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Joined: Oct 16, 2007
Posts: 19
Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:22 am |
I'm testing the new version right now and I was a bit suprised that the Dutch language files were missing.
What's the reason for this? Are there too much changes and addons in the texts?
Well, I'll try to retranslate everything in the next weeks, when ready I will send it to Raven. |
Site Admin

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Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:04 am |
I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but not sure why. Thank you for volunteering to update. |
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Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:33 am |
Raven was going to release a separate language pack. He decided to slim down the package as most folks do not want/need all the extra languages. |
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Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:21 pm |
pe5pvb, That would be terrific! I decided to leave the majority out as no one was offering to update the much needed changes, even after requests for help went out. So, I decided that we would drop them because it appeared that they weren't needed and if they were then hopefully someone would take the English language files and translate them and send us the files so that we could include them. Thank you for offer to do this! |
Hangin' Around

Joined: Feb 20, 2007
Posts: 32
Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:53 pm |
Well... I am willing to help too! (with the Dutch files)
Maybe pe5pvb can start at the top, and I can start at the bottom of the to-do list?
Then we meet in the middle!
Is there a list of files? Or do simply need all files a revision?
Klaafstra99 |
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Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:00 pm |
As I do not speak Dutch it would be VERY helpful if you could review all the Dutch language files as even some of the original phpNuke ones might not have the correct translations .
I know it's a huge job but when you think we have been tryng to tackle 33 language files for each module, plus the main language directory thats well over 1,000 files just for all the different languages.
If you could decide bwtween you who wants to tackle which files and then either send them to me or Raven that would be fantastic - and don't forget to add a credit to yourself in the files you do. |

Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:31 am |
I'm almost finished with the translation.
These files are still on the list to be translated. Maybe it's something for klaafstra99?
- Nukesentinel
- Tegonuke
and some helpcontent for some new modules. I also reviewed the complete old translationfiles. There were some major errors in it. |

Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:04 am |
Wow, you have been busy!!
It does not suprise me that there were errors in some of the language translation we 'inherited' from phpNuke, sadly none of us speak Dutch so we had to take what we had and trust it was correct.
Most of the additional non-translated text was due to us trying to get rid of all the text that was inside the code itself and move it into the language files as we work towards having a fully multi-lingual system.
After all, there is not much point in having language files is you are going to leave English text inside the code itself
There is still some work to do, for example, some of the form buttons have 'Send' or 'Save' and these will need to be moved to language files and then be translated but with each version that is released, we gat closer and closer to having it truly multi-lingual so thank you once again for your assistance  |

Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:12 am |
No problem. Please don't forget some buttons in the Admin panel. In some cases the name of the button is hardcoded in the links-file of the button. |

Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:20 am |
That is too much work for a fix patch release as we only have a few days but it is already marked for V2.3 as I have to go over that and some more 'accessibility' issues.
I have included the language file translations as you have been so kind as to provide them and if I can get to look at the link text I will  |

Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:28 pm |
I guess this is different for NukeSentinel and TegoNuke. Will this be a complete module translation itself?
Will it be worth the effort, since these modules are mainly admin-only stuff?
Please let me know, and I will get started if really necessary!
Klaafstra. |
Last edited by makama80 on Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:34 pm; edited 2 times in total |

Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:30 pm |
Yes you can do it that way  |

Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:03 pm |
Oh yes and by the way... pe5pvb did you use formal or informal Dutch (je/jij of u/uw) etc?
In English there is no such thing, and maybe if you made a more formal translation, I could go for the informal version because I would like to have that.
Klaafstra99 |

Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:59 pm |
Hangin' Around

Joined: May 02, 2008
Posts: 28
Fri May 02, 2008 12:34 pm |
I have been looking for the Dutch language files in the download section, but I cannot find them. Does anyone else have them?
thanks in advance. |

Mon May 05, 2008 2:13 am |
I'll try to have them online soon. |

Mon May 05, 2008 5:18 am |

Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:39 pm |
Any luck yet? Maybe I can help you? |

Joined: Nov 19, 2007
Posts: 196
Location: Netherlands
Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:39 am |
Im still waiting for Guardian's e-mail
You needed translations for a couple of modules but you never send me the names and/or files.
I'm still available btw  |

Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:39 am |
To who can I send the dutch translation files? |

Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:40 am |
I'd realy like them.
admin (at) airscape (.dot.) org |

Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:42 pm |
I'm not sure yet how Raven is handling the none core language files in our versioning system as I have been tied up with some other projects so if you can send me the translations to
webmaster[at] I will add them to my own system until I know how they will be handled so we don't lose them.
warren-the-ape I'm so sorry. I rebuilt my PC a short time ago and some emails were lost. Which language are you able to assist in translating? |

Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:30 am |
I would think that if we can get commitment from one or two people to keep the translations current with each release, there should be no reason not to include them. I think that was our biggest issue with what we had previously. Just too many old out-dated translations. But, you are right, we should ask Raven. |

Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:52 am |
Guardian2003 wrote: | warren-the-ape I'm so sorry. I rebuilt my PC a short time ago and some emails were lost. Which language are you able to assist in translating? |
Heheh loll np, i dont mind, im just offering my help
But see my Location, Me = Dutch
If there needs to be a (2nd) review of those files, let me know. |

Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:12 am |