['path']['www']."/".$myWimpyPHPfilename;
$tptBkgd = "yes";
$bkgdColor = "000000";
$startDir = "";
$hide_folders = "_notes,goodies,playlister_output,skins,getid3,_private,_private,_vti_bin,_vti_cnf,_vti_pvt,_vti_txt,cgi-bin";
$hide_files = "skin.xml,wimpyConfigs.xml,wimpyAVConfigs.xml,wimpy.swf,wimpyAV.swf,wasp.swf,wimpy_button.swf";
$wimpyHTMLpageTitle = "Wimpy Player";
$getMyid3info = "no";
$ecommerce = "no";
$v45 = 0;
$v44 = 0;
$wimpySkin = "";
$defaultVisualExt = "jpg";
$defaultVisualBaseName = "coverart";
$v65 = "no";
$v66 = "0";
if($ecommerce == "yes"){
$forceDownload = "no";
$displayDownloadButton = "yes";
$getMyid3info = "yes";
if(@$_REQUEST['action'] == "writeJS"){
$v113 = true;
if($v42 = f6($wimpySkin)){
$v122 = @xml_parser_create('');
@xml_parse_into_struct($v122, $v42, $v116, $v61);
$v45 = @$v116[@$v61['BKGD_MAIN'][0]]['attributes']['WIDTH'];
$v44 = @$v116[@$v61['BKGD_MAIN'][0]]['attributes']['HEIGHT'];
} else {
$v113 = false;
} else {
$v113 = false;
if($v45<1 || $v44<1){
$v113 = false;
$v45 = "480";
$v44 = "140";
if($startDir != ""){
$v32['path']['physical'] = $startDir;
$serveMP3 = "yes";
$v32['path']['physical'] = str_replace("\\", "/", $v32['path']['physical']);
$v32['path']['physical'] = str_replace("//", "/", $v32['path']['physical']);
$v89 = "";
function f6($v48){
$v48 = @file("$v48");
return !$v48 ? false : implode('', $v48);
$v23 = array();
$v22 = array();
function f16($v104){
global $startDir,$v91;
return (str_replace($startDir.$v91, "", $v104));
function f0($v85, $v94="no", $v60="no"){
global $fileSortOrder,$wimpyApp,$startDir,$v23,$v22,$hide_files,$getMyid3info,$defaultVisualBaseName,$defaultVisualExt,$v32,$v89,$v91,$v78,$hide_folders,$media_types,$v69,$myDataSetup;
if($v85 == $v32['path']['physical'] || $v94=="yes"){
$v86 = true;
} else {
$v86 = false;
$v6 = array ();
$v12 = array ();
$v16 = array ();
$v15 = array();
$v14 = explode(",",$hide_files);
$v15 = explode(",",$hide_folders);
$v21 = explode(",",$media_types);
$v43 = 0;
$v37 = $v32['path']['www'];
while (false !== ($v48 = @readdir($v58))){
$v52 =($v48);
$ext = explode('.',$v48);
$v72 = strtolower($ext[sizeof($ext)-1]);
if($v48 != '.' && $v48 != '..' && @sizeof($ext)>1 && in_array(strtolower($v72),$v21)){
if($v72 == "xml"){
if(stristr(strtolower($v48), "skin") || stristr(strtolower($v48), "config")){
$v46 = "";
} else {
} else if($v72 == "pls" || $v72 == "m3u"){
} else {
$v12[count($v12)] = ($v48);
} else {
if($v48 != '.' && $v48 != '..'){
if (false !== ($v39 = @opendir($v85.$v91.$v48))){
$v6[count($v6)] =($v48);
$v7 = array_values($v6);
if($fileSortOrder == "des"){
$v7 = array_values(array_reverse($v7));
$v13 = array_values(array_reverse($v12));
} else {
$v13 = array_values($v12);
$v97 = $v7[$i];
$v97 = $v13[$i];
$ext = explode('.',$v97);
$v72 = strtolower($ext[sizeof($ext)-1]);
if($v72 == "pls" || $v72 == "m3u"){
} else {
$v13[$i]=f4(f7($v85.$v91.$v97))."|".(f13 ($v85.$v91.$v97, "full"));
if($v69 == "mysql"){
for($i=0;$i<sizeof($v13); $i++){
array_push ($v16,($v13[$i]));
return $v16;
} else {
for($i=0;$i<sizeof($v7); $i++){
array_push ($v16, ($v7[$i]));
for($i=0;$i<sizeof($v13); $i++){
array_push ($v16, ($v13[$i]));
$v89 .= "&item".$i."=".($v16[$i]);
$v107 = sizeof ($v16);
