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Joined: Jun 04, 2004
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Location: Germany
Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:03 am |
first i like the new News Module with drop down and so on, but i have a Question.
if i select for example a stories categorie with more than 5 entrys in it,
there are only 5 stories shown and not any link for more or next 5 more. So i tryed it with pagenum but the same issue, only the first 5 of the categorie are shown.
Quote: | modules.php?name=News&file=categories&op=newindex&catid=7
modules.php?name=News&file=categories&op=newindex&catid=7&pagenum=2 |
and thats makes me wonder, because even in shortlinks there are rewrite rules for this scenario....
so any hint what i am missed / passed ? |
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Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:09 pm |
Could you please provide more step by step details on what you are doing to encounter this problem? Are you reading news articles, or are you in one of the admin screens? In other words take us from your home page to what exact steps you are taking to get to where you see the "problem". |

Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:19 pm |
i have the News module in Home, and 5 Articles are shown. Each Article has in the Headline the Link & Name of the aligned Storie Categorie of this Article and the Title of the Article (you can test it with the theme 3D-Fantasy it has the same Function).
So if i click on the Link of the Storie Cat in the Headline of the Article (example: modules.php?name=News&file=categories&op=newindex&catid=7 ) the site opens with the 5 last Articles of this Storie Categorie, but with no Links for more / next Page, which means only the last 5 Articles of the Stories Cat are shown. And thats why i am think this is missing.
Even in the actuall deliverd shortlinks with RN2.20 there are rewrite rules which shows me that at a time there is / was this posabillity of it, or the Rule makes for me in the moment no sense..
Quote: | RewriteRule ^article-category([0-9]*)-page([0-9]*).html modules.php?name=News&file=categories&op=newindex&catid=$1&pagenum=$2 |
so i tryed it manualy with a categorie where more than 20 Articles are asigned/included (modules.php?name=News&file=categories&op=newindex&catid=7&pagenum=2) but it dosent work only the last 5 Articles are shown, and i suposed the next 5 should be shown....
Can you bring some light up to me, has the function gone or it is like it is or do i missunterstud it completly wrong ?
Thanks |

Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:02 pm |
If you turn shortlinks off in rnconfig does the problem go away? On my own web site which is 2.20 I have a bunch of articles in the archive category. When I click on archive they all show up ... that's more than 5. I don't use the category field for anything else so I don't have an extensive amount of data to test with. I don't have shortlinks on, nor do I wish to. |
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Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:43 pm |
Brujo, what do you have set in Preferences for the number of articles to show? Also, each user may be able to override that. |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:53 am |
@fkelly, same with and without shortlinks
@montego standard setting is to 5
i think i described it not clear. On the Homepage the more Link & Drop down select Box of the Pages from the "Paginator" is shown and works perfect tested with 5 or 10 Articles
Quote: | with settings = 5
Seite 1 von 53 (264 Artikel insgesamt) [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | > | >> ]
with settings = 10
Seite 1 von 27 (264 Artikel insgesamt) [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | > | >> ] |
example i have settings = 10 and on the Homepage there are shown 10 Articles and the Paginator Stuff with Next Page and so on which is OK. But if i click / follow to the Categorie Mode of the News Module the site comes up with the last 5 Articles of this Categorie and there are some more.... and no Link for the Next Page
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thank you very mutch guys for your help.. |
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Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:36 am |
Ah I understand it now.
When you go to the Category of which the news item is attached to, it only shows the last 5 articles for that category with no option to view any more posts from that category.
It almost looks as though the paginator class is not loaded/used for that view.
In fact looking at my old nuke 7.6 site it does exactly the same thing so I would say it isnt a bug, more like missing functionality. |

Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:56 am |
If Montego or fkelly agree that this is 'normal' behaviour I would be inclined to make this a 'feature request'. |

Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:36 am |
Definitely needs to be captured IMO. |

Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:56 am |
@Guardian2003 you got it 100%
i am sorry that you Guys have mutch work with me, and on the end the exist rewrite Rules with pagenum (but still wondering why this exist) got my on the wrong way......
So it would be realy nice if it comes to feature request list, because i belive it makes the usage of the News Module better!
Brujo |

Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:57 am |
I just replicated this on my test site and you are correct Brujo. Just to restate it a bit for our reference:
1. I changed a bunch of articles on my site to the category "okra".
2. I have number of articles in home in YA set to 20
3. on the home page 20 articles how up, including some from all categories
4. If I click on the category okra (which has more than 5 articles in it) only 5 show up and as Brujo says there is no more link and no pagination.
And ... this is unbelievable but the problem is an instance of the first bug I ever found in Nuke back before I ever new about raven's site. In categories.php we do this:
Code: if (isset($userinfo['setstorynum'])) {
$storynum = $userinfo['setstorynum'];
} else {
$storynum = $storyhome;
Problem is that userinfo sets 'storynum' not 'setstorynum'.
The correct code from news/index.php should be:
Code: if (isset($userinfo['storynum']) AND $user_news == 1)
$storynum = $userinfo['storynum'];
else {
$storynum = $storyhome;
$storynum = intval($storynum);
I'll test and post back. Need to make sure that user_news variable is propogated correctly. |

Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:03 am |
That works, at least partially. If I have more than 5 articles in home in YA and there are more than 5 articles in okra then they show all show up. However if I have less than 5 articles, say 3, only 3 show up, but there's no pagination. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be there and maybe M. can look (
At a minimum we've identified a bug in categories.php that's been there for years and it will be fixed in the next release.
I will put it in our issue tracker. Thanks Brujo. |

Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:32 pm |
thanks to all, so it was a good day...
@fkelly, after bug fixing will you also include the more link / pagination?
i have take a look at the Paginator stuff in the index.php, to see if it s possible for me to get it work in categories.php but thats to havy for me
Brujo |

Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:54 pm |
Brujo; the bug fix is a lot quicker and less complicated than including the paginator controls. Montego did the paginator stuff for news/index.php and he and I will have to talk about whether it would fit into articles.php and if so who will do it.
I think that there will be a bug fix release for 2.20 and the $storynum thing would certainly fit in that context. Whether pagination goes beyond "bug fix" to be a feature enhancement I can't say at this point. If you were careful and backed up articles.php first you could probably make the change I suggested above and get part of the fix immediately. I would not recommend messing with pagination yourself unless you are pretty deeply into PHP code ... and even then I'd recommend waiting. |

Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:38 am |
If its not in our bug tracker as a bug, would you please add it fkelly? Good catch and fix guys!
The paginator will only show if there are truly pages. So, this sounds like it is working fine (the pagination part), unless I have missed something. |

Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:10 am |
I will update the bug tracker right now M. As to pagination, I think that the code to do that that is in news/index.php probably has to be cloned (with some changes) over to categories.php. If you set up a user on and set the number of stories in home to say 3, and then click on the "okra" category you will see what I mean. There should be several "pages" of stories for that category and there aren't.
But we could and probably should separate these issues. One is truly a bug and the other is really a feature enhancement.
edit: oops went to put it in and it's there: issue 893. I originally put them in as one issue (pagination and the bug). We can discuss whether to separate them over in Mantis. If we are going to do them as one "fix" we can probably leave them joined. |

Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:51 am |
I am fine with combining them as paginator, IMO, is really core to RN now, so it just goes hand-in-hand that a fix in the one area should also have the complete fix. I can take care of the paginator if you like. |

Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:22 am |
fkelly, I've looked at 893 again, and I am now unclear as to whether there is anything open on this thread? If there is still an issue even in the current code base, can you help me by making sure we have a Mantis issue assigned to me on it?
Sorry... I am just so swamped that I am way too forgetful these days. I had a link to this forum thread to follow-up, hence why I am asking now.  |

Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:25 pm |
Will do M. Just hand wrote myself a note to see if the fix has been svn'd and whether it is covered in Mantis. I will look tomorrow. |

Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:48 am |
This was resolved in Mantis issue 893. A fix for categories.php was SVN'd on February 16th, revision 1946. The Mantis issue was marked as "fixed". The possibility of looking at pagination was left open but that doesn't constitute a bug and is not a high priority in my opinion. The eagle does not hunt flies.  |

Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:55 pm |

Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:31 am |
after RN 2.3 is out and i saw that this feature request didnt got into it (pagination on Categories) I like to know if this means no need / not done?
Brujo |

Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:57 am |
Pagination was not added to Categories for a number of reasons. As much as we would like to we cannot add every single feature that everyone requests but we do try to add things if there is enough people asking for a specific feature, provided it doesn't compromise the security of the site or duplicates similar functionality e.g. Authors and Articles module. |