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PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 6:40 am Reply with quote

Hey guys,

Probably being retard, but the currency symbol on our Donation block is showing as a '?' in a diamond rather than '£'. I downloaded the nuketreasury2006 block from here and uploaded the UK version.

I thought it may be a theme related issue as we are using a custom theme from uberthemes, but it also occurs on the standard themes too.

Anyone have any ideas.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 11:09 am Reply with quote

I did a "view source" on your page and there is indeed a ? coming out. Is it possible you have to go into the nuke treasury configuration and choose what currency symbol you want first?

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:33 pm Reply with quote

there isnt an option for the currency symbol.

There were two folders in the downlaod, UK and US. I have uploaded the UK files and checked the PHP and there are £ symbols where they should be, but the d*** ? appears instead. Not being a web guru im a little out of my depth....


PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:42 pm Reply with quote

Where did you download this? I found only NukeTreasury1.1 here in the downloads and it doesn't have a UK block.

If I could see the block code I might be able to help. If the pound symbol is just sitting in some string in the block, have you tried replacing it with the entity £ ?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:44 pm Reply with quote

I downloaded it from this very site....


there are 2 folders, UK and US with blocks, admin, modules folders. So I used the UK, there are a few places where there is reference to the £ symbol in the donatometer block and in the donations module. They appear to be exactly the same in the US version but with the $ sign instead like below:


$DM_GOAL = sprintf('£%.02f', $row_Recordset2['value']);

Not sure what you mean about the &pound entity; it's all dutch to me....lol.
Thanks for all your help gremmie.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 3:09 pm Reply with quote

Thanks for the link.

I dunno, try this. In the block-Donat_o_Meter.php file, everywhere you see a £, replace it with £

If you don't want to attempt this, PM me your email and I'll send you a file with the changes to try.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 3:27 pm Reply with quote


well, it changed the output, but this is a cut and paste of what happened


September´s Goal:     &pound100.00
Due Date:    Sep 30
Amount in:    &pound80.00
Balance:    &pound76.88
Left to go:    &pound23.12

so it kind of worked, it got rid of the ? in the diamond anyway....lol

So i returned it to how it was and this is what we get:

September´s Goal:     �100.00
Due Date:    Sep 30
Amount in:    �80.00
Balance:    �76.88
Left to go:    �23.12

there is use of the £ symbol elsewhere but it is used with the concat command and has a \ after it, not sure what this means, but might it be that the £ and dollar are getting confused and needs some sort of delimiting character???


$query_Recordset3 .= 'CONCAT(\'£\',SUM(mc_gross)) AS amt ';



PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 3:37 pm Reply with quote

You have to replace it with £

Notice the trailing semicolon. Try that.

As an aside, here is a list of HTML entities:


I suspect your pound symbol isn't allowed in the character set in your DOCTYPE or something, so you should use an entity instead.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 3:40 pm Reply with quote

And replace it everywhere, even in the CONCAT SQL statement (there are 2 such statements I think).

Here is an example of how to do one of them:


$query_Recordset3 .= 'CONCAT(\'£\',SUM(mc_gross)) AS amt ';

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 12:41 am Reply with quote


you sir are a genius!!!

Thank you so much, I was a little out of my depth to say the least, fumbling round in the dark on my own would have yielded negative results.
Now if only I actually understood the change I had make and what this DOCTYPE wizardry you speak of is all about.

Still, they say ignorance is bliss!!!

Thanks once again


PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 6:59 am Reply with quote

Well I'm not sure I understand it either, LOL. Something to do with RavenNuke switching to XHTML probably, and the character set we picked for the document. I think XHMTL is more strict about these things. I'll research it a bit more "in my spare time". Smile
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