if($startDir == ""){
$v119 = $v85.$v91.$defaultVisualBaseName.".".$defaultVisualExt;
if (is_file($v119)){
$v118 = "&visualURL=".f4(f7($v119));
} else {
$v118 = "";
} else {
$v119 = $v85.$v91.$defaultVisualBaseName.".".$defaultVisualExt;
$v84 = str_replace ( $v32['path']['physical'], "", $v119);
$v84 = str_replace ( $v91, "/", $v84);
$v118 = "&visualURL=".f4($wimpyApp."?action=getCoverart&theFile=".$v84);
} else {
$v118 = "";
$v89 .= "&totalitems=$v107".$v118;
$v89 .= "&datasetup=$myDataSetup";
return $v89;
function asc2hex ($v105) {
$v95 = $v105;
$v42 = "";
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($v95); $i++){
$char = substr($v95,$i,1);
if(!preg_match('#[A-Za-z0-9|/:.^]#', $char)){
$v42 .= rawurlencode(f24(ord($char)));
return $v42;
function f24($dec) {
if ($dec < 128) {
$utf = chr($dec);
} else if ($dec < 2048) {
$utf = chr(192 + (($dec - ($dec % 64)) / 64));
$utf .= chr(128 + ($dec % 64));
} else {
$utf = chr(224 + (($dec - ($dec % 4096)) / 4096));
$utf .= chr(128 + ((($dec % 4096) - ($dec % 64)) / 64));
$utf .= chr(128 + ($dec % 64));
return $utf;
function f4($v105){
global $v77;
if($v77 == "win"){
$v84 = asc2hex ($v105);
} else {
$v84 = rawurlencode($v105);
return $v84;
function f13($v100, $v111=""){
global $v32,$v91,$v34,$getMyid3info,$v70;
$v72 = explode(".", $v100);
if ($getMyid3info=="yes" && strtolower($v72[sizeof($v72)-1]) != "xml"){
$v84 = f8($v100);
} else {
$v84 = array();
$v29 = explode($v91,$v100);
$v98 = $v29[sizeof($v29)-1];
$v99 = $v31[sizeof($v31)-2];
if($v84[0]=="" || $v84[0]==null){
$v84[0] =  ($v99);
if($v84[2]=="" || $v84[2]==null){
$v84[2] =  ($v99);
$v84[9] =  f12($v100);
$v84[$i] = f4($v84[$i]);
return ((implode ("|", $v84)));
function f8($v100){
global $startDir,$getMyid3info,$v32, $v91, $v56, $action;
$v41 = urldecode($v100);
if($getMyid3info == "yes"){
$v62 = $v56->analyze($v41);
} else {
$v62 = array();
$v84 = array();
$v84[0]=@ ($v62['comments']['artist'][0]);
$v84[2]=@ ($v62['comments']['title'][0]);
$v55 = 0;
if($action == "podcast"){
$v55 = 1;
if(@substr($v62['comments']['comment'][0],0,4)=="http" || $v55 == 1){
} else {
if(@substr($v62['comments']['comments'][0],0,4)=="http" || $v55 == 1){
if($v84[4] == "" || $v84[4] == "null"){
$v84[4] = "/";
$v84[7]=(round(@$v62['filesize']/1000000, 2));
} else {
return 0;
return $v84;
function f12($theFile){
global $wimpyApp,$startDir,$defaultVisualBaseName, $defaultVisualExt, $v32, $v91;
$v30 = explode(".", str_replace("/", $v91, urldecode($theFile)));
if($startDir == ""){
$v30 = explode(".", $theFile);
$v103 = urldecode((implode(".", $v30).".".$defaultVisualExt));
return (f7($v103));
} else {
return false;
} else {
$v103 = (implode(".", $v30).".".$defaultVisualExt);
if(strpos ($v103, $v32['path']['physical']) === false){
$v103 = $v32['path']['physical'].$v91.$v103;
$v84 = str_replace ( $v32['path']['physical'], "", $v103);
$v84 = str_replace ( $v91, "/", $v84);
return ($wimpyApp."?action=getCoverart&theFile=".$v84);
function f25($v106){
global $v32, $v91, $v71,$httpOption;
$v81 = str_replace($v32['path']['www'], "", $v106);
$v102 = $v32['path']['physical'].$v81;
$v102 = str_replace("//", "/", $v102);
return $v102;
function f7($v102){
global $startDir,$v32, $v91;
