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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:32 pm Reply with quote

FB had mentioned this native forum before and it matches what phoenix described so yes, i believe he was hired to do it, what i haven't heard is anything about removing the editor so it seems it will be in 8.x unless there's a change in plans by FB between now and the time 8.0 is released, let's wait and see, either way it's still a few months away.

I guess i should mention i plan to port any newer versions of phpBB even if it is removed from core Nuke, it's what i use so i need it to be up to date.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:34 pm Reply with quote

Phoenix, don't be frightened off by our responses. You are looking at a sort of a Borg here - a collective of past hopes, pleading, scathing, mocking, adjectives ad-nauseum, all rolled into oe distinct yet autonomous collective. The commonality? Burned by FB and or his whores sometime, somehow, someway. Seriously, if you have never actually read the TRUE history of phpnuke, as documented by those who were there from the beginning, let me know. I have most, if not all of the links. I just have to gather them. This is a most treacherous road you have chosen to go down and a very dangerous partner to travel with. Please don't be swayed by promises and words. Let history and experience be your guide in this one, not ideals.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:36 pm Reply with quote

hitwalker wrote:
well i dont know if this is in anyway "new" but this article made me laugh ..
a must read...

Right, it's an oldie but a goodie. I had posted that back when it came out.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:38 pm Reply with quote

Or what about this one..

Part of another interview.....

What's your favourite phpNuke-derivative? Why? How could it become even better?

I prefer to call it my favourite CMS "after" PHP-Nuke, and maybe Xoops is the strongest candidate. I saw some sites made with Xoops and I liked them. I don't know the Xoops internals so I can't think about it.

ok..xoops ?
http://www.xoops.org...that was hacked..and is still "offline"..
so yeah nice choice... lol
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:40 pm Reply with quote

or read the full 8 pages ..

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:43 pm Reply with quote

well here i not giving you to much info becuase its my personal info

unless you gona give me more then £30k like my current


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and with nuke i do understand i know how everyone feels and what i have planned for nuke i going to approch these questions with nuke and try and get them fixed.

this forum project is one of many projects that i know of and you will find out in the new year.

but if everone stops moaning and help phpnuke support the project

do you remeber the meaning of opensource sounds like NOT!

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:03 pm Reply with quote

and also one more thing you find a opensource product thats un hackable

well lets look at the evidence

1- you remeber phpbb 2.0.12, cookie issue login admin and deface the site

2 - like above xoops hmmm that secure yea right !

3- patch 3.1 cookie security issue also bypass admin checking filters and create admin account.

yea nice ! Evil or Very Mad

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:14 pm Reply with quote

15. This is the biggest question I hear all the time, why did you take down your forums on PHP Nuke? Will you ever bring them back up?

I shut down the forums on my site because there are a few individuals that each time I turn on the forums they start to make heavy sabotages on its content. The last time I had the forums on my site I gave to some people the moderators rights so they were able to help maintain it, but what surprised me was when I discovered that some of the moderators were the same that sabotaged it. Weird, dissapointing... I tried several times to leave the forums up, but the attacks are too big.

I don't have intentions to bring them up again in the near future but I know that many visitors want them. Maybe in the future this can happen.

I thought that was pretty funny.

Still no word back from the host for exact processes. Not that it surprises me.
You guys ever heard anything about http://www.hostforweb.com or http://www.mxhub.com?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:20 pm Reply with quote

LoL you messed me up, posted in the 63% thread and it posted here.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:30 pm Reply with quote

Still no word back from the host for exact processes. Not that it surprises me.
You guys ever heard anything about http://www.hostforweb.com or http://www.mxhub.com?

