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Joined: Feb 18, 2004
Posts: 244
Wed Jan 18, 2006 5:38 pm |
Does anyone know where I can find documentation and/or a tutorial to configure the NSN Groups that come with this distro?
I don't fully understand what it's use and capabilities are.
I had hoped that certain content could be made accessable only by a specified group, or subscription level..
Thanks, |
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Wed Jan 18, 2006 6:23 pm |
That´s a good question. Thanks, because I asked me the same. I have thousands of members but never used NSN Groups. But learning by doing is possible.  |
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Posts: 5661
Wed Jan 18, 2006 6:42 pm |
Think this gives a nice overview..depending on version it should be almost acurate.( from NSN Groups 71-7
Allows each block, module, or message to be assigned to multiple groups.
- Improved Admin sections.
- Added module for public group sign-ups.
- Uses UNIX Timestamps not dates.
- Allows admins to add multiple users to a group.
- Allows admins to "Empty" a group.
- Allows Admins to setup groups on their sites.
- Allows Admin to email a single groups or all groups.
- Allows Admin to move a users from one group to another without deleting them.
- Allows group names to be changed.
- On "User Add" or "User Move" script checks to see if the user is already in the group.
- Sets the members start date to the current date.
- Admins can set expiration date for each group member.
- With this version it will be much easier for module developers to make group reactive modules.
- Works together with phpBB groups for improved control of your site. |
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Joined: Jun 04, 2004
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Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:22 pm |
NSN Groups is different from the Groups function that appeared in later versions of PHP-Nuke. NSN Groups mirrors PHPBB groups, and can be used to control access to modules, blocks, messages, forums, downloads (if you use NSN Group Downloads, too), newsletter recipients (if you use either Montego Scripts' HTML Newsletter or Fancy Newsletter), and probably more.
Unlike PHP-Nuke groups, it doesn't use karma / points to determine membership - at least not outside the forums. But NSN Groups does allow public membership - i.e. the ability for anyone who wishes to join the group. You can uses NSN Paypal to charge for membership to NSN Groups, which is commonly used for digital goods (downloads available to paid group members), and membership can expire.
Hopefully, that gives a different perspective on how NSN Groups works. |
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Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:17 am |
Thank you!
I'm very hopeful that I'll be able to designate different areas of the content or encyclopedia to different groups. I've wanted to do that for a while now. |

Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:36 am |
As far as I know, neither of those functions has been integrated with NSN Groups, nor the standard Groups.
Would you want to specify content group by page or by category? Encyclopedia groups by encyclopedia or by entry? |

Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:16 pm |
I would not personally need the ability to specify by page.
But I would like to be able to specify by content section or encyclopedia section.
If someone were going to add this I think that to suit the most amount of people and possibilites it should be by page though..
*shrugs* |

Joined: Mar 18, 2006
Posts: 60
Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:46 am |
So I'm a dummy, I understand what your saying but i would like a better example of the set up steps
i don't want non members to be able to download, see the gallery, or things such as that.
will this do that? and give me an ideal how to get started.
is ( New Girl/Guy On The Block ) the group I'm in?
To A Newbie this stuff is very confusing..  |
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Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:03 am |

Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:38 am |
sorry that just takes me back to the News page  |

Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:49 am |

Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:13 am |