$v81 = str_replace($v32['path']['physical'], "", $v102);
$v102 = $v32['path']['www'].$v81;
$v102 = str_replace("://", "__:__", $v102);
$v102 = str_replace("//", "/", $v102);
$v102 = str_replace("__:__", "://", $v102);
return $v102;
function f2($v49){
return preg_replace("#[^a-z0-9._]#", "",str_replace(" ", "_",str_replace("%20", "_", strtolower($v49))));
function f3($v49){
return utf8_encode($v49);
function f21($v49, $v47){
$ext = explode('.',$v49);
$v72 = strtolower($ext[sizeof($ext)-1]);
if(strtolower($v72) != strtolower($v47)){
return false;
} else {
return true;
if ((!preg_match('#\.\.#', $v49)) && (file_exists($v49))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function f23($v93){
$v84 = $v93;
$v84 = strip_tags(stripslashes($v84));
$v84 = strip_tags($v84);
$v84 = str_replace("sscanf", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("base64_decode", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("rawurldecode", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("urldecode", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("0;", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("%5C", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("\n", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("\r", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("\t", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("\\", "x", $v84);
$v84 = preg_replace("#\.+/#", "x", $v84);
$v84 = preg_replace("#\.\.#","x",$v84);
$v84 = preg_replace("#^[\/]+#", "x", $v84);
return $v84;
function f20($v35){
foreach ($v35 as $key => $v117){
$v28[f23(urldecode($key))] = f23($v117);
} else {
$v28 = $v35;
return $v35;
if ( @get_magic_quotes_gpc () ){
function traverse ( &$arr ){
if ( !is_array ( $arr ) ){
foreach ( $arr as $key => $val ){
is_array ( $arr[$key] ) ? traverse ( $arr[$key] ) : ( $arr[$key] = stripslashes ( $arr[$key] ) );
$gpc = array ( &$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST);
traverse ( $gpc );
$_GET = f20($_GET);
$_POST = f20($_POST);
$_COOKIE = f20($_COOKIE);
$v3 = array(
$var = $v3[$i];
$$var = "";
} else {
$$var = $_REQUEST[$var];
$action = "getmysql";
$useAuth = TRUE;
require ($wimpy_auth);
function f14($v51){
$v40 = 1*(1024*1024);
$v38 = '';
$cnt =0;
$v58 = fopen($v51, 'rb');
if ($v58 === false) {
return false;
while (!feof($v58)) {
$v38 = fread($v58, $v40);
echo $v38;
$v92 = fclose($v58);
return $v92;
function f11($v51){
$v40 = 1*(1024*1024);
$v38 = '';
$cnt = 0;
$v58 = fopen($v51, 'r');
if ($v58 === false) {
return false;
while (!feof($v58)) {
$v38 = fread($v58, $v40);
$v92 = fclose($v58);
$v4 = explode("\n", $v38);
$v5 = array();
foreach($v4 as $v67){
$v68 = trim($v67);
if($v68 !== ""){
array_push($v5, $v68);
return $v5;
function f5($v10){
$v26 = array();
array_push($v26, '<'.urldecode("%3F").'xml version="1.0"'.urldecode("%3F").'>');
array_push($v26, '<playlist>');
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($v10); $i++) {
array_push($v26, '<item>');
foreach ($v10[$i] as $key => $v117) {
$v42 = f4($v117);
array_push($v26, '<'.$key.'>'.($v42).'</'.$key.'>');
array_push($v26, '</item>');
array_push($v26, '</playlist>');
header("Pragma: public", false);
header("Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT", false);