Have you considered Raven Web Hosting?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:34 pm Reply with quote

well here i not giving you to much info becuase its my personal info

unless you gona give me more then £30k like my current
I didn't ask you for your annual income. I simply asked for how long have you been programming in PHP and MySQL and what experience do you have? Real world. In other words, what will you add to the code that FB was not able to and how do you come by this knowledge? What qualifies you to do this? Very simple questions.

and also one more thing you find a opensource product thats un hackable

Who said it was?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:35 pm Reply with quote

I like this quote from the first article hitwalker linked to
I created PHP-Nuke and since that day my life changed and now it's my full time job.

Man, what I wouldnt give to be able to work 4 or 5 hours every few months and call it my full time job!!
Then people started to ask for lot of features and I started to listen to them and developing many of the requested things. At that moment I became a developer.

Well the my wife asks for my love truncheon again, I'm going to become Casanova.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:49 pm Reply with quote

Raven wrote:
Still no word back from the host for exact processes. Not that it surprises me.
You guys ever heard anything about http://www.hostforweb.com or http://www.mxhub.com?

Have you considered Raven Web Hosting?

Yes, but your packages didn't have the bandwidth and space that I needed and be near the same price point.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:52 pm Reply with quote

now i know how fb feels,
if this is what he gets Laughing

already i spent last 3 days sorting the speed of nuke where patch 3.1 was doing over 1.03 -average around 0.67 which is bad.

now we average around 0.04 - 0.07

bit of a difference Smile

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:07 pm Reply with quote

pheonix - I assume you mean Luton in the UK?

I mean you no disrespect but apart from the idea of changing the forum, you are not exactly offering anything new.
Baseline code has already been patched, made compliant and in particular, 'After-Patched' is probably the most stable, secure derivative work yet.

Can I ask how long you have been working with FB in this new venture?

That is quite an improvement on speed - do you have any code changes you can share at this time?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:24 pm Reply with quote

I do not know where you are getting these page load times from - do you have a url for your test site?
I assume you are actually testing it on a real server hosting environment and not a local box?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:30 pm Reply with quote

1 this is 7.9 and thats normal patch is like even 7.6 aint all that either,
and with the changes i be giving them to chatserv as i promissed.

just taken little longer then i thought.

and i not posting a url of my test site otherwise it would become 8.0 beta site and people keep sneaking at it Laughing

i will give access to some of the guys that are respected.
i dont want newbies checking this out Smile

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:49 pm Reply with quote

Well as a newbie, I guess that answers my question LOL.

I am quite happy if my site loads in under 1 second - I dont read too quick so that is fine for me.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:05 pm Reply with quote

no i will show you just not posting a link here Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:21 pm Reply with quote

I have no doubt whatever FB releases will still need to be propely patched. It is like he really doesn't test anything that he releases. Instead of taking the time to release new buggy features, he should work on fixing his core system first.

New forum system? Why? The only advantage I see is that it won't be vulnerable to phpBB bugs (and I'm sure the guys at phpBB hating answering phpNuke questions), but it will be vulnerable to FB bugs. Go figure Smile

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:43 pm Reply with quote

phoenix-cms wrote:
now i know how fb feels,
if this is what he gets Laughing

He gets what he deserves for being the arrogant non-programmer that he is Mad

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:16 pm Reply with quote

It's time to let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. On September 21, 2005, I contacted many of the respected and proven nuke specialist that I have come to know over the past months/years and especially those who I knew were working on forks/patches/new cms'. We have been discussing many things over this past month, but we especailly wanted to see if there was a basis for unity and/or compromise and to solicit unbiased opinions. The intent was never to create a new cms. This is a part of the Welcome message I sent out.

There are several concurrent yet separate and disparate efforts going on right now concerning the development of a nuke spin off of some kind. Let's don't haggle with semantics around that statement. Maybe yours is being built from the ground up and in no way resembles nuke. Great. I just mean, in essence, that dissatisfaction has caused the necessity for something better, for sure.

