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New Member

Joined: Nov 01, 2008
Posts: 15
Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:31 pm |
Hi all
I'm totally stuck, hope someone can help me out.
First off, yes, i did search for Admin Loop both here and in google in general. I've run into the same problem and i'm 99% sure that if this is cookie related, its on the server side, not the client.
So, here's my setup
Yahoo Web hosting (i know, i know), so no .htaccess files, no spaces in file names, and no @ in file names
Raven Nuke (latest version) installed 100% fine in my root folder. Moved install to a folder and sub domained that folder. Everything works great.
I then went ahead and installed RavenNuke again, this time to a different sub folder that already had been made into a sub domain. Trying to install from a sub domain isn't fun, so i installed it from the folder. I made sure i installed to a different database table also.
install worked great. Login as user works great. Trying to login as administrator gives a login loop, however. It doesn't seem to recognize that i'm putting anything into the fields....even when i put in wrong info, hitting submit just puts me back to the admin.php with a blank field.
Tried this in firefox and Internet Explorer 6 and 7 on 2 different computers, one with only windows firewall, the other with corporate firewalls. Both computers log in fine to my first Raven Nuke 2.30 install, admin panel comes up. Both computers have problems logging in to admin on the newer raven nuke install.
can anyone assist? |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:30 am |
suicidaldreams wrote: | I've run into the same problem and i'm 99% sure that if this is cookie related, its on the server side, not the client |
Not sure what you're trying to say here. Cookies are always client side, never server side.
You may have already tried this as you seem pretty thorough but I will suggest them anyway, just in case.
1 - Close all browser instances
2 - Open a single browser instance
3 - Clear your cache
4 - Clear all cookies for the domain and subdomain
5 - Close the browser instance
6 - Open new browser instance
7 - Try admin login
8 - Make sure that your Site URL in Preferences is set to your subdomain - http://subdomain.domain.tld - If you are unable to login to admin then use phpMyAdmin to directly edit the nuke_config table. If you had to perform this step then repeat steps 1-7 one more time. If still unable then post back and we'll try something else. |

Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:51 am |
hey, thanks for the reply.
by server side, i meant that i felt perhaps the server wasn't properly assigning a cookie to the client.
I have done as you suggested here, steps 1 - 7, on 2 different computers/internet connections. Have even dropped the database and reinstalled. No joy here at all
I have tried both with sub.domain.tld and with domain.tld/folder in site url prefs. neither work. Redid steps 1-7 after just to be safe.
Nuke config table shows up normal for me, admin account and pass are clearly visible. Have used both phpMyAdmin and the preferences page to change admin account info. Neither have an effect on the Admin login loop.
viewable at my domain.
working ravennuke:
busted Admin ravennuke: (or
thanks for the assist so far! |

Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:37 am |
suicidaldreams wrote: | Trying to install from a sub domain isn't fun, so i installed it from the folder |
Not sure what kind of problems you have had but I install to subdomains often w/o any problems. Why don't you just start from scratch using the actual installation process? |

Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:01 am |
I have installed it 3 times, first to a folder which was then made into a subdomain (where i changed the url in prefs to match), second directly into the folder, and third into a different folder with a fresh upload. all 3 have the same problem with admin.
Subdomain troubles will include things such as the next page in the install being seen as http://subdomain.domain.tld/subdomainfolder/nukefolder/INSTALLATION. this sometimes translates into the subdomain installations not allowing news entries as nuke seems to want to find /subdomainfolder/ for everything, regardless of how the preferences for site url are set. For some reason, the current "working" ravennuke on my site does not have this problem on any module i can see yet (knock on wood) |

Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:24 am |
That almost sounds like a redirection issue. Are you redirecting that domain/subdomain via cPanel or .htaccess? I just tried an install on a subdomain and it installed as it should. Another thing you might try is to delete the subdomain completely - files and all. Then, recreate the subdomain and verify that the subdomain is directing properly. I would suggest just adding a basic index.html page and then a subfolder and an index.html page in the subfolder. Test that out to see how the url's are showing up. If they aren't working correctly then the problem is not with the RN install. If the url's appear to be displaying correctly then do a fresh install of RN. Tag - you're it  |

Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:23 am |
We have 2 problems being addressed right now, so let me handle each one separately.
On the Sub Domain thing
.htaccess is not allowed on Yahoo servers, so nothing there. The subdomain was setup using Yahoo's servers settings (they run apache). I didn't do it through cPanel, but i did do it in intial setup. Once installed, most things seem to function okay. I originally had an issue with the news page, but that seems to have cleared itself. Essentially, I knew there was a problem because when i tried to "submit news", the text entry interface was missing. This was on the previous version of Raven Nuke. I reinstalled everything using the current ravennuke and it worked great on sub domain.
The new install however has issues still for subdomain stuff. trying to work the setup.php using the subdomain ends up with me getting a 404 as it's once again trying to find's_folder/INSTALLATION/setup.php after i submit, even though the location is either at http://domain.tld/subdomain's_folder/INSTALLATION/setup.php or at http://subdomain.domain.tld/INSTALLATION/setup.php
I'll try uploading the install folder over to Root, dropping the database, recreating again, and then moving into subdomain folder to see if it stops acting stupid.
On the Admin Loop:
Still no joy with anything tried
EDIT: Reinstalled into root finally. No joy on the Admin Loop issue still. Still feels like the cookie isn't being set at all, or like the page isn't communicating the login info back to the server, since it doesn't even recognize bad login info.
Still no real change on the subdomain install issue either....deleted the folder, re-uploaded into root, installed, attempted login as admin, then moved the whole thing into the subdomain's folder and attempted again. still tries to pull the setup.php file from subdomain.domain.tld/subdomain_folder/INSTALLATION, but honestly, i'm able to work around that as long as the modules all seem to work, which they do, except for admin.
I figure next step is to probably give someone with a decent background in this stuff access to the account. |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
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Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:08 am |
Out of curiosity, does it make any difference if you use http://www as against http:// for your sitename when using the installer?
It sounds to me like Yahoo has a problem with the CNAME or A records.
Another user here posted about problems using Yahoo a few months ago. |

Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:59 am |
Hi! thanks for the response
since i'm doing it from subdomains (aka no www) and root without www, i don't think this is a problem. I've installed ravennuke in 3 different ways: subdomain, root, and sub directory of root, all 3 without www. They all act the same way essentially, with root and sub directory working best. I'll check my CName and A records later today to verify.
Still Nothing on the admin loop though |

Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:17 am |
In INSTALLATION/setup.php, remove the @ sign from lines 8 & 9:
@require_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/mimetype.php';
@require_once 'ravenstallerConfigFile.php';
require_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/mimetype.php';
require_once 'ravenstallerConfigFile.php';
In INSTALLATION/ravenstallerConfigFile.php set these 2 settings to true.
$debugShowPathSettings = false;
$debugSetupScriptShowAllErors = false;
$debugShowPathSettings = true;
$debugSetupScriptShowAllErors = true;
See if that reveals any additional info.
Also, in setup.php lines 142,
$_POST['config_nukeurl'] = (empty($_POST['config_nukeurl'])?'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname(dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])):$_POST['config_nukeurl']);
may be worth your attention. Do some echo statements to try to see if that's where the assignment may be erring. |

Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:09 pm |
Hey Raven, thanks for the replies.
That last bit, in line 142 of setup.php. I am not a php person (yet), and everything i've read about using "echo" in php doesn't seem to apply to my understanding of it (from the dos days). Reading the line itself seems to indicate that this is where its failing however, simply based on the dirname area....this is assuming that the script is requesting the server to provide the directory name that ravennuke is installed in. I'm purely guessing, but if the server responds that its in a directory called 'Nuke', despite the fact that 'Nuke' is tied to a Sub Domain called Sub, would this script then assume that the url (based on the entry in the site url box/field) would be http://subdomain.domain.tld/Nuke/
If that logic makes sense, it would mean that the server side isn't compensating or checking to see if a folder is a subdomain prior to giving the response, or i suppose more correctly, isn't checking to see that the request is coming through the A/CName records as opposed to from the folder itself.....
Of course, i could be talking out of my ass can i ask that you pardon my ignorance and give an example of how to use an echo statement in that area? I'd figure it would be something like
echo $REQUEST_URI" |

Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:41 pm |
If you have set up a valid subdomain which is resolving correctly then this logic should always work. By "resolving correctly" I mean you can type http://subdomain.domain.tld and the default site (nothing installed but maybe a stub .html file) will display and the url will remain as http://subdomain.domain.tld. If instead you see http://domain.tld/subdomain/ or something similar then the subdomain itself is not resolving correctly and that is the root of the problem.
When you first pull up setup.php, what is the value showing in the Site URL (With http://): field?
After you complete the setup.php, using phpMyAdmin, what is the value of the Site URL in the nuke_config table? |

Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:03 pm |
When i first pulled up the setup.php, the value in site url is, however since i did a reinstall into root, at this point none of the settings are 100% "pure" any longer. PhpMyAdmin showed the root domain for teh Nuke_config table. I have changed that to reflect the subdomain, but it still doesn't "work" right...going to
and changing the settings there, then hitting submit, has setup.php trying to bring up a page at
INSTALLATION folder name has been changed for security.
i can reinstall again into the subdomain from the start to troubleshoot this, however not one thing we've done has fixed the admin loop login |

Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:31 pm |
Quote: | i can reinstall again into the subdomain from the start to troubleshoot this |
That's what I've been trying to get at all along - sorry if that hasn't been communicated correctly. I need you to do a real install from the subdomain where RN will be installed. After all this I'm still not understanding exactly how you are installing so it's making it really hard to understand what might be going wrong. If you'll try installing from the actual, working, subdomain, then that will establish that a subdomain install is working in your environment. Also be sure BEFORE starting the install that you delete all cookies and clear your cache. |

Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:14 pm |
I guess i wasn't clear either
I *HAVE* reinstalled properly to a subdomain, from the start. I get the same issues when i do it that way that i've always had. I will do a 5th reinstall started from the subdomain again.
Attempting to run the installation gives me this now:
_rnRAVENSTALLER_CONFIG_FILE = ../INSTALLATION/ravenstallerConfigFile.php
_rnINSTALLATION_LANG_FILE = ../INSTALLATION/language/lang-english.php
$nukeConfigFile = ../config.php
mimetype.php path = ../includes/mimetype.php
_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] = /god/INSTALLATION/installSQL.php |

Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:03 pm |

Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:50 pm |
the last one is not, if i understand it correctly. it should be
but then again, i may not understand what' i'm actually looking at |

Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:26 am |
No, that one is automatically supplied by PHP. It's the path to the script that is running. |

Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:33 am |
so its not seeing the subdomain then...
EDIT: confirmation.
When attempting to run the setup from the subdomain, after clicking on the first load command, i get taken to this page, which does not exist:
This is what happened every time i attempted to install from the sub domain, as i tried to explain before, which is why i get around it by installing it to a folder or root first, then moving it to a sub domain and finally going back through to the config table and changing the url.
I got word yesterday taht my login problem may be due to attempting to run 2 of the exact same copies of nuke in my account, even if they are in different folders or sub domains. This might have something to it, as i do recall seeing my email address pre-populating the admin login screen a few times.
Anyone got any thoughts?
thanks |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Apr 30, 2004
Posts: 3221
Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:15 pm |
There should be no problem running two Nukes on different directories or subdomains.
The issue seems to be
where this is being set by the server and why the path /god/ is being added to the path |
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Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:32 pm |
Thanks for the reply
Yes, i can admit/see that there is a problem there regarding install, however once installed, i'm able to make the site function overall, as proven by the Fallen version being up and running.
The problem i keep running in to is the admin login loop. I might be mistaken, but the admin login loop seems to have nothing to do with installation into root, sub domain, or sub folder. Annoying as the subdomain folder issue is for me, my only real "problem" that i can't seem to solve is the admin login loop. |

Joined: Sep 12, 2006
Posts: 58
Location: Dsm, IA
Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:28 am |
May be a totally random question, but what's the user name for the admin account? |

Joined: Aug 26, 2007
Posts: 236
Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:41 am |
It depends on what username you chose for it, when you registered the admin account. For many admins it though the identical username as their regular account, because you can choose that option when registering. |

Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:51 am |
I think what 999 is getting at is that possibly the username is accepted at install time but it may have a character that the admin logon process is rejecting. It's a good thought as I have seen that in the past. |

Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:31 am |
Good Line of thinking.
Original Admin/God username was LSD-God. I've also tried my personal login, which works on the Fallen installation, but when attempted in the LSD-God one, fails.
You pretty much have to see the login problem first hand to full grasp what's happening. The Site asks for the Admin login info, you supply it, and the page essentially reloads instead of submitting the information: No message regarding incorrect CAPTCHA when CAPTCHA is turned on. No message regarding incorrect login credentials....just a reloaded page, blank fields and a new CAPTCHA if its turned on, regardless of what info is in the fields. Normal user login functions normally, however.
I contacted the guys at Yahoo in regards to the server not reporting the sub domain correctly. They are still using php 4 on their Apaches at the moment. The closest they gave me regarding the pass login is the idea that 2 of the exact same install versions may not be able to run. With that idea in mind, i'm thinking of reverting the LSD God to 2.2 while keeping mine at 2.3, unless someone here is interested in seeing this problem in action as it currently stands |