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate", false);
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
print (implode("", $v26));
function f19($v8){
$v10 = array();
$v33 = array();
$v33['filename'] = $v8[$i];
$v33['artist'] = "";
$v33['album'] = "";
$v33['title'] = "";
$v33['track'] = "";
$v33['comments'] = "";
$v33['genre'] = "";
$v33['seconds'] = "";
$v33['filesize'] = "";
$v33['bitrate'] = "";
$v33['visual'] = "";
$v10[$i] = $v33;
function f17($v8){
$v10 = array();
$v75 = $v8[$i];
if(stristr($v75, '#EXTINF:')){
$v17 = explode(":", $v75);
$v18 = explode(",", $v17[1]);
$v33 = array();
$v33['filename'] = $v8[$i+1];
$v33['artist'] = "";
$v33['album'] = "";
$v33['title'] = $v18[1];;
$v33['track'] = "";
$v33['comments'] = "";
$v33['genre'] = "";
$v33['seconds'] = $v18[0];
$v33['filesize'] = "";
$v33['bitrate'] = "";
$v33['visual'] = "";
$v10[sizeof($v10)] = $v33;
function f18($v8){
$v10 = array();
$v75 = $v8[$i];
if(strtolower(substr($v75, 0, 4)) == "file"){
$v17 = explode("=", $v75);
$v18 = explode("=", $v8[$i+1]);
$v19 = explode("=", $v8[$i+2]);
$v33 = array();
$v33['filename'] = $v17[1];
$v33['artist'] = "";
$v33['album'] = "";
$v33['title'] = $v18[1];;
$v33['track'] = "";
$v33['comments'] = "";
$v33['genre'] = "";
$v33['seconds'] = $v19[1];
$v33['filesize'] = "";
$v33['bitrate'] = "";
$v33['visual'] = "";
$v10[sizeof($v10)] = $v33;
function f9($v101){
$v11 = explode("/", urldecode($v101));
$v27 = array();
$v36 = array_pop($v11);
$v27['basename'] = $v36;
$v2 = explode(".", $v36);
$v27['extension'] = array_pop($v2);
return $v27;
function f10($v101){
$v24 = explode("?", urldecode($v101));
$v11 = explode("/",$v24[0]);
$v27 = array();
$v36 = array_pop($v11);
$v27['basename'] = $v36;
$v2 = explode(".", $v36);
$v27['extension'] = array_pop($v2);
return $v27;
function f22($v106, $v54 = false){
global $media_types,$hide_files,$v32,$v91,$startDir;
$theFile = f23(urldecode($v106));
$v9 = f10($theFile);
$v21 = explode(",", $media_types);
if(!in_array($v9['extension'], $v21)){
$v14 = explode(",", $hide_files);
if(in_array($v9['basename'], $v14)){
$v102 = f25($theFile);
$v73 = @filesize($v102);
$v74 = f3($v9['basename']);
header("Pragma: public");
header("Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: private");
header("Content-Type: audio/x-mpeg, audio/x-mpeg-3, audio/mpeg3");
if($v54 == true){
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$v9['basename'].";" );
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Content-Length: ".$v73, false);
} else {
header("Content-Length: 60000000", false);
$v88 = "\r\n";
$v82 = "";
$v82 .= $wimpySwf;
if($v112 == true){
$v80 = $v32['path']['www']."/".$wimpyConfigFile;
$v82 .= "?wimpyConfigs=".$v80;
} else {
$v80 = "";
$v82 .= "?wimpyApp=".$wimpyApp;
if($bkgdColor == ""){
$bkgdColor = "000000";
if($tptBkgd == "yes"){
$v114 = true;
} else {
$v114 = false;
$v108 = 'wmode="transparent" ';
$v109 = '<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />';
} else {
$v108 = "";
$v109 = "";
function f26(){
global $v82,$v88,$bkgdColor,$v108,$v109,$v45,$v44;
$v53 = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="'.$v45.'" height="'.$v44.'" id="wimpy">'.$v88;
$v53 .= '<param name="movie" value="'.$v82.'" />'.$v88;
