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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:40 am Reply with quote

Hello everyone,

I am running the latest RavenNuke76(tm) Version 2 and have not come across any problem so far.

The site is up and running.

However when people register it seems to take between 5-25 minutes for the activation email to turn up.

My questions are this:

How can i make the email quicker?

If not then how do i edit the text on the statement that says - "In the next few seconds you will recieve an email"?

Any help is certainly appreciated.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:48 am Reply with quote

That is a [dis]function of your host. Edit the text in the languages file.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:24 am Reply with quote

thanks for your immediate reply! Smile

No joy from my webhosts

Is there a way of turning off activation emails all together? Like just registering then thats it?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:56 am Reply with quote

Well, a very quick and dirty way is to do the following.

Edit modules/Your_Account/index.php
---- Find function finishNewUser
---- ---- Find and comment out mail($user_email, $subject, $message, "From: $from\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
---- ---- Find CloseTable(); a few lines down.
---- ---- ---- After, add activate($username, $check_num);

So, when you are done your changed code should have gone from
       mail($user_email, $subject, $message, "From: $from\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());

       title("$sitename: "._USERREGLOGIN."");
       echo "<center><b>"._ACCOUNTCREATED."</b><br><br>";
       echo ""._YOUAREREGISTERED.""
      .""._THANKSUSER." $sitename!</center>";

//       mail($user_email, $subject, $message, "From: $from\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());

       title("$sitename: "._USERREGLOGIN."");
       echo "<center><b>"._ACCOUNTCREATED."</b><br><br>";
       echo ""._YOUAREREGISTERED.""
      .""._THANKSUSER." $sitename!</center>";
       activate($username, $check_num);

That will automatically register and activate the account w/o sending an email. However, I will leave it up to you to modify the verbiage on the screens, via the language files Wink

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:33 am Reply with quote

Thanks Raven for your help

I really hope you copied and pasted that because i will feel bad if i find that you typed all that code out just for the benefit of a complete stranger!

Will edit and report back after work Smile


PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:35 am Reply with quote

Everyone who comes here and asks questions at first is a stranger. But, that's how the community grows!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 7:16 am Reply with quote

In the end i was too scared to edit and modify the files..

I did find a way around the problem though.

I originally had the bb forum general config "Enable account activation" set at none.
By changing this to "user" the emails suddenly became instant.

Is there an explanation for this?

Lastly I would like to thankyou Raven for giving up some of your free time to look at my post and helping me Smile

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 8:15 am Reply with quote

That is, indded, weird. My guess would be the forums use your smtp from your ISP and the Your Account uses the PHP Mail function.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:48 pm Reply with quote


In the end i was too scared to edit and modify the files..

"He who makes a backup laughs last"

1st off I have a full backup of all files on a local machine.
When I have completed a change, I make a new backup of these, keeping the last 5 to 20 sets of files. Just in case...and the 'case' happens lol

make a copy of the files u want to edit and change the name...I generatly use filename.phporg org for orginal
Then edit the orignal. and test
If something doesnt work rename that file to filename.phpbaded (bad edited) and remame the orginal back.

I also make notes in the file Im editing a // before a line stops it working
So I place a //// (makes easy to find later and I know its something I have changed) on a new line below what I want to change and after a note like
//// the above line changed to below line to deactivate regist email

I then copy the above line to below the note line edit that and place a //// at the start of the above (orginal line)

This way u have a copy of the orginal file and the edited file also keeps the orginal line...a sort of double back up.

Also I have a folder on a local machine "nukenotes" here I make txt files for each subject change so if at a later date I want to find what file I changed where for what I look up that txt file...I have lots of txts files lol

Im not a coder, I bumble my way thru try stuff and hit and miss type coding, and dont have a great grasp on what code does what. This way, If I screw up, and I have done so too many times to count, the site is down or only has errors for a few minutes, before returning to orginal, then check code and figure out the next move.
I dont know what the experianced coders do...but this way works for me

PS DONT use notepad or office applications to edit files....I use a free prog called crimsion editor.