What I would like to try to do with this venue, is to open up a very frank, direct, discussion on what you're doing to see if there are synergies that could lead to a collaborative, dare I even hope for, single effort. Just imagine for a moment, if these separate systems hit the community. Confusion and pandemonium will reign, for sure. Support will become a nightmare. The community will splinter and imo, FB will yet again come out the winner, as proven by PostNuke and most others. Frankly, I don't want this to be a bash FB thing. This isn't about him or any other person, per se. it's about building a better mouse-trap, if you will.

Now, I would love to be able to tell you that we solved world hunger! But, alas, that is not the case. What we did discover is that there is such a wealth of knowledge, experience, and skill in the group. And a very high standard of excellence! Our goals were/are basically the same but our opinions on how to get there vary. That's called diversity. So what does that have to do with this thread? It's to let you (Phoenix) know that FB has chosen to operate in his own little vacuum and to disregard the talents of some highly respected people. So, trying to use the opensource mantra and all-for-one and one-for-all just won't work. You appear to be continuing his mantra - operating in a vacuum. Not revealing, yada, yada, yada. Just my thought, opinions, and observations. I believe you and he may have come a day late and $10 short Wink. There are other releases in the works that will quiet the skeptics and silence the wannabees.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:56 pm Reply with quote

phoenix-cms wrote:
1 this is 7.9 and thats normal patch is like even 7.6 aint all that either,
and with the changes i be giving them to chatserv as i promissed.

just taken little longer then i thought.

and i not posting a url of my test site otherwise it would become 8.0 beta site and people keep sneaking at it Laughing

i will give access to some of the guys that are respected.
i dont want newbies checking this out Smile

Just as a heads-up, "After-Patched" is based on 7.8 and not 7.6 (though a 7.6 version is being developed) and average page generation times with a fully populated 7.8 domain including substantial data and a full theme are around 0.07 to 0.09 seconds.

With a partial theme (DeepBlue), about 0.03-0.08 seconds. I should note that this is without any speed optimizations to "Patched" other than fixing all of FB's screwups and making everything compliant.

I'm sure I'll be able to shave this down further once I head in that direction, but at this point the name of the game is stability, security and 100% Presentation and aggregation compliance. In this regards, "After-Patched" stands alone.

As 7.9 is 10x worse than 7.8 in that it creates a ton of new issues yet fails to address any of the issues introduced starting with 7.7 I decided to not waste any more time working on it. I'd sooner go back to 7.6 and start from there.

I haven't seen any evidence that Patched 3.1 creates latency in page generation to 1.03 seconds or any other negative impact in either an empty or even populate build. I have serious reservations about that statistic and I think I can demonstrate it to be an erroneous claim.

In fact, from my testing all "Patched" versions from 2.8 on, dramatically improve performance over default nuke in fixing many of the broken functions and by optimization and securing of MySQL functions.

I also wanted to point out that my "After-Patched" domain is open to use and registration by the public and has not been concealed and finally is on a shared server.

I won't wear out my arm patting myself on the back, but "After-Patched" is unique in that it does what no other version of Nuke with the TinyMCE editor does... every single feature and function actually works and it is fully (that's 100%!) W3C Compliant. The fact that every single file has been modified should reveal that not only does FB suck at coding, he doesn't care that these problems exist. If he did, he would have done himself what I have done in "After-Patched" and this entire conversation would be moot.

I mean it's not like people over that past 3+ years haven't tried to help, it's that FB has chosen to ignore everyone by developing in a vacuum and by not testing ANY of his so-called "solutions". Don't blame the community, blame the so called author (another joke in itself as Mr. Burzi has written nothing that I can find, everything about nuke is a derivative works and I have ALL of the original code to prove it).