$v53 .= '<param name="loop" value="false" />'.$v88;
$v53 .= '<param name="menu" value="false" />'.$v88;
$v53 .= '<param name="quality" value="high" />'.$v88;
$v53 .= '<param name="scale" value="noscale" />'.$v88;
$v53 .= '<param name="salign" value="lt" />'.$v88;
$v53 .= '<param name="bgcolor" value="#'.$bkgdColor.'" />'.$v109.$v88;
$v53 .= '</object>'.$v88;
return ($v53);
print "$wimpyVersion";
} else if($action == "feedPlaylist"){
$v20 = f11(f25($theFile));
if(f21($theFile, "pls") === true || f21($theFile, "m3u") === true){
if(strtolower ($v20[0]) == "[playlist]"){
} else if(strtoupper ($v20[0]) == "#EXTM3U"){
} else {
} else {
echo "";
} else if ($action=="phpinfo"){
if($blockPHPinfo != "yes"){
$v84 = phpinfo();
echo "$v84";
} else if($action=="getCoverart"){
$theFile = urldecode($_REQUEST['theFile']);
$v102 = $startDir.str_replace("/", $v91, urldecode($theFile));
$ext = explode('.',$v102);
$v72 = strtolower($ext[sizeof($ext)-1]);
if(f21($v102, "jpg") === true || f21($v102, "swf") === true){
header("Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT", false);
header("Content-Type: image/jpeg", false);
header("Content-Length: ".@f23(@urldecode(@filesize($v102))), false);
} else {
echo "";
} else if($action=="getstartupdirlist"){
header("Content-Type: text/html", false);
if($getMyid3info == "yes"){
require ('getid3.php');
$v56 = new getID3;
} else if (is_file('getid3'.$v91.'getid3.php')){
require ('getid3'.$v91.'getid3.php');
$v56 = new getID3;
} else if (is_file(@$v57)){
require (@$v57);
$v56 = new getID3;
} else {
$getMyid3info = "no";
$v89 = f0($v32['path']['physical']);
echo (($v89));
} else if ($action=="dir"){
if($getMyid3info == "yes"){
require ('getid3.php');
$v56 = new getID3;
} else if (is_file('getid3'.$v91.'getid3.php')){
require ('getid3'.$v91.'getid3.php');
$v56 = new getID3;
} else if (is_file(@$v57)){
require (@$v57);
$v56 = new getID3;
} else {
$getMyid3info = "no";
$v76 = ($v32['path']['physical'].$v91.str_replace("/", $v91, str_replace($v32['path']['www']."/", "", f23($dir))));
$v89 = f0($v76);
echo ( ($v89));
} else if($action=="getmysql"){
require ("wimpy.sql.php");
} else if ($action=="serveMP3"){
f22($_REQUEST['theFile'], false);
} else if ($action=="downloadfile"){
f22($_REQUEST['theFile'], true);
} else if ($action=="podcast"){
$v69 = "mysql";
$getMyid3info = "yes";
require ('getid3.php');
$v56 = new getID3;
} else if (is_file('getid3'.$v91.'getid3.php')){
require ('getid3'.$v91.'getid3.php');
$v56 = new getID3;
} else {
print 'You have elected to use ID3 information in the playlist.<br>';
print 'In order to present ID3 information you must upload the getID3<br>';
print 'library to your wimpy folder. The files can be found in the <br>';
print '"goodies" folder or downloaded from the following location:<br>';
print 'http://www.wimpyplayer.com/resources<br>';
print 'Please upload all of the getID3 files to the same location as wimpy.php<br>';
$podBack = f0($v32['path']['physical'], "yes");
} else if($action=="writeJS"){
$v88 = "\n";
$v63 = "function f27(wimpyConfigsURL){";
$v63 .= "var myContent = '".implode("", explode($v88,f26()))."';";
$v63 .= "document.write(myContent);";
$v63 .= "}";
print ($v63);
} else {