Here is an example...in a file (user info block)currently used and still work in progress that I will 'hit up' the guys here, when I get time, to finish later.
////Change below line to remove new member detail links    if (is_user($user))

///$content .= "<tr><td width=\"100%\"><img src=\"images/blocks/gold.gif\" border=0 align=\"center\" ALT=\"$user_regdate\"><a title=\"$user_regdate\"  href=\"profile-.html$lid\">$title2</a></td></tr>\n";
//// to   this shows no links even when logged on still have to figure out to show link when logged in
$content .= "<tr><td width=\"100%\"><img src=\"images/blocks/gold.gif\" border=0 align=\"center\" ALT=\"$user_regdate\">&nbsp;<a title=\"$user_regdate\" >$title2</a></td></tr>\n";
$content .= "</table></div><hr noshade size=1>\n";

The disadvantage of this is when things go wrong one doesnt learn how to fix because instread of fixing one is simply replacing back.
Advantage is u dont end up killing your site and having it down or full of errors untill someone like the guys here dig u out of a big mess hrs or days later.
Hope this helps and gives u more confidence

PS DONT work on more than 1 project at a time...get it working, 3x check EVERYTHING works, give it a day or so, THEN move onto the next project.
NO short cuts.

My Spelling is NOT incorrect, it's Creative 
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 2:15 pm Reply with quote

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

You make a strong arguement that makes complete sense.

I on the other hand have a tendency always take the faster option.

In my whole computing experience to date i have ruined 2 very big and full forums through my inexperience and naivete. I still cringe about the whole ordeal. If only i had made backup's!

I am going to try some of those helpful hints. They seem logical but most of all TIDY!
My directories are just full of filenames that dont even make sense - all because im always trying to rush work.

Thanks again

P.S i know what you mean about notepad and wordpad. awful programs

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 2:37 pm Reply with quote


all because im always trying to rush work.

Many yrs ago I had a semi retired farmer working for me.
He walked slow, talked slow, worked slow.
And pulled by far the biggest bonus s
I was young and asked how does he do it.
"when I walk slow, by the time I get to the job I have clear in my my head what I need to do....then I do it slow 2x check everything. So I dont make mistakes.
mistakes take to long to fix...no mistakes therefore means I have more time to go slower and make less and produce more"
Every one in a while one in ones life time gets hit with a great and simple wisadom from the most unlikely sources. 30 odd yrs on this still works well for me...every time.
Work smart not fast
Work hard at being lazy
Hangin' Around

Joined: Feb 10, 2007
Posts: 27

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:10 am Reply with quote

Raven wrote:
Well, a very quick and dirty way is to do the following.

Edit modules/Your_Account/index.php
---- Find function finishNewUser
---- ---- Find and comment out mail($user_email, $subject, $message, "From: $from\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
---- ---- Find CloseTable(); a few lines down.
---- ---- ---- After, add activate($username, $check_num);

That will automatically register and activate the account w/o sending an email. However, I will leave it up to you to modify the verbiage on the screens, via the language files Wink

That worked a treat for me, Thanks!
Sorry to drag up an old post
The language file I need to edit - are they contained in the "Language" folder within the "Your_Account" folder - or are there any more I have to edit?
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:30 am Reply with quote

angloswede, start there and if it doesn't not work (it should), it would then be in the root language directory.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:45 am Reply with quote

angloswede wrote:
Raven wrote:
Well, a very quick and dirty way is to do the following.

Edit modules/Your_Account/index.php
---- Find function finishNewUser
---- ---- Find and comment out mail($user_email, $subject, $message, "From: $from\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
---- ---- Find CloseTable(); a few lines down.
---- ---- ---- After, add activate($username, $check_num);

That will automatically register and activate the account w/o sending an email. However, I will leave it up to you to modify the verbiage on the screens, via the language files Wink

That worked a treat for me, Thanks!
Sorry to drag up an old post
The language file I need to edit - are they contained in the "Language" folder within the "Your_Account" folder - or are there any more I have to edit?

Glad to hear that it helped you Wink!
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:29 pm Reply with quote

I em using Ravennuke v2.20.00 and i wont to add this code.
But i have a problem to find this text: function finishNewUser

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:50 pm Reply with quote

This is an old post.

You should use the TegoNuke Mailer that comes with the package. Not sure if this was in RN 2.20.00, but you could upgrade to 2.20.01, or wait for 2.30.00 which will be out shortly.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 2:44 pm Reply with quote


The function is in the version you are using. Make sure you are looking in modules/Your_Account/index.php. It is definitely there.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:39 pm Reply with quote

Yes, in modules/Your_Account/index.php

At line 260 code it is not the same like your code opp.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 4:13 pm Reply with quote

That is correct. That's why JakeC recommended that you upgrade Smile. I was just responding to your statement where you said

But i have a problem to find this text: function finishNewUser

I interpreted that literally that you were unable to find function finishNewUser

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:59 pm Reply with quote

I wont at my users be activated without email code.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:55 pm Reply with quote

Sorry not sure I understand your last post.

Are you saying you want your users activated without the email confirmation?

If that is the case then I would highly recommend upgrading and using TegoNuke mailer that is available in the latest package. It will make your life a lot easier. Wink
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