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PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:08 pm Reply with quote

For dblogging to work, make sure the following file is write-able by world:


Then, in rnconfig.php, set $loglevel to 1. Then try it again and see if the dblog file shows any errors. This definitely is not normal behavior, so we just need to continue with the debugging process.

It might also be good to use a good FTP client such as FileZilla (free from sourceforge.net) and re-upload the entire distro using BINARY. Just to be sure it isn't a corrupt or missing file.

We have not seen this issue before, so its something in your environment or set up.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:03 pm Reply with quote

This doesn't appear to be a JS conflict as the registration JS loads and appears to work correctly. It might have something to do with a post form ??

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:16 am Reply with quote

Yeah the same things happens when I try to register, so you are not going mad.

Try the dblogging and let us know.

Thank god Shocked lol

When I click "continue" the page just jiggles a bit and thats all it does.

yea that’s the problem grrrrr what’s going on !!!!

For dblogging to work, make sure the following file is write-able by world:


Then, in rnconfig.php, set $loglevel to 1. Then try it again and see if the dblog file shows any errors. This definitely is not normal behavior, so we just need to continue with the debugging process.

It might also be good to use a good FTP client such as FileZilla (free from sourceforge.net) and re-upload the entire distro using BINARY. Just to be sure it isn't a corrupt or missing file.

We have not seen this issue before, so its something in your environment or set up.

Ok log level is set to 1 and has 666 file write permissions just tryed to make account logs would be under rnlogs right?? And I want the db log file and edit that in a text editor ill post results a little bit later

and about ftp client some how I don’t think its a bad upload, as I have downloaded raven nuke 4times then uploaded it on 4 different machines and used filezilla and flashfxp and created new databases each time all resulting in same error Sad “unless the master download file is stuffed???

lol I tell no lie my the 4 pc i used were pc, family pc, dads work pc, and mates pc, still no go! Crying or Very sad

This doesn't appear to be a JS conflict as the registration JS loads and appears to work correctly. It might have something to do with a post form ??

ok ill try and disable it and give that a shot

thanks for all the support so far i bet imdoing something really rong that is really simple lol but we shall soon see
thanks again
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:44 am Reply with quote

It might have something to do with a post form ??

nope turned off didn't work turned on didn't work Sad

and for log file i tryed making acc with db log file on and then went root/rnlogs/dblog transfered and eddited it in notepad and this is what i got


but i have given that file right access????

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:42 am Reply with quote

Chmod 666 works !
Activate error reporting in config.php
And change $error_reporting = E_ALL; // in your rnconfig.php
Maybe you will see some errors.
Also activate the mulitlingual feature within the administration.
I´ve tried to register with no luck.
If you can´t find the error I would just install fresh.

Have never seen such an error before and therefore I suppose something went wrong with your installation possible you didn´t upload all files.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:38 am Reply with quote

I think there is something with the php configuration that might be causing this. That is what I meant by something with the post form.

If you PM ftp information for your site, I can check the files and maybe also check the php config.

This is definitely a strange one...

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:49 pm Reply with quote

hey again
Chmod 666 works !
Activate error reporting in config.php
And change $error_reporting = E_ALL; // in your rnconfig.php
Maybe you will see some errors.
Also activate the mulitlingual feature within the administration.
I´ve tried to register with no luck.
If you can´t find the error I would just install fresh.

Have never seen such an error before and therefore I suppose something went wrong with your installation possible you didn´t upload all files.

hey mate config.php error reporting on
and you want me to change $error_reporting

From this
$error_reporting = E_ALL^E_NOTICE; // This is the default and means: All errors except Notices

To this
$error_reporting = E_ALL


And where would this be activate the multilingual feature within the administration??? What tab???

and about the fresh install *yawn* I have tryed 4 times with no luck probley doing some thing wrong lol Sad

I think there is something with the php configuration that might be causing this. That is what I meant by something with the post form.

If you PM ftp information for your site, I can check the files and maybe also check the php config.

This is definitely a strange one...

yea dude i will pm you i might reset the whole server and if you dont mind you could reupload the files i bet im doing some thing rong Embarassed lol

thanks again guys keep up the great support

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:06 am Reply with quote

From this:
$error_reporting = E_ALL^E_NOTICE; // This is the default and means: All errors except Notices

To this
$error_reporting = E_ALL;

The multilingual options can be set under preferences.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:43 am Reply with quote

Susann wrote:
From this:
$error_reporting = E_ALL^E_NOTICE; // This is the default and means: All errors except Notices

To this
$error_reporting = E_ALL;

The multilingual options can be set under preferences.

hey changed both of those still same problem and still no error logs?????

wind Very Happy

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:33 pm Reply with quote

I´m curious what Kguske will find out.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:31 pm Reply with quote


Only one of the 2 FTP accounts you sent works, and I am not sure how to directly access the file in that folder.

Looking at the account info, it appears to use an installation of PHP 5, and I'm not sure the permissions are correctly set.

As the old maxim goes..."You get what you pay for." This is free hosting.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:37 pm Reply with quote

OK, so I opened an account there and can see what I need to see. Still not sure what the issue is yet...

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:53 pm Reply with quote

So, I maxed out the MySQL updates on the installation...great!
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:57 pm Reply with quote

Bang Head

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. 
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:43 pm Reply with quote

Right! You get what you pay for... (did I mention that you can upgrade?)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:01 am Reply with quote

So I limped through the installation and had to do some manually after the SQL max error caused problems for the installation. I am seeing the same problem - can't do anything past entering registration info.

