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Joined: Aug 01, 2007
Posts: 9
Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:16 am |
I have been trying to set up NukeSentinal for a few days now and although everything seems to be fine i am never prompted for passwords when entering the admin page, is this correct?
my .htaccess file seems to be correct and my .staccess file has the admin's name's and encrypted passwd's, everything seems to be correct but I am never promted for any password except for the RavenNuke god passwd? i assume this is incorrect?
while re-running the nuke sentinal setup procedure i noticed that i could read the sentinal god password in the Admin Auth List quit clearly while the other 2 admin passwords are encrypted, this is when i press the edit button,
auth password is set to set and protected is set to yes on all three admins.
at the moment i don't know if my site is protected by NukeSentinal or not, if anyone has any idea's to what is wrong or what I am doing incorrectly I would be most gratelful.
Apart from this i have been very impressed by NukeRaven, I should say that I am running RavenNuke on Apache on my own system using
TIA, dave. |

Joined: Dec 19, 2004
Posts: 3191
Location: Germany:Moderator German NukeSentinel Support
Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:03 am |
Check the settings for Http Auth in the administration of NukeSentinel or in the database table. Should be 1 (Http Auth =on) in nuke_nsnst_config.
You are protected by NukeSentinel assumed the blocker are activ.
Http Auth is additional but highly recommended.
So check your settings again and beneed this you can read more about NukeSentinel in the HowToInstall of RavenNuke and there" Configure NukeSentinel".
Hope this helps. |

Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:14 am |
thanks for the reply,
I am having to use Admin CGIAuth, i wonder if this is the problem?
I have checked the blockers and thay all seem to be active.
dave. |

Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:20 am |
No that isn´t a problem. CGI Auth works also well its 2 in the database table.
In the forums are several entries about Cgi Auth maybe its a good idea to search for these. Sometimes the .htaccess entry is wrong. |

Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:27 am |
I have been reading and re-reading all the posts i can find regarding nukesentinel but to no avail,
i guess i will just keep trying, although i am concerned that i can read a password clearly while the other 2 are encrypted?
i will re-search the post and see if i can find anything new to read regarding CGI Auth.
dave |

Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:16 am |
i have been re-reading some post regarding CGI Auth problems and mention was made that you should not rename tha 'God' admin, which one is this ravennuke 'God' or nukesentinal 'God'???
i am starting to think that i will just leave it to luck, although i am still surprised that i can read one password but not the other??
dave. |

Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:04 pm |
As God you can always change and resend the passwords from the Admin Auth List and just as well scan for new admins.
Don´t forget to chmod the files with 666 or 777.
I could take a look but I´m sure you missed only a step. After changes you should also clear cookies and cache.
As long as there isn´t a pop up window its not correct but you canl always start again. |

Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:07 pm |
just a small update, don'y know if it is relevent but each time i try to setup nukesentinel i get am email telling me this, which is what i expect, but the admin password is in clear text, is there any way i can totally clear everything from nukesentinal and start a fresh.
dave |

Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:32 pm |

Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:15 pm |
"Your access for ... etc. are are normal notifications from NukeSentinel and the password and login name is of course readable"
Only the 'God' admin passwd is readable the other admin's passwd are encrypted!
Many thanks for your help and replys, but i am starting to go around in circles, i am going to give up for the night and go for a pint, maybe i will have better luck tomorrow.
dave. |