$v53 .= '<table width="100%" height="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'.$v88;
$v53 .= '  <tr>'.$v88;
$v53 .= '<td align="center" valign="middle">'.$v88;
$v53 .= '<!-- START WIMPY CODE -->'.$v88;
$v53 .= '<script src="'.$v120.'?action=writeJS" type="text/javascript"></script>'.$v88;
$v53 .= '<script language="JavaScript">f27();</script>'.$v88;
$v53 .= '<!-- END WIMPY CODE -->'.$v88;
$v53 .= '</td>'.$v88;
$v53 .= '</tr>'.$v88;
$v53 .= '</table>'.$v88;
print ($v53);

P.S rnlogs is not showing any error but I am getting the error on the server itself. I guess it is the flash

if($v84[4] == "" || $v84[4] == "null"){

$v84[4] = "/";
$v84[7]=(round(@$v62['filesize']/1000000, 2));
} else {
return 0;
return $v84;
function f12($theFile){
global $wimpyApp,$startDir,$defaultVisualBaseName, $defaultVisualExt, $v32, $v91;
$v30 = explode(".", str_replace("/", $v91, urldecode($theFile)));
if($startDir == ""){
$v30 = explode(".", $theFile);
$v103 = urldecode((implode(".", $v30).".".$defaultVisualExt));
return (f7($v103));
} else {
return false;
} else {
$v103 = (implode(".", $v30).".".$defaultVisualExt);
if(strpos ($v103, $v32['path']['physical']) === false){
$v103 = $v32['path']['physical'].$v91.$v103;
$v84 = str_replace ( $v32['path']['physical'], "", $v103);
$v84 = str_replace ( $v91, "/", $v84);
return ($wimpyApp."?action=getCoverart&theFile=".$v84);
function f25($v106){
global $v32, $v91, $v71,$httpOption;
$v81 = str_replace($v32['path']['www'], "", $v106);
$v102 = $v32['path']['physical'].$v81;
$v102 = str_replace("//", "/", $v102);
return $v102;
function f7($v102){
global $startDir,$v32, $v91;
$v81 = str_replace($v32['path']['physical'], "", $v102);
$v102 = $v32['path']['www'].$v81;
$v102 = str_replace("://", "__:__", $v102);
$v102 = str_replace("//", "/", $v102);
$v102 = str_replace("__:__", "://", $v102);
return $v102;
function f2($v49){
return preg_replace("#[^a-z0-9._]#", "",str_replace(" ", "_",str_replace("%20", "_", strtolower($v49))));
function f3($v49){
return utf8_encode($v49);
function f21($v49, $v47){
$ext = explode('.',$v49);
$v72 = strtolower($ext[sizeof($ext)-1]);
if(strtolower($v72) != strtolower($v47)){
return false;
} else {
return true;
if ((!preg_match('#\.\.#', $v49)) && (file_exists($v49))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function f23($v93){
$v84 = $v93;
$v84 = strip_tags(stripslashes($v84));
$v84 = strip_tags($v84);
$v84 = str_replace("sscanf", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("base64_decode", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("rawurldecode", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("urldecode", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("0;", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("%5C", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("\n", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("\r", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("\t", "x", $v84);
$v84 = str_replace("\\", "x", $v84);
$v84 = preg_replace("#\.+/#", "x", $v84);
$v84 = preg_replace("#\.\.#","x",$v84);
$v84 = preg_replace("#^[\/]+#", "x", $v84);
return $v84;

the line is 419

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 11:09 am Reply with quote

hicuxunicorniobestbuildpc, flash is dead and will be removed by Adobe in 2020 - finally! Search an modern jquery script instead.

BBcode Box - read the post above. Cool

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 3:10 pm Reply with quote

At this weekend I will provide a new update incl. BBcode Box because I decided to include this mod with Bootstrap4 styles in RavenCMS.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:01 am Reply with quote

neralex wrote:
At this weekend I will provide a new update incl. BBcode Box because I decided to include this mod with Bootstrap4 styles in RavenCMS.

Hows this coming? Still think it will be done this weekend?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:05 am Reply with quote

Today! I'm testing currently the installation. Wink

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 10:24 am Reply with quote

RavenNuke(tm) Version RC 2.52.01

Download : https://github.com/neralex/RavenNuke/


- Forums-addon Advanced BBCode Box added
- fixes for Forums admin-section
- fixes for Forums user control panel
- fixed word censoring
- fixed undefined constant in forum.cfg in some themes
- fixed NS $postString > array to string conversion in mainfile.php

Note: All changes are only code-based, database is not affected!

