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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:29 am Reply with quote

nefar wrote:
Raven wrote:
Still no word back from the host for exact processes. Not that it surprises me.
You guys ever heard anything about http://www.hostforweb.com or http://www.mxhub.com?

Have you considered Raven Web Hosting?

Yes, but your packages didn't have the bandwidth and space that I needed and be near the same price point.

Have we discussed this before? If not, send me a PM with your disk space and bandwidth needs. And, remember, you get what you pay for Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 5:33 pm Reply with quote

phoenix-cms wrote:
when phpnuke 8.0 it will be patched correctly and will also include my own code enhancements.

new auth name which will allow you to rename _authors table which will prevent admin creation via hack using web browser. this is still wip

$row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT name, radminsuper FROM ".$prefix."_".$prefix_authors." WHERE aid='$aid'"));

AFAIK renaming the table is useless, you ever heard of the query 'SHOW TABLES' ?
So if i do a UNION attack with 'SHOW TABLES' i still know your admin table.

phoenix-cms wrote:
the new forum will address phpbb issues just leaving nuke issues and within the new year i hope to address as much as i can.

phpbb issues ? i think you mean that it's lacking features Razz

phoenix-cms wrote:
just dont get the time to start posting code changes.

Somewhere in this topic you mentioned you know the GPL which also states that code is free of use to anyone and many other stuff.
If i request your code i should be able to get it (read GPL)

To me this all sounds crappy and shure maybe you're a more skilled designer then FB but as i pointed out your not fixing stuff only trying to get around the issues.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 5:43 pm Reply with quote

Maybe you all overlooked this....

phoenix-cms wrote:
just dont get the time to start posting code changes.

Apparently doesn't have enough time to copy and paste enough of these code changes to prove his claims are indeed valid, but he seems to have plenty of time to keep making more claims...yet still no proof... Really does make a person wonder about the credibilty...

I meant for this to be longer but I gotta go get this blown smoke out of my butt Laughing

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. ~Poe 
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Joined: Aug 05, 2005
Posts: 139

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:07 pm Reply with quote

well lets look at the down side of phpbb nuked
say someone does not need it and has no use for it he/ she cant delete all phpbb files becuase they are required else where.

new forum will solve this and as i said before only bugs will be nuke bugs.

not phpbb ones as well.

atm i doing layout for the forum when i done i post some code changes for nuke over at nuke fixes.

and as i can see this is now hate mail towards me as i have contect with him,

and yes anything thats wrong in 78 /and 7.9 will be addressed as much as i can.

after the forum 8.0 released by 8.1 code will become alot cleaner.

just will take time Smile

Evo 3.0 Developer & nukecops.com Admin
coming soon www.www.cmsrevolution.com Smile 
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:02 pm Reply with quote

after the forum 8.0 released by 8.1 code will become alot cleaner.

Once again, in the spirit of FB, hurry it out the door and then plan to fix it in a later release. It seems, you are indeed, his protoge. It's sad, if that is the case. A good developer would gather requirements, create specifications, draw up detail plans, code it, test it, fix it, test it, offer alpha/beta candidates, etc. When I build software, I have never released it with the promise and assurance that I will clean the code in a .1 release. I am truly amazed at this whole thing ROTFL

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:57 pm Reply with quote

well i do have better things to do then work full time for fb, and i sure he dont have the money to pay me to work full time.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:51 pm Reply with quote

phoenix-cms wrote:
well i do have better things to do then work full time for fb, and i sure he dont have the money to pay me to work full time.

That's no excuse Mad - Why would you want your name linked to such an inferior and error-ridden product? It just doesn't make sense. Let him fix "his" work, not us, nor you.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:02 am Reply with quote

lots of work still in progress basic concept is getting there

what ya think?


PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:23 am Reply with quote

About what? No offense but all that shows me is a redesigned Forum ACP. What do you get out of this, just for curiosity?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:52 am Reply with quote

still working on it raven

most of features work, and still follows phpbb tables except groups use nuke groups, karma for moderation, nuke points

i setup demo sometime this week for you to see
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:19 am Reply with quote

well how many people are using phpnuke ?
Personally i think you will not convince them to change to something else..
That will not happen..The chances are that stuff they have installed wont be compatible anymore.
You might as well end up with a cms used by a few thousand and will slowly die like the other attempts of others.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:02 am Reply with quote

I've been following this thread as a user. I have to say here that I would NEVER again use something straight out of burzi's box. The very first time I tried it caused a horrible mess which Raven had to come fix for me. In order to "fix" it I mean he took it totally out and gave me his distro pack. I never had any trouble again.......(that wasn't my own doing) Blonde Moment

Even though I am no coder I do try to stay informed on what's happening in this community so that I may learn. I TRUST Raven, Chat, 64, Bob and those that have worked so hard to give us a secure, usable format. I will go with my 7.6 fixed by Chat (again) as long as that is the one they recommend, and will only switch when THEY have their releases ready for us.

