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Joined: Sep 13, 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:24 am Reply with quote

OK..I have a weird one.
I recently changed web hosts.
I moved my database and entire site without a hitch. HOWEVER, ever single page of my site is blank.

I called my new web host support and they said they could see my site just fine. I said WHAT? After a minute they said they could see it fine from WITHIN their network, but when trying to access it from outside their LAN, they got the same blank pages.
So, my site works on their local network, but not when accessing it from the internet...

Any ideas?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:35 am Reply with quote

Sounds like an issue on their end to me. They need to be helping you with this.

However, I would check any .htaccess statements just to make sure there isn't something hard coded in there to your old domain account structure / environment.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:37 am Reply with quote

Thanks montego. They have been unable to figure it out. I'll give them a couple more days and if they can't figure it out, I'll change web hosts again. I'm a pretty understanding a patient person. They seem like a good host, so I'll give them a chance.

I checked my htaccess, nothing there indicating any paths to my old host.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:46 am Reply with quote

What did you do with your old site? Did you leave it up for a few days while the DNS name server changes would ripple through the DNS system? You have changed your domain name servers to point to the new web hosts ones right?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:52 am Reply with quote

montego wrote:
What did you do with your old site? Did you leave it up for a few days while the DNS name server changes would ripple through the DNS system? You have changed your domain name servers to point to the new web hosts ones right?

Old site is still with old host. Domain Name Servers changed for my .com. It actually propogated within 12 hours. All new emails are already working on new host

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:16 am Reply with quote

They have been looking at it for about 30 minutes now and still cannot figure it out.
I tried turning off ShortLinks and disabled sentinel to see if that does anything. However, if the site works internally, but not from the Web, then it must be something on their end and nothing to do with my scripts

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:58 am Reply with quote

myrtletrees wrote:
However, if the site works internally, but not from the Web, then it must be something on their end and nothing to do with my scripts

I completely agree! Either they have given you wrong name server information or there is something within their network causing this issue! Stay on them!!!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 8:10 am Reply with quote

I thought maybe it was because my .com has not fully propagated, however, I have a dedicated IP and I get the same blank pages when using the IP.
I have been in Live chat with support for about an hour and a half now and they still can't figure it out. They are just now starting to think maybe the DNS hasn't fl propagated. Email works though, using pop.mysite.com

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 8:37 am Reply with quote

Wow, this really stinks. They said it is PHP-Nuke and they cannot offer technical support for custom scripts. I informed them that the exact same site/scripts runs fine on my old web host to which they did not respond. So I asked them is it in my best interest to cancel my account and move back to my former host that WORKS? They said that choice is up to me. They also said I can run PHP-Nuke if I like, to which I responded, that is what I am trying to do, but it does not work on your servers apparently.

bummer. They seem like a very good host.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:52 am Reply with quote

Your new host sounds kind of clueless.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:27 pm Reply with quote

Can you access any files at all? Even a simple .html file?
That could determine whether its an access/hosting issue or a phpNuke issue

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:12 am Reply with quote

HTML works, PHP-Nuke patched version does not. And they re-iterated, it does not work internally for them either.
Someone on their forums got it to work, but I'm not jumping through a bunch of hoops to get a simple CMS to work.

By the way, UNPATCHED versions work on this web host. Patch your Nuke and it does not work.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:01 pm Reply with quote

That is very strange. We'd need some kind of error logs to determine what exactly is the problem.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:16 pm Reply with quote

evaders99 wrote:
That is very strange. We'd need some kind of error logs to determine what exactly is the problem.

Let me know exactly what you need, and I will provide.

The web host is actually better than mine as to I have full control over my Virtual Private hosting package. SSH, error logs, etc.

FYI: I just uploaded a complete patched version of PHPNuke 7.6 and the same results, blank pages.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:43 am Reply with quote

It must be server configuration thats the root problem (no pun intended).
Which versions of mySQl / PHP is the server using?
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:46 am Reply with quote

Could you PM me your;
new server IP
new name server
domain name
I'm curious and would like to just run a few reverse lookups

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:39 am Reply with quote

Well, Evaders figured it out. He changed $dbtype = "mysql"; to $dbtype = "MySQL"; in the config.php

Curiously, when I was trying to get everything to work before, I was getting Connection to DB error when specifying MySQL, so I changed to mysql per some instructions in their forums and that was connecting, but giving blank pages.

Thanks to all for your support. This is the best PHP-Nuke forum in the WORLD!


PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:40 am Reply with quote

That is just so odd. Why did it work from the host's internal network but not from the outside world? Does not make sense to me. Sounds to me like your host really didn't check it internally? Can that really be right?

I am glad its working, but would like to understand why the disconnect.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:46 am Reply with quote

montego wrote:
That is just so odd. Why did it work from the host's internal network but not from the outside world? Does not make sense to me. Sounds to me like your host really didn't check it internally? Can that really be right?

I am glad its working, but would like to understand why the disconnect.

You know what? I actually do not think it is working still.

I pointed my domain back to my old host to get my site back up and running. If you try to access the site on my new host using the static IP, it takes you to my domain name which is pointing to my old host which works.

This is still unresolved it appears.

I am pointing the domain name BACK to the new host and try to debug again.

Here it is



PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 7:05 pm Reply with quote

I think you said that you were using a VPS right? Had you created an account for this domain using your VPS control panel (it might be WHM?) rather than using the base IP? I am used to seeing something more like this:

Sounds also like you can SSH into your server. Maybe try lynx to access your site from an SSH connection just to see if you really can see it from inside their network.

I honestly believe this is still a host issue. I just cannot figure out why they cannot fix it.

Try writing a quick script even to echo out "Hello World" to prove to them it isn't NUKE!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:19 am Reply with quote

I've canceled my web hosting account with them. Sorry for the futile attempts at getting this to work. I appreciate everyone's help.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:46 am Reply with quote

No problem. Sorry to hear this. I understand your frustration. I had issues with another host before moving to RavenWebHosting. What a "dream" that was... you can't get better support for PHP-Nuke (especially).
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