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Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
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Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:38 am |
I knew I wouldn't be able to leave this alone . Okay, what applications would you like to see pre-installed with RavenNuke76? |
Hangin' Around

Joined: Nov 09, 2004
Posts: 32
Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:50 am |
1. SPAW editor
2. CZuserinfo Block
3. Sommaire Parametable Menu
4. Metopen homepage module
These are enough, but i do not know if you need a kind of permission from the blocks/modules creators to include all these to a package.
But anyway, this is allready a great package  |
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Thu Nov 24, 2005 8:28 am |
Yes, since you asked... (Please ignore my news article post comments - I hadn't checked the Forums yet).
1. NSN Groups 1.7.1 (for at least messages, blocks, modules, and Forums)
2. GT-NextGen Modules tweak (so that all the infrastructure is there in case someone wants to install the rest)
3. Another vote for Sommaire, but in reality, it is quite easy to install.
4. I think some of the key forum mods like you have here would be wonderful, such as Quick Reply, code/quote block select/expand, some of the bandwidth-saving things, being able to click on the poster and it comes down into the post...
5. Your Site Info block and Collapsing Forums block, but, yet again, they are very easy to install so may not make sense in a distro unless you are thinking of having a less generic distro.
6. Latest patch series block (at least have it in the blocks directory)
7. Nuke Treasury? This one may be too difficult as it has to be personalized...
8. Chuck the base nuke Downloads and go with your downloads or NSN GR Downloads instead... (see, got another one in without having to post a new post!!! )
I'll think of more I am sure.
montego |
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RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Nov 07, 2003
Posts: 928
Thu Nov 24, 2005 9:02 am |
I would vote for
Gallery or Gallery 2
One of the Calenders....
Although I will tell you the one that is the biggest PAIN to install....Attachment Mod.
The rest are pretty easy....
Dawg |
Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

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Location: Vancouver Island
Thu Nov 24, 2005 9:32 am |
What a great new nuke !
Thank you, Raven, nuker of all nukers and all round good guy ... Raven's 7.6 3.1 w/Sentinel is surely a sweetspot.
My wish list... ( in some particular order and with no understanding of getting all the egos lined up . )
1. NSN Groups
2. SPAW Editor
3. CNBYA / DateBlog *
4. MK Event Calendar
5. Navigation solutions, ie: Sommaire, CZ ... see #1. (btw, KISS ... I like Raven's Nav Solution.)
6. Forum Mods (lots)
7. coppermine
8. php-nuke manual update
* 3. (non-existent atm) YA enhanced with blog & personal calendar - combine FF and Blog2 ? |
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Joined: Oct 09, 2004
Posts: 293
Thu Nov 24, 2005 1:09 pm |
For a general Site
Approve membership
Attachment mod
Where is either in user info or separate
Ip tracking
International time conversion with daylight savings (There is no good one available finish and take the one I cant finish off for yourself)
Descent translation block
Search forums from from the Quick search on our site
A calender
Able to change more emotions window size and simile order
Google search That latter 3 are in a single quick search block on our site
'partners' link block
link exchange block
Simple weather block that cover the whole world, not just the States (Nuke weather) AND /or
A simplified and modded version of ibleeming weather block, just local forcast and modded to use weather satellites images that cover the whole world..not just the States.
Able to add small pics, links/email links in news items without messing with coding in txt
Able to change the order of news items
Add view lasts posts appear in top of modules block when logged in.
Add link in modules block to email webmaster
CZ scrolling forums block that only shows last posts as per permission groups when logged in
Have new members to automatically be put into a 'members' group (see above)
User info possibly with country flags of visitors/members calling from the sentinel ip to country db
Able to remove ALL links to member details in blocks, forums etc unless logged in.
(privacy and SEO )
Notes in blocks /themes/core files eg //this line changes news item back ground...and a // line example to change a #2335 code to an image.
Backed up by an to change forum colours open and edit these files.... see notes in file.
Good galley..I prefer mentalto..this is a matter of personal preference
Scrolling pic block off the gallery
Much depends on what 'market(s)' u are aiming at
1/The biggest market is the 'kiddie' want to have a site with all the bells and whistles, doesn't grow and disappears within a few months
2/Gaming sites..
3/Small business and small schools.
4/General info sites and clubs (car, surfing, parrots, special interest)
5/Web hosts with preconfigured portal that customers have access to.
2/ 3/ 4/5/ are all very similar, good ones that are in for the long haul don't have all the bells and whistles and want user friendly
Many blocks modules are over coded, one does get the impression there are a lot of functions that are put in more to show off how 'fancy' and what a good coder the author is rather than from a user/member/visitor user friendly point of view.
EG in user info why have stats links off # hits? If one checks logs these are very rarely used and when used don't serve any useful purpose to members/visitors. Not only that they are unnecessary links for SEO, so have them appear just as admin login or just member login.
OR put another way KISS |
_________________ My Spelling is NOT incorrect, it's Creative |

