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Joined: Jan 03, 2007
Posts: 94

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:52 pm Reply with quote

Hi again. I am installing RN locally. Thanks to the help of Evaders99, adaykin, and Gremmie I have 98% install completed. I am however having a problem with accessing my admin.php file. This is from the install page that I am stuck on.
"A setting has been added to the rnconfig.php file called $bypassInstallationFolderCheck and it is set to FALSE by default. By setting it to TRUE, you can bypass this safety check on the INSTALLATION folder. This should only be used (set to TRUE) when testing locally and not in a production environment. "

I opened this file up with my html editor and changed the value from FALSE to TRUE, hit save and exited. I restarted apache, Sql, and tired again. I keep getting this screen. YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE....You have attemtped to access this site with an invalid ip.

For some reason it doesn't appear to accept me changing the value, "$bypassNukeSentinelInvalidIPCheck = TRUE; .

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:27 pm Reply with quote

(You don't have to restart apache, etc when changing stuff in config.php)

It is strange you are getting an invalid IP on XAMPP. I would think that would be ok. Anyway, yeah, change that $bypassNukeSentinelInvalidIPCheck = true;

Is it changed in the file and just not working? Or you are having trouble changing it?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 10:46 pm Reply with quote

Yes it is changed in the file and it is just not working. I use html kit editor and clicked on save once I had made the change. I exited then returned to the rnconfig.php and made sure it had changed and it had but I still cannot access the admin.php. I still keep getting the error message.
I don't know if it matters, but the local host computer I access remotely. It is behind a router also.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:11 am Reply with quote

I always have a problem with Invalid IP's on XAMPP and have to use the switch to gain access to my sites.

So you are not getting INSTALLATION folder message anymore?

Just to make sure it is changing the switch open the file in notepad and check.

I use Notepad++ for quick edits, but everybody has their favourites. Wink
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 11:10 am Reply with quote


"$bypassNukeSentinelInvalidIPCheck = TRUE;

I have reset the switch to TRUE and doublechecked to make sure it had changed and it had. I still get the same error message and cannot access the admin.php.
Any advice?

Last edited by express on Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:57 pm; edited 1 time in total 

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 11:26 am Reply with quote

Sorry what error message are you getting? Invalid IP, or INSTALLATION folder message?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:28 pm Reply with quote

jakec wrote:
Sorry what error message are you getting? Invalid IP, or INSTALLATION folder message?

As I have stated in the beginning of this thread,
I opened this file up with my html editor and changed the value from FALSE to TRUE, hit save and exited. I restarted apache, Sql, and tired again. I keep getting this screen. YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE....You have attemtped to access this site with an invalid ip.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:54 pm Reply with quote

OK, just checking because you were talking about the
$bypassInstallationFolderCheck switch, which is unrelated to the Invalid IP error, so I just wanted to check we were on the same page.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:57 pm Reply with quote

express wrote:

For some reason it doesn't appear to accept me changing the value, "$bypassNukeSentinelInvalidIPCheck = TRUE;

Are you saying when you go back in to the file it has changed back?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 3:00 pm Reply with quote

Sorry if I seem to be going over everything again. I just want to check we are all on the same page. Wink

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 3:13 pm Reply with quote

Please try clearing your cache etc and try again.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:23 pm Reply with quote

Cleared cache, still doesn't work.

NukeSentinel(tm) Configuration Options:
* $bypassNukeSentinelInvalidIPCheck: Debug control to bypass NukeSentinel(tm)
* InvalidIP check when set to TRUE. Leave
* this FALSE for production sites.
* $bypassInstallationFolderCheck: Debug control to bypass RavenNuke(tm)
* setup/runtime check when set to TRUE. Leave
* this FALSE for production sites.
$bypassNukeSentinelInvalidIPCheck = TRUE; //This should only be used (set to TRUE) when testing locally and not in a production environment
$bypassInstallationFolderCheck = TRUE; //This should only be used (set to TRUE) when testing locally and not in a production environment

I have turned the switch to TRUE and I still get the error message "
You have attempted to access this site with an invalid IP."
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:15 pm Reply with quote

This has always worked for me on my local XAMPP installations, so I am a bit at a loss here... I would say make sure all your files got to where the needed to go. If you used FTP, try using FileZilla instead (you said somewhere above that you were accessing your local PC remotely which is why I am even mentioning FTP).

I am just not getting why this is still throwing this error... :sitting here scratching my head until it hurts:

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:40 pm Reply with quote

Iv'e scratched my poor ol head till it is bleeding....
Went back over everything again and I believe I have followed the Install directions properly. I get to here, Configure Base RavenNukeā„¢
Most settings have already been pre-configured in the installation process so far. There are just a few more settings that you may want to configure at this time. It is suggested that you open up another browser session and point your address bar to http://YOURDOMAIN.com/admin.php (your path may be slightly different). Here are some suggestions on what settings you may wish to review and adjust within the Admin Control Panel (ACP):
I am using this in my browser-http://localhost/ravennuke/html/admin.php.
That is when I get the Black screen that says attention using wrong ip etc.
For some reason, this switch doesn't appear to work for me...$bypassNukeSentinelInvalidIPCheck = TRUE
I didn't ftp any folders or files to the localhost. I just accessed the localhost computer and downloaded them from this site directly to the C:
I then created a folder called ravennuke and put it in the xammps/htdocs folder.
I then copy and pasted the entire .html folder and put it in the ravennuke folder.
So I have the ravennuke .html folder installed in
I then been using this in the browser window to read and install the files,
When I try to access the admin.php file, I have tried several different versions of addresses but still get the error message.
Any way to verify if the "switch to True" is not working?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:56 am Reply with quote

I assume you installed all the IP2COUNTRY data? Sorry just checking, I'm running out of ideas also. Confused
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Joined: Feb 23, 2004
Posts: 358

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 4:53 am Reply with quote

I don't know why, but this bypass variable exists also in mainfile.php (this is in addition to rnconfig.php).

Right around line 165


---- beginning at line 162 ----
// Added by Raven for my RavenNuke76(tm) installation in v2.02.02
// These settings MUST be set here (right before including config.php) to avoid code injection.
$bypassInstallationFolderCheck = FALSE;
$bypassNukeSentinelInvalidIPCheck = FALSE;
$advanced_editor = 0;
$tnsl_bUseShortLinks = FALSE;
$tnsl_bAutoTapBlocks = FALSE;
$tnsl_bDebugShortLinks = FALSE;
$useDynamicTitles = FALSE;
---- Ending at line 171

You might try to shut it off there too...

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:22 am Reply with quote

I'm IN!!!!
I Uninstalled everything and started over fresh. This time when I tried it it worked. Go figure....I don't know what I must have done different but I am now in the admin.php and am like in kid in a candy store Very Happy
Guys thanks for all your help and patience......I hope to be able to help out myself someday. Until then I am sure I'll be scouring these forums for as much knowledge as I can get.
Again, thx!


PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:48 pm Reply with quote

Sometimes it's the only way. I'm glad you are in. Very Happy
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