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Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

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Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:11 pm |
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Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:22 pm |
Interesting... |
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Joined: Nov 19, 2007
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Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:58 am |
Lolll re-directing to;
But to the correct location.
Quote: | Smeego CMS Closes
Few months ago I opened Smeego and did a fork of PHP-Nuke content management system (that I sold on past year, and no... I'll not disclose the price but I got what I wanted).
I wanted to continue some unfinished works on the code and at the same time let the people know that PHP-Nuke doesn't belong to me anymore. In these months I received, as usual, lots of critics, attacks, bad comments, etc... it was on this way for about 7 years, and I must say that finally I'm tired of all this. I'll not tolerate insults and destructive criticism anymore. Yes... people from the "community" destroyed my spirit and my desire to continue coding. Those people cause pity. Fortunately, coding for a living is something I don't need anymore for the rest of my life and I think I already gave too much to the world. I created a movement, a base and a starting point for some very nice ideas. To those new projects developers I want to say: Go ahead! But beware of the license you use. Use a license, don't let the license uses you! (read below to know why).
I'm also tired of the stupidity at the free software community, specially by the same Richard Stallman. His article at the BBC is the biggest stupidity I read. I believed in the free software movement, but his comments on that article was too much. Why does he attacks the platform I'm using to develop (Apple)? What's wrong with the proprietary hardware and software? This monster also attacks charitable foundations. The obvious communist ideas he defends doesn't belong to me (I recently escaped from a communist country with all my family and that affected me a lot). And since I can't re-license the code because it's a fork, then I'll drop the entire project.
There were a few people that gave support... some emails and 1 donation. That was little but great anyway. To those people, thanks!
In resume, let me suggest to use something else. I'm using Wordpress for other sites and was a great experience and soon I'll re-launch with a technology and entertainment blog in spanish language written by me and my wife. So, without any previous notice this site will totally change in a few days. If you also have interest in medieval and fantasy topics, then let me invite you to check out my blog at TierraEpica (it's in spanish and I'm finishing configuring the system at this time).
Well... let me say goodbye to all. The past 8 years of my life were the better until now, but it's time for me to go and start other projects. I'm feeling very happy doing this and I'll not feel like a slave anymore. Taking this step I'm declaring my freedom. That's the way I'm feeling at this time. To finish, to those people who deserves it... a BIG Thank You! |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:47 am |
Haha this is humorous.
Not to be mean, but FB got exactly what he deserved. Latest release of phpNuke were crap and the community didn't tolerate it. He has no reason to to complain about the open-source community, he didn't extend an arm to the community the way other projects have (Joomla, phpBB, etc).
Too bad the new owners of phpNuke seem content to remain in the shadows and produce unseen software too |
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Joined: Dec 01, 2005
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Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:20 pm |
I am in no way pleased by the way he did things but he deserves respect for what he did, IMHO. |
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Jonathan Estrella |
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Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:07 am |
I'm with slaytanic_wehrmacht!
FB did good things in the past and needs respect for that.
However, since 2004 nothing good came with the project and respect for other developers wasn't noticeable.
PHP-Nuke died due to bad management and you are ignorant if you don't accept that.
Why Drupal and Mambo survive is due to a "team" of developers that communicate, have good revision system, mailing lists, bug reporting and support forum.
If you kill those someone else (like RavenNuke and DragonflyCMS) will pop-up since they do listen and make good decisions of what stays, goes and gets added.
Sometimes requested features get abandoned but not forgotten. Developers will eventually design a new system or interface that allows others to integrate their desires thru a much more convenient system in a way that it makes it possible to make systems dynamical. |
Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jul 07, 2005
Posts: 511
Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:40 am |
Seriously what did expect to have happen? I mean come on!!
He got blasted for what he did with Nuke and so he was doing the same with with his STD sounding CMS!? What was he expecting to have people cheer from the streets? Everyone in the community to get excited about being ignored again? Give me a break. He ignored everything and everyone. Constantly gave bad code and worse insecure code. Piss poor features. Tired and dated templating. On and on.
The ignorance or stupidity of this guy is shocking.  |
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Joined: Apr 06, 2008
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Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:40 pm |

Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:55 pm |
I feel sad for that guy/fan boy. He seem oblivious to the hard feelings of the community towards FB. |

Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:38 pm |

Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:56 am |
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Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:30 pm |
Out with the old in with the new. |
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Joined: Oct 05, 2007
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Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:52 pm |
Does this mean that nuke is un-licenced now then? |

Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:58 pm |
Sorry...still has the GPL license to FB. |

Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:48 pm |
No need for sorry lol, just clarification. |
Village Idiot

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Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:55 pm |

Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:09 am |
looks like I have to switch back to RN  |
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Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:36 am |
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Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:27 am |
I still cannot believe he distributed it as [advertised] "a fork of phpNuke" and then removed his own (phpNuke) copyrights which was clearly in violation of his own license.
The opening message on his site was about him missing the 'coding' so much and the 'community' (which he never really communicated with) etc.
I do feel kinda sorry for him in a way because he has shot himself in the foot but all he had to do was communicate with people and give them the credit for their contributions and phpNuke would likely have flourished.
All he had to do was look at the writing on the wall, the letters were painted three foot high! |