Sat Nov 26, 2005 9:21 am |
You mention Sentinel. The package comes with NukeSentinel pre-installed. You also mention IP Tracking. NukeSentinel includes a very extensive IP Tracking. Was there something else that you had in mind? |
Site Admin

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Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Sat Nov 26, 2005 10:06 am |
I can see this getting silly in no time at all LOL
My own personal votes go to 'added value' - things which one might consider indespensible for the *majority* of users.
To that end;
One of the html editors for sure - SPAW seems good.
Some form of url re-writing whether it be GT or googletap
Sommaire menu
One of the many Calendars
I dont think we should lose sight of the fact that both new users (first time installations) and upgraders will be using this particular version and with that in mind, I personally wouldnt want to see too much mucking about with core nuke tables.
I have not looked at NSN Groups for quite some time but if memory serves, this used to alter the original core nuke user table?
Nothing wrong with that, per se, but not every user wants or needs groups and some already have other 'groups' type systems such as paypalnuke or E-Solution and altering core tables might create problems for *upgraders*.
With regard to forums mods. I personally am in favour of the 'nice touches' type of tweaks. e.g. the one that sends a copy of the post text in the notification email of replied posts, instead of just a link to the post.
I know a great many sites make extensive use of their forums and the available features so perhaps this is best addressed as an 'add-on' pack for those that want everything, regadless of the sql overhead cost etc. |

Joined: May 15, 2004
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Location: Germany
Sat Nov 26, 2005 10:42 am |
I also vote for:
1. Sommaire (I like it and there is a new version available)
2. A calendar would be fine, don't know wich one...
3. What about a guestbook ? (I like KISGB!!)
4. A newsletter module ?
5. A simple backup tool (I'm still searching for it without success...)
6. Shout Box
And what about MS-Analysis, nobody listed it but I like it and, that is why I would like to have it in your package, it needs some changes in the core files.
So, what I would prefer is to include only those which needs editing of core files, all other blocks and modules are (more or less) easy to install and of course easy to update. But I hate to upgrade phpNuke and after that change core files again to get (e.g. MS-Analysis) modules work.
Thanks for your great package !!!!!!!!!!! |
_________________ Best regards, Norbert
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Sat Nov 26, 2005 10:57 am |
Guardian, definitely in line with my intentions. Added value and don't touch core nuke tables if at all possible. At this point, my generic list is
Admin Login Block (Replacement)
Admin utilities (User_Temp table Manager - my Resend Email module)
HTML editor
Some type Gallery (maybe, as they require netpbm or similar to be installed)
A calendar
GT next gen
Forum mods (I have already contacted Curtis for his input)
Menu block
Nuke Treasury
Your Account replacement
Other blocks/modules that are optional
Bob Marion does not allow any of his NSN scripts to be bundled with nuke bundles.
This will probably change before all is said and done, but for right now, this is kind of my "blueprint". I am also exploring the possibility of offering most, if not all, of these added features with an automatic installation/deinstallation mechanism.
So much to do and so little time ...... |

Sat Nov 26, 2005 12:05 pm |
Quote: |
You mention Sentinel. The package comes with NukeSentinel pre-installed. You also mention IP Tracking. NukeSentinel includes a very extensive IP Tracking. Was there something else that you had in mind?
My post was made shortly before your intial release, up to then Sentinel was not on a confirmed list of any kind, just your intial post in this thread.
As u say, and I agree,There is no piont in duplicate functions, I listed both simply on the basis that some sort of ip track should be part of it, and you would have the sence to realise the dupication and wouldnt be silly enough to do something put both in
I started out a yr ago, didnt know what apache was, and buke was some thing our Government banned lol...In that time I have , as a user gone from complete newbie, to be able to muddle my way thru most stuff now. I have spent a lot of time here and couple other top support forums, reading problems requests, how to, problems, looking at other good user sites. Tryed diff modules, blocks blocks, accessed from a visitor/member piont of view. Going from comments on our site, posts I have made around the place and listening to suggestions from ppl...I have bundled all the above up into a basic list as a general giudleline in my post above.
What is needed is a good allrounder "plug n play' stable nuke
I downloaded your release yesterday, and loaded to my test site...very nice, Im impressed. I wish that was around when I 1st started out.
All it needs now is filling out with a few, common, good, user freindly modules/blocks, and u have a surefire winner m8. |

Joined: Nov 17, 2003
Posts: 131
Sat Nov 26, 2005 12:13 pm |
What you have listed there, Raven, are all things that I would want in a base install. Indeed many are things I have had to add or want to add.
I love Sommaire, so that would be my pick. And Gallery.
Many of the other things that have been mentioned are nice, but can be added on a per site need basis.
I assume this is a fresh install package? Dang I'm already jealous!! I'd hate to have to start over again lol. |
_________________ Shonierose
Shonie's Retreat |

