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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 9:02 am Reply with quote

I continue to get attacked by Paul and/or his wife http://nukecops.com/postp126075.html#126075 . I am not even posting there anymore for crying out loud! Since I know they are reading my posts here, otherwise they wouldn't know about Glidergirl's hack, you would think that professionals, such that they claim to be, would wait to hear my response as posted in this post http://www.ravenphpscripts.com/postt1586.html#10806 . As usual, she attacks me without even knowing the facts. I am banned some way or another, as my userid and password worked up until my announcement that I would have no other part in their website. Then, how coincidentally, my id and password no longer work. No never mind except in a case where I can't post the facts, but it wouldn't matter because they no longer like to deal in facts, only innuendos and bullsh**. My fixes were not in there. Nor were hack alert, because I had not yet written them when I installed her site.

I personally don't care who uses what script for what reason. My hackalert script was published before theirs and is desinged for UNION exploits - period. Chatserv has published fixes for everything else, here again, before theirs. I have subsequently published an HTTP Authorization methodology for the admin hacks. These all worked the first time, not with repeated attempts and bugs. Choose what you will.

To Paul and his wife, please, leave your personal attacks on me out of your editorials, at least until you know the facts. BTW, I tried that News/Preview thing that inky posted and it did display the cookie and my IP never got banned. I think your problem is in your mainfile.php get/put traps, not any of your hack alert scripts.
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Hangin' Around

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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 9:34 am Reply with quote

Well, Inkydink seems to be defending you over there as well, I will too! Smile
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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 9:43 am Reply with quote

Thanks. I am not asking for anyone to take sides. Just get the facts straight Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 10:22 am Reply with quote

I just see a post over @ NC where chatserv gets attacked. Putting stuff about he's personal life in a public forum, not on!

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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 10:27 am Reply with quote

There seems to be very little professionalism left over there.

Joined: Jul 18, 2003
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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 10:32 am Reply with quote

Wow... quite interesting that folks cannot seem to let stuff go. I don't get it, are we still in grade school?
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Spouse Contemplates Divorce

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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 3:24 pm Reply with quote

I enjoy poking fun at ZX from time to time he begs for it with his endless self promotion and negative campaigning against others efforts. But I'd never drag his personal affairs into a public forum for any reason. Its not the first time he's made slanted personal attacks. Remember the personal comments he made regarding AI's sexual orientation? Who really cares? Even if you did would you take the word of this self centered opportunist for anything?

Sorry gang but this is the same ole song and dance get used to it. By the way notice there has been no announcement regarding the " planned sale of NukeCops"? I don't believe there ever was a to be an actual sale. Just another spin to grab headlines and get more donations rolling in.

Want to sell Paul? I'll put up a late bid of $2500.00 put up or shut up. Its another scam people thats all it ever was. I've no doubt the attack was real but ever consider that just the htaccess file from the CN Beta could have redirected all that traffic and more from the 1000's of sites that don't change the htaccess file from directing to NC in the error redirection?

DJMaze had a good bit of information there. The fact no one is talking about in all of that was that the UT code included in PHPNuke 7.3 was the Beta3 code. Who was sleeping on that one? Beta 3 was out for what 24 hours before Beta 4? Who forgot to tell FB in their rush to glory of getting their name in another place in the PHPNuke files?

Telling people the exploit doesn't work is crap install 7.3 without the updates and any 12 year old can crack it. And many do just that. So lets not go throwing disinformation out there just to make Paul look good ok?

I could rave on here but its as pointless as can be. Its as pointless as the NukeCops Auction.
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Hangin' Around

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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 3:26 pm Reply with quote

Raven wrote:
There seems to be very little professionalism left over there.

Indeed. All you have to do is read Allevon's posts in this thread to see that: Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!. I have complained twice to Paul about his personal attacks and offensive language. To date nothing has been done about it.

Site admins represent the board they help maintain. If he is allowed to continue this offensive behaviour I must conclude that his antics are condoned by the owners.
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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 3:46 pm Reply with quote

Which is further evidenced by the fact computercops.biz participates in www.icra.org ratings and nukecops.com does not.

PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 4:23 pm Reply with quote

I did not know that...

PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 4:42 pm Reply with quote

You know, that's the thing that has always bugged me about sixonetonoffun. You just never know what's really on his mind! You always have to read between the lines. His message is always a double entendre so that only the person being attacked knows/gets the real meaning. Wait!; oh yes - that's that other guy. Sorry Six. Man, I was so sure I was right .....

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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 7:36 pm Reply with quote

This is the first time i read this post, I was at nukecops and read post but it was locked already. I was at work. I think IACOJ went over the line and i said so.

I stated facts and i was threatened
IACOJ wrote:

You haven't even seen aggressive, I can give you a lesson if you like.
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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 7:57 pm Reply with quote

She likes you. I was told where to go and not to come back.

PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 8:02 pm Reply with quote

sixonetonoffun wrote:
She likes you. I was told where to go and not to come back.

Then she has a problem "MY WIFE" Shocked

PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 8:53 pm Reply with quote

Its funny all this "intense discussion" lead me back to this post http://nukecops.com/postitle23182-30-0-zx.html
which I haven't seen since my last "contribution" to it. I was pleased to see that some good things were said afterwards and that folks were interested enough to continue with focus. chris-au and djmaze both of whom I respect helped to carry the discussion through to an amicable end.

Truth is if it had been my forum and I didn't like the views presented I might just have locked the thread rather then respond at all. In fact if I ran the site I am sure I'd have closed with a comment to deal with this with me before you take it to the public like that. I've seen ZX say almost those exact words before so I can't understand whats prompted this quite public and quite fruitless campaign as of late. Might just be stress they say marriage is one of if not the most stressful moment in a persons life.

I've moments with the IRS where I might be able to dispute that claim but all the same. I'd be willing to chaulk it up as stress and see the flame wars die any day. So I hope they succeed with this new direction of self sustainable financial support Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! and start building a Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! future. Before it all lands in the Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:36 am Reply with quote

sixonetonoffun wrote:
I enjoy poking fun at ZX from time to time he begs for it with his endless self promotion and negative campaigning against others efforts.

'self promotion and negative campaigning against others efforts' is not just a programmers thing. I've seen these same arguments, back stabs, apologies, and so on in so many things I do with groups. Halloween, off roading, scrap booking, genealogy ... whenever you have a group producing something egos are always in the way. I don't thing you can have a group of intelligent people work together and still act intelligent. Most of the time I sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch the fireworks. Flame wars are so fun Wink Rolling Eyes

I found Raven through NukeCops .. so for that I'm grateful. I just hope that this site doesn't get so big that it 'flames out' like NukeCops.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:47 am Reply with quote

Six, Chat, and I were with NC from about the time it started. We went through the battle together, lived to tell about it, and are still together afterwards. Our relationship here is based on professional and personal friendships. We left NC with integrity and I would doubt very much that you will see that sort of thing happen here. We don't pretend to be 'gods' nor do we think that our sites are the one and only this or that. EOL

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:08 am Reply with quote

I figured that out fast the way you guys fun with each other. Smile Friendly forums are the ones people visit. You can have all the information in the world, but if have a bad vibe on the forum people don't want to visit.

I haven't been on NukeCops site in forever. I didn't even know it was sold until I read it here. You're not the only site I use, just the primary one of choice.

I don't think you'd have time to be 'gods' with all the other stuff you all do :p

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:47 am Reply with quote

(Gadzooks! Holy Dead Threads Batman! Wink )

Needless to say, NC's efforts to divide suceeded in many respects.....and in many respects, the division was successful in that people got a clearer picture into the integrity of those behind some of the sites I no longer visit....

Integrity and an honest desire to help the community as a whole is what keeps people coming back to sites such as Raven's and Bob's and a few others.....
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Joined: Apr 10, 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 7:01 am Reply with quote

Some people just never let go of the bone do they. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I've been going thru a very similar thing for the last 4 years with my site, and the main culprits are banned, but even though I never retaliate against their slander they still won't let things die.

They even put the knife in at levels I hadn't even thought about, like stopping our charity work to raise thousands for cancer research, by bad mouthing me personally and my site. Now I was mad about that, but still didnt retaliate.

I think those at NukeCops and the ones determined to bring my site/credibility down will either get fed up if we don't bite back, or people will get fed up with listening to their lies and slander.

I know which site I prefer, and I'm on it now. RavensScripts

You know I honestly think people like that carry on the way they do because they are either insecure, jealous or both.

Classic Mini rules the bends & bends the rules!
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