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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:21 pm Reply with quote

Hey Guys, I'm wanting to make a Block that is for Affiliates and Links and would like to have all the 88x31 banners scrolling upwards. Also I've been Looking for a "Link to me" Block as well that shows My 88x31 banner and The code for it below, I've seen it here but it only shows the Code, I wouldn't mind it showing above the Affiliates and Links Scrolling. Thanks

Running "RavenNuke(tm) v2.10.01"

Code I'm using for the Affiliates and Links It displays the Banner but it doesn't scroll.

I tried to Display the Code but it Gave me a Ban Warning, I wasn't trying to "Hack" the site ... So I just made an Image for it Cool

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:58 pm Reply with quote

Try adding before ?>

$content .="</MARQUEE>\n";

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:30 pm Reply with quote

Added what you said and no Luck. Confused
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:14 pm Reply with quote

I would suggest first removing the first $content line completely as it is not doing anything.

Second, remove the period from the beginning of the next content line.

Next, remove the "align=center" as there is no such thing as center but rather 'middle'; however, in any event, I wouldn't use it at all, but would rather stick a <center> before the <a href function in the next content line and then place a </center> after the </a>.

Finally, change that target from "new" to "_blank".

Don't forget to end with the closing content line described above.

Oh, and I almost forgot... You have a combination of formats going on, and frankly, you can't do that.

Take all of the backslashes out of there and use quotes instead.

For example:
behavior='scroll' direction='up' height='150' scrollamount='3' scrolldelay='90' width='100' onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start()'>\n";

I had to cut the beginning out to avoid the stupid NukeSentinel triple filtering of actually compliant code issue when posting here; however, I can post the entire code on another site if you need to see it all.

That should do it.

Steph Benoit
100% Section 508 and W3C HTML5 and CSS Compliant (Truly) Code, because I love compliance. 
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:44 pm Reply with quote

well tried that and another failure.. Confused This is what the Code is as well a Image of the Block. Maybe this will Spark Something Smile

Posted before I seen the Edit, but Would be nice to see the Whole Thing, I've getting 30% Confused here.. haha

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ok Done that

Last edited by donovan_cane on Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:08 pm; edited 1 time in total 

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:04 pm Reply with quote

Okay, now take those \" out of there and replace them with single quotes in the first content section.

In the second content section, start with <center> (before the <a href) and then put the </center> after the </a>

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:14 pm Reply with quote

Ok did that still the same thing... Confused
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:20 pm Reply with quote

I am guessing you are using FireFox. When I view your site, the content for that block IS scrolling with IE7, but NOT with FireFox.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:26 pm Reply with quote

I'm using FireFox

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:30 pm Reply with quote

The reason for it not scrolling in Firefox could be related to the page being setup as XHTML 1.0 instead of html 4.01 transitional.

While the site is anything but compliant to either standard, I suspect it could be related.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:43 pm Reply with quote

well, I've seen Other PHP Nuke Site's with scrolling Blocks, Heres an Example

Dispel Designs

So your telling me I'm out of luck? I Sure hope not, There Must be a way to make it work with both IE & Firefox..
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:19 pm Reply with quote

When RN switched to XHTML, the ourscripts.net shout box stopped scrolling. I had to go fix some CSS that was not compliant to get it to scroll again. I suspect you have some invalid XHTML or CSS that needs to be fixed before it will scroll again. Try running the output of the block through a XHTML validator and fix any errors.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:20 pm Reply with quote

Also note that the marquee tag is not legal XHTML. The ourscripts.net shoutbox did not use it, I don't think. But many browsers will still allow it.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:24 pm Reply with quote

A quick glance at RN reveals that NukeSentinel and the HTML newsletter are using the marquee tag, so I assume it can work on XHTML. Just make sure your code can be valid (minues the illegal marquee tag part Wink )

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 10:36 pm Reply with quote

Okay, well I'm not sure why anyone would convert any version of nuke to XHTML without fixing the thousands of non-XHTML compliance issues, but in any event one major show-stopper here is using things like tbody tag where they should not exist (for example, just before the contents of this block).

If tbody is used, you MUST also use a thead and tfoot, but why anyone would use any of this at all is beyond me as it is redundant and unnecessary.

I would search your code for all tbody references and delete them... that will definitely mess with a marquee and other non-W3C-compliant functions.

As for NukeSentinel, it has always included two blocks with the Marquee function, but it may not necessarily work with an XHTML based site. As for HTML Newsletter, well... that is an external function so I'm not sure where exactly it would utilize a scroller or for what purpose, but that's another story. It would probably be best if someone actually tested these things with a working demo site to see what works and what doesn't and why.