Sat Nov 26, 2005 2:20 pm |
Alas, my Shonierose, 'tis only a fresh install bundle. |

Sat Nov 26, 2005 9:52 pm |
It is definitely a shame that NSN Groups cannot be included. Maybe Bob will "bend" on this one, but that is, of course, up to him. It is just such a sore spot with me that Nuke doesn't come with a true user and user group management feature. It just makes it so difficult to run a more business-focused site without a good groups management system.
I seem to recall that the "powers that be" in the community (a news article and comment thread) were going to look into going in together on improving the core nuke system to have true groups/rights management. Whatever happened with that pow wow? |
Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

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Location: West Branch, MI
Sun Nov 27, 2005 8:29 am |
Ok folks I am putting together a list of truly useful BBtoNuke mods for RavenNuke 7.6
So far Raven has requested the following be included:
Attachment mod
Quick Reply mod
Yellow card mod
Ignore user mod
I am interested in hearing which others should be included. Please keep in mind that the intention here is not to bloat this release with everything including the kitchen sink. The intention is to provide truly useful additions. |
_________________ Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. ~Poe |

Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:30 am |
Send Forum post content with topic reply notification and I think there is one kicking about that emails the admin whenever ANY forum post is made.
I'll try and dig the links out later Curtis if you are not familiar with those ones. |

Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:44 am |
Page Numbers would be a good add on.....along with Google map (Site Map) |

Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:01 am |
Sitemaps would be specific to your own installation, though a *generic* sitemap could be created for default modules.
I'm not sure if anyone has created a module to create sitemaps but that is something certainly worth investigating.
Would you have a preference for xml or html sitemaps? |

Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:17 am |
I would rather have html myself..... |

Joined: Oct 05, 2003
Posts: 107
Location: Illinois
Mon Nov 28, 2005 7:15 pm |
Most of the requests I have received from hundreds of nukers are the following.
1. Gallery 2 - So far the best version of any gallery to date.
2. An advanced Automatic backup Mod that you can set through admin to backup your site and database to a folder on your server. This mod does it on its own without having to have the user manually do it.
3. Forum Topic reply notification mod with the post and username included in the email.
4. Forum Attachment Mod 2.3.14 or latest version
5. News Page Numbers
6. Shoutbox from I believe the latest is Version 8.5.2.
7. Universal Module 2.5 or latest version available.
8. Better Your Account Module
9. Profile and Your Account User edit - Merge into one area.
10. Advanced Quick Reply
11. bbcode Box - with the exception of the web bbcode.
12. Forum image resize mod - limit width
13. Caching system that works - for speed
14. Curtish's AUC update.
Just a suggestion but would make a nice package. These would only require minor edits to the themes. |

Mon Nov 28, 2005 7:23 pm |
Forum mod - I seem to recall installing a mod quite some time ago for someone else that limited avatar and sig image dimensions and file size. This had its own admin control via the forum admin page. |

Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:07 pm |
I recognize that my wishlist of "I've got to have" mods, which someone else is going to install, is like playing roulette. You put it out there, then gravity takes over. Just do what YOU want Raven... because you can't make everyone happy all the time.
Families of nukers, gamers, community, webdev, news, hobby, shopping, etc. all have different needs. For example, the whole BadKarma, BanIP, killbill thread of things is pretty well useless bloat for me, as I've only had to ban a less than 5 people in 4 years, and it wasn't like I didn't see those instances coming without an application to tell me about it. Yet, I can see these mods would be essential "got to haves" for other nukers.
Perhaps you need to have two distros ... basic core and fully loaded. But then you'd have to have fully loaded for gamers, fully loaded for community sites, fully loaded for nuker sites, fully loaded for news sites... etc, etc. omgaloshes! what fun!
I've got to have groups and I completely agree with Montego. A decent User/Profile Management system is totally required. I don't remember it being all that difficult to install NSN Groups on my 6.9 site, so if it isn't included in any upcoming release I'm still hoping it's not going to be a too difficult install on 7.6 3.1. (fingers crossed)
For me, really useful forum mods would include anything that helps with the Profile/Your Account side of things:
Search in Member Profiles
BBtoNuke Profile Photo
Members List Find User
Custom User Title
other mods I'd like to see: Topic Notify E-mail with Posted Message, Forum Notification Mod, Search last 24 hours, Forum statistics, Favorite Topics, and a spell checker (which is likely useless bloat for others, but my users love it.) |

Joined: Sep 09, 2005
Posts: 88
Mon Nov 28, 2005 9:23 pm |
How about NSN News?  |
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Mon Nov 28, 2005 9:32 pm |
One more time, as mentioned above:
Bob Marion does not allow any of his NSN scripts to be bundled with nuke bundles. |
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Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:11 am |
Besides NSN scripts are usually the easiest modules to install.  |
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