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The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

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Sun Nov 26, 2006 2:26 pm |
I didnt even notice it thanks Hit |
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Hangin' Around

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Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:54 pm |
It seems that I missed the download well well I just wait for the Beta a couple of years and then when I'm in a wheelchair I can take a peek at my new Beta |
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Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:04 pm |
Hello guys,
at first sorry for my bad english because i come from germany and i only have learned it in school since many years.
I see that many of you works on a new version of CNBYA. Thats great. I use the version CNB YA 4.4 and it works great. The only problem i have is that i cannot use the many scripts to make a welcome pm in my php nuke. And thats what i want. I will the CNBYA and a welcome pm for the new registered users.
I have readed that it would be in the new version 5. is that right ?
So i have 2 questions. Can anyone help me to install a welcome pm to the CNBA YA 4.4 ?
And my second question is... can i anywhere download the beta of version 5 ?
Torque |
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Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:17 pm |
Quote: |
I see that many of you works on a new version of CNBYA.
If that was the case, it would have been out by now. We all want it, but it has gone no-where, it seems, it quite awhile.
Quote: |
I have readed that it would be in the new version 5. is that right ?
That is the rumor.
Quote: |
Can anyone help me to install a welcome pm to the CNBA YA 4.4 ?
Not me, but others here might take you up on that.
Quote: |
can i anywhere download the beta of version 5
I do believe all the links above are no longer "active". It did not seem right to release something ahead of the author... just wish the author would soon... maybe a Christmas present? ppppplllllleeeeeaaasssseeeeeeeeeeeeee |
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Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:21 pm |

Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:43 pm |
@montego. Thank you for all informations!!
@stefvar... Thanks for posting the link. But this script i have tested allready and it is not compatible to the CNB Your Account. Because the word witch i must find in the two php files are not in there.  |

Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:46 am |

Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:22 pm |
wow thats perfect.. it works!!! but only one problem. The PMs are not new ones. They are in the folder of PMs from yesterday/allready readed. Who can i fix this ? |

Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:03 am |
There are no reasons so that the date is not that of the day. I do not think that it is the good place to speak about this problem . |
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Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:39 am |
Hello together.
I hope, i can try the Your Account 5 version this year.
Perhaps can me send someone this version?
Email: 1982marco(at)gmx(dot)net
Thanks |
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Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:29 pm |
This year is just about to be over... I don't think you will get your wish.
Maybe hoping to win a state lottery might have a better chance than YA 5.
mestro wrote: | Hello together.
I hope, i can try the Your Account 5 version this year.
Perhaps can me send someone this version?
Email: 1982marco(at)gmx(dot)net
Thanks |

Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:44 am |
Maybe they need to broaden their tester team... with more testers of php knowledge, maybe they might help with outstanding issues.
It's always difficult getting into the tester team or getting any updates with the development. |

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Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:39 pm |
This'll teach me to look before I leap...
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Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:09 am |
its now been afew years since the first word of CNB YA 5 and still waiting i think we should all assume its not coming and i suggest that they should pass the project on to someone who else agrees with this |
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The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Mar 06, 2004
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Sun Jul 29, 2007 10:46 am |
Given that development of this has come to a complete stop and also that none of the other developers that I was working with on it are around anymore (at all) I am prepared to share the code with other module developers that would continue evolution.
Please keep in mind that the code is:
a) Development code (not ready for prime time)
b) A couple of years old (and thus, has not been patched for that time period)
c) Has a couple of serious bugs with login/logout depending on the browser used.
I would rather share the code only with developers and will contact the appropriate parties from Raven's. I thought I had given this to Raven last year, but if not, I'll try to get that done this weekend.
If you have questions about it, inquire within. If you are a moderator here, feel free to PM me.
Steph |
_________________ Steph Benoit
100% Section 508 and W3C HTML5 and CSS Compliant (Truly) Code, because I love compliance. |