As someone that has coded both XHTML 1.0 and 1.1 Transitional compliant versions of Nuke (um.. the only 100% compliant sites), I can tell you that you can get scrollers to work; however note that marquee is non-W3C Compliant (to any web publishing standard) and that getting it to work and format correctly means ensuring that the other 20,000+ or so errors are fixed in order to get everything to work and appear right with all browsers, including the theme itself. Keep in mind that all nuke themes are coded for HTML 4.01 Transitional and not XHTML and thus, each will need to be recoded to work with that standard!

At one point, Raven and I were working on making a compliant scroller, but we both got side tracked on other projects (such is life eh?). As far as I know, my header scroller is the only compliant one in existence on any nuke site, but neither of us ever got around to making a compliant vertical scrollers for side blocks, despite spending a lot of time working on the issue.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 10:46 pm Reply with quote

I used the Code that is being used for NS(TM) Scrolling Block

These are not W3C Compliance like you said.

So i tried it in my Block and it Worked in FireFox but from Right to left. so I want it to go up, so I changed direction="'.$scrolldirection.'" to direction="'.$up.'" & to direction="'.$down.'" - and it still goes Right to Left. So it's ignoring the Direction soooo Help! I'm almost there Razz

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 10:49 pm Reply with quote

I suspect there are some other issues at play here such as the theme and the aforementioned tbody tag. Dump that tag and try putting the whole thing inside a div element which should separate it from the rest of the content.

Post your code because the "up" is not getting into your produced output. I suspect this is another example of the \" thing where it shouldn't exist or the definition is bad. If the direction is a variable, dump the variable and hard code it for 'up'.

Update:.. Forget the tbody issue, after looking at the code, I see that it is in there all over the place which is a real pity. Someone is going to need to go back, find all of those and dump them in a later revision.... but that's a job for... well... someone else besides me.. Shocked

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 11:12 pm Reply with quote

I would like to Thank you guys for all your Help.

Thanks Again,

Donovan Cane
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:42 am Reply with quote

Just to throw another wild card into this mix 64bit, I believe that if you use the fckeditor (which is standard with Ravennuke) and you insert a table, it automatically inserts tbody tags. I often go into the source view and edit function of the fckeditor to just put a table in manually and after I insert the table and tr and td tags and go out of source view, when I come back the editor has inserted tbody's. And I just verified on my localhost test system that it will do the same if you use its built in table insertion tool.

There is a sticky post out with the compliance status of the themes that were released with RN2.10. There are still some themes that "need work" and if you have any suggestions for what we should be doing to improve the compliance status they would be very welcome. I mean other than "dump the whole theme architecture" which might really be the right answer.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 9:44 am Reply with quote


I guess I need to stay in the loop (instead of out of it for a couple of years)...

You are absolutely correct about that tbody issues being related to the editor (or at least part of the problem being fckeditor). I'm still trying to figure out why the editor would be inserting these inside blocks (which have nothing to do with the editor, especially on pages where there are no editor produced output).

There are options in the js config file that would allow users of the fckeditor to disable that tbody insert function and the latest versions have directly addressed the issues with the non-compliant "marquee" (dare I call it a feature?) with fckeditor inserting unwanted spaces.

A little research on this led me to: Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! where they also mention, "regardless of this lack of marquee support"....

Oddly enough, the tbody issue was there for xhtml compliance reasons; however, if you look at the output, you'll notice that in fact the formatting creates a lack of compliance by failing to include the aforementioned thead/tfoot functions.

I suspect that much of this is due to normal nuke configuration that has (by insertion of fckeditor itself) fields being editor associated, when they shouldn't be, especially in the case of "output only" data formatting. Specifically, if you look at the users' page, you'll see there are no input fields on the entire page (except the login). Blocks shouldn't have any data that was placed by the editor.

In any event, I think the problem described the user here is either an "overall" problem relative to non-compliant XHTML definitions and layout AND/OR a problem with the block code itself. Unfortunately, raven's (this domain, not the person) is still unnecessarily re-filtering phpBB data via NukeSentinel, so the user can't post his code which is a huge drag. I'm tempted to have him post the entire snippet on my domain where this problem was addressed and fixed a couple of years back.

I'm hoping we can get him to at least post another picture so we can see it and go from there. In the meantime, maybe some of us should jump back into the Xmarquee barrel and see if we can pull out a W3C Compliant and functional scroller. Smile

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 10:11 am Reply with quote

Latest Code that is Scrolling Right to Left.

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