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Joined: Jul 15, 2007
Posts: 13
Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:28 pm |
i got upto this point and i havent a clue what to do now i have read all of the posts here and their is one other thread about this but it doesnt tell you hjow to solve the problem
please help me! =]
chears Grimsy |
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Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:17 pm |
Well if you can give us a clue as to what the problem is... |

Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:35 pm |
well it mainly says it in the title lol =] but heres more detail
Normally: /home/path/.htaccess
This function requires Apache to work.
Normally: /home/path/.staccess
This function requires Apache to work. |

Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:46 pm |
I edited the paths for your safety.
I have not seen this error before myself where does it appear on your site? |

Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:35 pm |
umm in the admin section for the nuke sentinal admin |
Site Admin

Joined: Jun 04, 2004
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Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:37 pm |
That's correct. Only Apache uses .htaccess directives. |
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Wed Jul 18, 2007 2:50 am |
so how would i be able to use this? |

Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:37 am |
Scan for new admin then look at the admins listed in Sentinel, that will then allow you to set an admin as 'protected' by creating an entry in the htccess file for you.
If you are not using Apache then you cannot use it - for example, Windows servers do not support the use .htaccess files |

Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:58 am |
oh ok thanks =] illl leave the Apache alone then
thanks for all your help |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 29, 2004
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Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:49 am |
BTW, the issue is not using Apache. Seriously, why are you not using Apache? Are you able to use it instead? You can use Apache on a Windows server and it will work just fine (we certainly prefer it). However, yes, if must use a different web server, then you cannot use the following features of NukeSentinel:
admin file protection
writing to .htaccess
However, that does not mean you cannot use NukeSentinel. You can still write the blocks just to the NS database... |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Joined: Jul 27, 2007
Posts: 77
Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:47 am |
Can I bump this thread as I am now having this error and I DO use apache.
I have the following listed
Quote: |
htaccess Path:
Normally: /home/users/***/***/***/.htaccess
This function requires Apache to work.
staccess Path:
CGIAuth Setup
Normally: /home/users/***/***/***/.staccess
This function requires Apache to work.
ftaccess Path: Not Available
obviously *** to replace my actual path which is the location of these files
I have just changed my .htaccess (and all other actually) to 666
Any thoughts?
Paul |

Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:44 am |
Check with your host whether they allow the use of .htaccess overrides. |

Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:28 am |
Can I tell without contacting them? For instance I know that the redirect rules in my .htaccess are working, as is my CGI-Auth login for the admin section
Paul |

Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:08 pm |
Well, don't know what to tell you if you are positive that you are running Apache. I've never seen this before in all these forums for the last three years (at least only a few and no answers).
The following is the code that is causing this:
if(!stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], "apache")) { echo "<br /><strong>"._AB_NOTSUPPORTED."</strong>"; }
As you can see, it is just displaying a message and not really stopping you from using .htaccess, but it is very odd that that test would fail. It isn't rocket science code... So, PHP must not be valuing it properly?
If you are truly using Apache, and you have other directives in .htaccess that are actually working, then you may still be able to use it for CGIAuth. |

Thu Aug 30, 2007 6:15 pm |
I wonder if this could be a kick back from the Hacker Safe scheme again? I was notified of several exploits one of which I am sure what the ability to determine the platform, which they recommended to block.
The other issue is that I am unable to use .ftaccess at all as it says:
ftaccess Path: Not Available
Any pointers on this one?
Paul |

Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:50 pm |
Well, like I said, I hadn't seen this one before, so, yes, it does sound like something is obscuring the fact that Apache is running.
The .ftaccess file should have the same absolute path that your .htaccess and .staccess files have and it should have permissions just like .htaccess so the flood blocker can write to it. |

Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:08 am |
Well the .ftaccess file exists in the root. I cannot even enter the path in the sentinel setting as the above message is all that is in that space. I will post a couple of screen shots shortly for info (and interest) only
Paul |

Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:16 am |
I see. As long as you have that system obscuring the fact that Apache is running, you might just be stuck with only banning within the database rather than at the server level.
I don't have time to rewrite Bob's code for you, but I will point you in the right direction and maybe you can get it working for you.
=== OPEN ===
=== FIND CODE ===
if(stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], "Apache")) {
echo "<input type='text' name='xftaccess_path' size='50' value='".$ip_sets['ftaccess_path']."' />";
$rp = strtolower(str_replace ('index.php', '', realpath('index.php')));
echo "<br />"._AB_NORMALLY.": ".$rp.".ftaccess";
if($ip_sets['ftaccess_path']>"") {
$fttest = is_writable($ip_sets['ftaccess_path']);
if(!$fttest) {
echo "<br /><strong>"._AB_FTWARNING."</strong>";
} else {
echo "<strong>"._AB_NOTAVAILABLE."</strong><input type='hidden' name='xftaccess_path' value='' />\n";
echo "<input type='text' name='xftaccess_path' size='50' value='".$ip_sets['ftaccess_path']."' />";
$rp = strtolower(str_replace ('index.php', '', realpath('index.php')));
echo "<br />"._AB_NORMALLY.": ".$rp.".ftaccess";
if($ip_sets['ftaccess_path']>"") {
$fttest = is_writable($ip_sets['ftaccess_path']);
if(!$fttest) {
echo "<br /><strong>"._AB_FTWARNING."</strong>";
This should open up those two fields for you (hopefully). you may have to make more tweaks elsewhere... but, that is how we learn...  |
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Joined: Dec 25, 2006
Posts: 1
Location: The Netherlands
Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:30 pm |
Quote: |
htaccess Path:
Normally: /home/users/***/***/***/.htaccess
This function requires Apache to work.
staccess Path:
CGIAuth Setup
Normally: /home/users/***/***/***/.staccess
This function requires Apache to work.
ftaccess Path: Not Available
Is this problem solved already?
Because i have the same prolem as p17blo. |