Mon Jul 30, 2007 10:19 am |
Hi Everyone
After being unsuccessful in contacting any of the other developers off-line, I have decided to assume control of CNBYA Development.
Last night, I dug out my old 3.5" drive, put it in a USB Conversion tray and managed to find the CNBYA 5.0.0 A0 code and the fixes, updates and compliance changes that I had done since the internal "developer only" release of 5.0.0 A0.
With that said, I'll be hosting the files on my domain; however, I will attempt to keep much (if not most) of the discussion about CNBYA here at Raven's where it has always resided in the past.
Due to issues of code filtering with NukeSentinel, my domain will ALSO host a forum about CNBYA so developers can paste snippets without being subject to that filtering.
If you wish to be part of the team, I ask that you read the original message in this thread and respond accordingly....
If you are not an experienced PHP coder, please do not contact me about getting this code. It is not ready for production use and I don't want to waste my time addressing bugs that I already know about, nor do I want anyone's site compromised because of these bugs.
At present, I have a fully functional, 100% W3C Compliant Nuke 7.6 After-Patch 3.1 test domain where CNBYA 5.0.0 A2 is running; however, that site (and the files on that site) will only be made available to CNBYA Development Team Members. This is where team members will be able to see live code, be able to access user and admin screens, be able to test code revisions, etc....
Now I know what everyone will be thinking, so let me beat you to the punch.
When will the code be ready?
There are two serious issues with the code at present. One is relative to cookies (specifically with session management in Gecko browsers). I would say that as soon as that major bug is fixed, the code could probably be made ready fairly rapidly. I would assume that a "BETA" version could be made available 20-50 coding hours later.
Additional testing is also needed on Windows based machines as I have only worked on the Linux based side of things. There are MANY advanced features in this thing that we'll need to take a look at. Much of it may be stripped out in favor of a faster turn-around. We'll decide that as a team as we move forward.
Bottom line? If you want to get involved, now is the time, but be prepared to defend your coding experience if you do want to be involved. I'm not looking for people that just want to re-release the code (and you know who you are), I'm looking for people that are capable of working on it and are dedicated to success.
Thank you for your time and attention folks!
Steph |
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Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:03 am |
It might be wise to perhaps start things over. Take the good ideas and such from the project and scrap the rest. There are a bunch of things that were a bit off in 5 and incomplete. Plus there are some coding problems. |
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Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:20 pm |
Whatever we decide to do, a better Your_Account replacement is badly needed. I was thinking about starting a thread for people to list their requirements for such a module. I know CNBYA has some of those features I want, but I have never looked at the code. I need the ability to suspend accounts so troublesome users can't just sign back up again with the same email address over and over. Right now I have hacked Your_Account and added a "creep list" of bad emails to reject. LOL. |
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Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:28 pm |
Aren't both of those features in the older YA 4.1? |
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Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:49 pm |
I have PM'd requesting a copy of the code. I have a test domain that I used for testing RN 2.10 and I'll put a copy of CNBYA there. On a case by case basis I am willing to give other developers from this site admin access so we can all experiment with it. But that's putting the cart before the horse a bit. I want to bring the site up with RN2.20 (as it now stands) and keep it current with that and then have CNBYA running against that.
I have never seen the code nor used CNBYA and have no idea what to expect. But I wholly agree with Gremmie that there needs to be some major enhancements to YA and a thread focusing on specs would not be out of place no matter what direction we go in. |

Joined: Feb 26, 2006
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Location: Jackson, Mississippi
Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:12 pm |
technocrat wrote: | It might be wise to perhaps start things over. Take the good ideas and such from the project and scrap the rest. There are a bunch of things that were a bit off in 5 and incomplete. Plus there are some coding problems. |
I have to agree. However, YA needs a serious overhaul. I will be glad to see some kind of progress made towards this project. |

Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:17 pm |
Slightly off topic, but I was thinking about your requirement Gremmie, to suspend users. Did you ever think of using the NS string blocker to block their email address? I know it might be kind of "harsh" and not a full substitute for a facility in YA but it probably would work. |

Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:52 pm |
I did think of that, but I thought it would be to harsh. I want them to think it worked. I check to see if a new user is on the "creep list" and if so, I email the admin that they are trying to register. I then skip the registration email, but it looks normal to them. Then they can wait forever for an email that won't come.
I would also like the new YA to record the last date/time the user logged in. I can't believe it doesn't do this now. |

Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:01 pm |
64bitguy, it has been a long time. Glad to see you back. And, most importantly, thank you for taking up CNBYA! Sorely needed by many. |
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Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:21 pm |
I agree, montego. I did some testing on the 5.0 test version, but 64bitguy was much further along in testing it. The improvements are very promising, but I resisted giving copies of the 5.0 test version to others for basically the reasons Steph describes above. I didn't evaluate the code before as it appears technocrat did, but I'm definitely willing, ready and able to contribute development (and / or other) assistance, especially if the goals and plan make sense. Based on Steph's track record, I am confident that is the case.
Steph, the latest files I could find are:
CNBYA_500_UNI_1147834035-html.tar - 2/14/2006 (installer in a directory, but no docs), internally identified as version 5.0.0 A4 A - 8/25/2005 (docs, installer in a file), internally identified as version 5.0.0 A2 D
The A4 version looks has additional W3C valid icons - wonder where that came from?
For reference (especially for those who weren't involved in the testing and wonder what the big deal is), the last file shows these features in version 5.0 (from the A2 D version):
Code:new in CNBYA 5.0.0:
* Fixed a lot of bugs, restructured many files
* CNBYA is now near to 100% W3C compliant (MAJOR thanks to 64bitguy for his efforts to obtain this!)
* SMTP mail support (as well as qmail, sendmail and phpmail)
* MIME html/plaintext mail handling
* automatic timezone detection
* easier configurable dateformat
* a revolutionary security code configuration panel
* A whole new internal security system (URL Guardian)
* easy user management (improved admin gui)
* All user fields can be configured to be required, optional or absent during the registration process
* Terms of Service is editable (stored in the database)
* CNBYA has it's own Avatar upload functions (upload into database)
* Improved userinfo pages (our goal is to make them preferable over the forum ones)
* DNS domain verification applied to the email at registration
* Highly improved password-lost functions (internal and gui)
* Added option to re-request required fields at login (nuke fields and extra fields)
* Added gender and birthday fields (optional)
* All fields can be enabled of disabled on registration
* Fake email field, realname and user benefits can be disabled
* Added optional PM on registration
* Added an admin debug panel for bugtracking purposes (see modules\Your_Account\includes\constats.php and set debug to 1 and set you IP-address)
* Improved overall theme compatiblity
* Improved security checks on read/write to the database
* Improved compatibility with IIS installs
* Improved the installer (check on existing fields, wrong prefixes, etcetera)
* Improved compatibility with older userinfo blocks
* Made the module truly universal (6.5 to 7.6)
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