I also have an "After-Patched" 7.8 domain that runs 100% W3C Compliant XHTML and uses the UTF-8 character set, again, something that no other Nuke domain on the planet has and something that FB has said would be almost impossible to accomplish... Hence why I spent 3 days (yeah, almost impossible) rewriting my "After-Patched" 7.8 code to show how easy moving to the next level will be once the primary code is stabilized. Something that will never happen as long as FB keeps changing the core code structure without achieving any advancements or realizing any benefits or improvements, but rather opening up more security holes. If I sound somewhat angry, I think I have earned that right, along with every other Nuke webmaster that is given this crap without being aware that the author puts everyone at risk needlessly because he won't cooperate in fixing issues or evolving the solution.

I'm so sick of structural changes that do NOTHING. That exist to help NOBODY. That leave webmasters with unsecure and extremely non-functional domains. And I'm not even talking about the stupid things like "points" that take priority over things like real groups integration. (don't get me started).

I'm also sick of those that would criticize and stand in the background but not at least demonstrate an advancement. I'm not saying I need to have a copy of this so-called "8.0" code as frankly, I doubt I want it given what I have read here.

What I am saying is at least open up a domain where this stuff is running to the public. There should be nothing to fear in that. To say otherwise strikes me oxymoronic. "I can do better, but you can't see it"... lol Did someone suddenly make a new Stealth Nuke and only the President can see it running?

Now that Raven has let the proverbial cat out of the bag about some of us moving in other directions, I feel I need to close my final comment of this thread by questioning..

Who the heck are you anyway? I mean, I don't believe that I know you at all... I see you aren't running a Nuke support portal, I don't recognize the Phoenix Nickname from being involved in the support community. I haven't seen any contributions over the past several years under that Nickname, so am I missing something here? I also see that "We" is actually you. (Sounds like the queen talking in the 3rd person.... that "we" thing... so great.. another monarchy is just what the community needs...) So without telling me any more about your financial status, what can you tell me what "you" (yes, all personalities collectively) have done for the Nuke Community? What major advancements have you given to the community? Can you point me to where I can download and examine some of your modules and blocks? I mean if you are such a pro, you should have tons of this stuff for people to look at.

I guess once those are answered, I'll be done with this thread. Just remember that when you say stuff like "we are doing this or that", keep in mind the people here have been at this game for a few years (or more) and probably take your comments poorly. I mean, who the heck are you to suddenly be the Nuke expert and be shaping direction? The Nuke coders that I personally trust with this kind of undertaking is a fairly short list and sorry, but you aren't on it... don't take that personally, it's just I don't know you or any of your supposed work.

Thus, when I read comments like yours, I am forced to contemplate the famous last words of Rasputin:... "I just drank what?" Because I think I must be drunk or poisoned. One, if certainly not the other.

Steph Benoit
100% Section 508 and W3C HTML5 and CSS Compliant (Truly) Code, because I love compliance. 
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:22 am Reply with quote

hi 64bit guy i do understand your feeling towards fb many times over many years
which you and others have been trying to get him to fix this or that issue.
or something wrong with this or that release which is then addressed by patched then another nuke comes out thats not even correctly patched.

when phpnuke 8.0 it will be patched correctly and will also include my own code enhancements.

also there new security which gives you the ablity to rename any of the core files.

also new auth name which will allow you to rename _authors table which will prevent admin creation via hack using web browser. this is still wip

$row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT name, radminsuper FROM ".$prefix."_".$prefix_authors." WHERE aid='$aid'"));

the new forum will address phpbb issues just leaving nuke issues and within the new year i hope to address as much as i can.

and it the future would like to w3c the system but thats going to take some time and at current fb does not want to do this.

this is something he should of done years ago.

and you have proved him that it can be done.

with my work i planning to release my w3c nuke 7.6 soon.

the whole system is a fork of 7.6 and uses smarty template engine,

and sometime today i going to start on the chages for my patched over nuke fixes.

just been to busy either my contracted work or personal work.

just dont get the time to start posting code changes.



PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:19 am Reply with quote

This is all like a drug company commercial that doesn't tell you what the drug does.

"Because when there are this many problems, what is truly important is changing your file names and reverting to previous versions!"
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