Modified/added files:

includes/addons/head-abbcbox.php (BBCode Box)

includes/bbcode_box/ (BBCode Box)


modules/Forums/language/lang_english/lang_bbcode.php (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/language/lang_english/lang_main.php (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/language/lang_french/lang_bbcode.php (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/language/lang_french/lang_main.php (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/language/lang_german/lang_bbcode.php (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/language/lang_german/lang_main.php (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/language/lang_german_formal/lang_bbcode.php (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/language/lang_german_formal/lang_main.php (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/language/lang_hungarian/lang_bbcode.php (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/language/lang_hungarian/lang_main.php (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/language/lang_italian/lang_bbcode.php (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/language/lang_italian/lang_main.php (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/language/lang_spanish/lang_bbcode.php (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/language/lang_spanish/lang_main.php (BBCode Box)

modules/Forums/includes/bbcode.php (BBCode Box)

modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/bbcode.tpl (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/faq_body.tpl (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/overall_header.tpl (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/posting_body.tpl (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/posting_preview.tpl (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/posting_topic_review.tpl (BBCode Box)
modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/viewtopic_body.tpl (BBCode Box)

modules/Forums/posting.php (BBCode Box)

modules/Private_Messages/index.php (BBCode Box)

themes/Blue_Blog/forums/bbcode.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/Blue_Blog/forums/faq_body.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/Blue_Blog/forums/overall_header.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/Blue_Blog/forums/posting_body.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/Blue_Blog/forums/posting_topic_review.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/Blue_Blog/style/bbcode_addons.css (BBCode Box)
themes/Blue_Blog/style/bbcode_box.css (BBCode Box)
themes/Blue_Blog/style/highlight.css (BBCode Box)

themes/CT_RN/forums/bbcode.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/CT_RN/forums/faq_body.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/CT_RN/forums/overall_header.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/CT_RN/forums/posting_body.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/CT_RN/forums/posting_topic_review.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/CT_RN/forums/posting_load_topic_review.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/CT_RN/style/bbcode_addons.css (BBCode Box)
themes/CT_RN/style/bbcode_box.css (BBCode Box)
themes/CT_RN/style/highlight.css (BBCode Box)

themes/fisubice/forums/bbcode.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/fisubice/forums/faq_body.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/fisubice/forums/overall_header.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/fisubice/forums/posting_body.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/fisubice/forums/posting_topic_review.tpl (BBCode Box)

themes/RavenIce/forums/bbcode.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/RavenIce/forums/faq_body.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/RavenIce/forums/overall_header.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/RavenIce/forums/posting_body.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/RavenIce/forums/posting_topic_review.tpl (BBCode Box)

themes/SimplyBlue/forums/bbcode.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/SimplyBlue/forums/faq_body.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/SimplyBlue/forums/overall_header.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/SimplyBlue/forums/posting_body.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/SimplyBlue/forums/posting_topic_review.tpl (BBCode Box)
themes/SimplyBlue/style/bbcode_addons.css (BBCode Box)
themes/SimplyBlue/style/bbcode_box.css (BBCode Box)


Check the commit history from Mar 13, 2018 to Mar 25, 2018 on the master branch to get more details: https://github.com/neralex/RavenNuke/commits/master

The fix in the mainfile.php affects also the mainfile.php in my News-Mod. This file is already updated there. For everyone who is using my News-Mod version 1.0.6 with the new RN252 release can get this file from the master branch of the News-Mod repository: https://github.com/neralex/RN-News-Mod

For all they have tried to add the Forums-addon Advanced BBCode Box from the old package into the new RN252 release, REMOVE the /mods/ folder from the root-directory - its not more needed!

I tested all made changes in the last 3 days but I don't want close out, that I had missed some issues. So it would be helpful if someone will testing it locally before it will be used on a live project.

Last edited by neralex on Mon Mar 26, 2018 6:59 pm; edited 3 times in total 

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:12 pm Reply with quote

First of all, nice job neralex,

1 Question: Did u forget to load head-abbcbox.php? I can not fin the file. Let me know Shocked

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:32 pm Reply with quote

Yes sorry, I noticed too. Its online now!

add this file: /includes/addons/head-abbcbox.php
add this folder: /includes/bbcode_box/

I found some other missed theme related css files and I found unused/empty script-tags in the bbcode.tpl files, which I added also to the repo.
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