Maybe you're for real, maybe not. I've been hanging around php sites and forums for a couple of years now and have never heard of you. Sorry I'll stick with the tried and true group I have met here.

Shonie's Retreat
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:24 am Reply with quote


I just visited your site http://www.gamesxclan.com/ and noticed that it suffers from the same issues that were supposedly addressed in this article Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! . All the copyrights are removed from the nuke core files and they are nuke's core files, and you have removed the theme's copyright from showing up which is a violation also. Being as how you show so little respect for other author's copyrights, what in the heck is going on? How does FB feel about you removing all the copyrights from all the modules? I just find this so very unprofessional.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:28 am Reply with quote

i sort it Smile

forgot as i changed alot of the code like i removed all javascript and theme thats how it is

was not made by me

thanks steve

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:40 am Reply with quote

was just missing $copyright from theme Smile

all fixed

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:43 am Reply with quote

and inuke not mine now, gave it to bob who was beta tester at time,
and did some of the fixes when i build it.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:53 am Reply with quote

phoenix-cms wrote:
and inuke not mine now, gave it to bob who was beta tester at time,
and did some of the fixes when i build it.
Posession is 9/10 of the law, as they say. You are the one who originally was responsible and since you are using a version that violates the copyrights you need to either fix it or stop using it. This will do nothing but make a mockery out of anything that you produce and try to sell the public on.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:00 pm Reply with quote

i have no control on inuke now and gamesxclan was just theme error

server crashed like 3 times sofar and going to update it as soon the forum is done

and move it to my webserver and off my game server.

there no issues with it just one line missing from theme

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:01 pm Reply with quote

i really thinking maybe not to post anywhere forum wise

people will ways debate me

just becuase of fb?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:07 pm Reply with quote

phoenix-cms wrote:
i sort it Smile

forgot as i changed alot of the code like i removed all javascript and theme thats how it is

was not made by me

thanks steve

Erm, if I remember correctly Steve, you developed Imagination Nuke which you later sold on to a third party.

The screen shot you posted is hosted on yet another Imagination Nuke powered site and again has;
all core file copyrights removed
phpnuke.org copyrights removed
modules copyrights removed
HyperTech Theme by Mtechnik copyrights removed
and in addition, I dont think that domain is licensed to run E-Solution

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt regarding copyright removals when you sold your other domain as a 'token' of your sincerety for having committed that stupid mistake but I'm sorry, I cannot take anything you say, even at face value any more.

Please, stop living in cloud cuckoo land - or should that be 'Dreamland' as its only down the road from you in Margate.

Now I have one simple question that I do not think you can answer, because I have already spoken to the other party - can you provide me with any evidence whatsoever that you are working with FB?
I presume you must have email correspondence or something other than a psychic link.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:09 pm Reply with quote

that domain is going to be fixed i using nuke 7.9 and had to premod the package

not something i can do over night

and 2 that domain is not mine i just have access to it ftp wise

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:18 pm Reply with quote

Man... if it was me, I would probably slink off into the shadows never to be seen again. This hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper for this guy.

But in my opinion anyone willing to align themselves with FB isn't exactly someone I could take seriously anyway. No offense intended of course, just my personal feelings.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:26 pm Reply with quote

i been correcting everything and yes i probley wont be around nuke.
i was going to get some advertising today from ravens so best not do that either then.

i make this my last forum post Exclamation

and considering i herd fb side of the story with you guys no wonder he is like he is

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:55 pm Reply with quote

phoenix-cms wrote:
i been correcting everything and yes i probley wont be around nuke.
i was going to get some advertising today from ravens so best not do that either then.

i make this my last forum post Exclamation

and considering i herd fb side of the story with you guys no wonder he is like he is

Advertising is your call.

FB's side of the story with who? FB was FB before I ever came into the picture. The FB saga is well documented in the archives of Google and other sites. It not a "sides" thing. His reputation, such that it is, speaks for itself.

As to this Imagination Nuke thing not being yours, sold to someone else, using someone elses site, blah, blah, blah, come on Steve. We're calling a spade a spade here. You have blatantly disregarded copyrights and professionalism repeatedly. I was one of your more ardent defenders over the IM Nuke thing and you not only burned me there but now you continue to do so. You know the old saying Burn me once, shame on you; Burn me twice, shane on ME! Well, if you desire to have any credibility in the community, I suggest you put up a professional, legitimate site and attempt to polish your tarnished profile. You can rest assured that that monkey will not get off your back until you make public restitution for your actions and quit making excuses.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:57 pm Reply with quote

phoenix-cms wrote:
and 2 that domain is not mine i just have access to it ftp wise

No you are correct, that one is not registered in your name but the owner shares your surname and home address so people will just assume it belongs to you as I did.
Even so, you need to sort those missing copyrights - you say you are going to do that so, thats a good thing, an honourable thing.

I await your evidence that you have been instructed to do this coding for FB - or is this your final forum post because you can offer no proof?
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