Here is a list of a few of the things that are disabled / limited on this "free" host (as compared with my XAMPP installation):
- posix
- pdo
- virtual directory support
- thread safety
- (disabled functions) system, show_source, exec, shell_exec, proc_open, passthru, set_time_limit, ini_restore, mysql_list_dbs, ini_alter, dl, pfsockopen, openlog, syslog, symlink, link, chgrp, leak, popen, escapeshellcmd, apache_child_terminate, apache_get_modules, apache_get_version, apache_getenv, apache_note, apache_setenv, virtual, mb_send_mail
- enable_dl
- max_execution_time = max_execution_time = 10 (vs. 60 on XAMPP)
- Timeouts Connection: 10 (vs. 300 on XAMPP)
- mod_disable_suexec , mod_expires , mod_filter , mod_headers , mod_imagemap and NOT mod_ssl and NOT PDF
- **** suhosin mod *** disallows POST

The point is that this "free" account is so limited that it doesn't work. Though the primary issue seems to be the suhosin mod, there are way too many limitations. Try another free host or, pay US$4-5 / month for something MUCH better.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:44 am Reply with quote

There was some discussion during testing RN 2.3 about using POST instead of GET on the registration form. The validation script that uses that has been updated and appears to use GET as a default now. I'll look into that and see if I can get that updated in RN, and that should address this particular issue (though the other limitations of this free account are still too excessive for most sites IMO).

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:21 am Reply with quote

I need to discuss this with the RN team - there are lots of POST forms in RN, not just the registration form...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 4:58 pm Reply with quote

I´m curious what Kguske will find out.

yea me 2


Only one of the 2 FTP accounts you sent works, and I am not sure how to directly access the file in that folder.

Looking at the account info, it appears to use an installation of PHP 5, and I'm not sure the permissions are correctly set.

As the old maxim goes..."You get what you pay for." This is free hosting.

yea sorry dude i sent you to accounts as if one dosent work you use the other one "both link into same ftp account tho"

you get what you pay for so true Razz

OK, so I opened an account there and can see what I need to see. Still not sure what the issue is yet...


So, I maxed out the MySQL updates on the installation...great!

yea i think i had same problem i could only install step 1 & 2 and not step 3 as the database wopuld get to big

Bang Head


Right! You get what you pay for... (did I mention that you can upgrade?)

what!!! im only 15 i ant got no money lol

So I limped through the installation and had to do some manually after the SQL max error caused problems for the installation. I am seeing the same problem - can't do anything past entering registration info.

Here is a list of a few of the things that are disabled / limited on this "free" host (as compared with my XAMPP installation):
- posix
- pdo
- virtual directory support
- thread safety
- (disabled functions) system, show_source, exec, shell_exec, proc_open, passthru, set_time_limit, ini_restore, mysql_list_dbs, ini_alter, dl, pfsockopen, openlog, syslog, symlink, link, chgrp, leak, popen, escapeshellcmd, apache_child_terminate, apache_get_modules, apache_get_version, apache_getenv, apache_note, apache_setenv, virtual, mb_send_mail
- enable_dl
- max_execution_time = max_execution_time = 10 (vs. 60 on XAMPP)
- Timeouts Connection: 10 (vs. 300 on XAMPP)
- mod_disable_suexec , mod_expires , mod_filter , mod_headers , mod_imagemap and NOT mod_ssl and NOT PDF
- **** suhosin mod *** disallows POST

The point is that this "free" account is so limited that it doesn't work. Though the primary issue seems to be the suhosin mod, there are way too many limitations. Try another free host or, pay US$4-5 / month for something MUCH better.

right dude thanks for looking into this for me Razz

There was some discussion during testing RN 2.3 about using POST instead of GET on the registration form. The validation script that uses that has been updated and appears to use GET as a default now. I'll look into that and see if I can get that updated in RN, and that should address this particular issue (though the other limitations of this free account are still too excessive for most sites IMO).

right but its werid as i said php nuke 8 workd fine ????

I need to discuss this with the RN team - there are lots of POST forms in RN, not just the registration form...

ok dude thanks for all your help and every one els

ps if you want to know how my website is going i found another host and it works great thanks again lol you wont miss me for to long i bet i will be back lol cya
wind Very Happy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:22 am Reply with quote

You definitely need to find another host. POST is exactly the right form action to use for form submittal and I just cannot understand why that is an issue for this host. Craziness.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:31 am Reply with quote

Are there any free hosts that aren't sufficiently limited to make running a CMS pointless?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:51 pm Reply with quote

kguske, if that question was aimed at me, I haven't a clue I am afraid. Haven't used free hosting since my very beginnings many, many, many moons ago and that didn't last long.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:53 am Reply with quote

Upgrade from rnv2.02.02 and I have exactly the same Registration behavior in my own test environ where I have control of everything (WINXP AMP test env).

Javascript enabled (as evidenced by the AJAX validations that work when I hit CONTINUE with blank fields), however, CONTINUE with fields filled produces NADA...including errors, db errors, apache site error log...have all error logging/displaying turned on and in TEST MODE.

Me thinks this is a real problem and not related to a watered down hosting environment. My upgrade is on hold since I can't register users yet.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:02 pm Reply with quote

Well to help us can you give us some more information about your setup. PHP & mySQL versions, what modules you have installed etc.
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Joined: Nov 06, 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:18 pm Reply with quote

Have you installed any add-on that could have modified your nuke_users table? I had registration problems when I did this with my installation. If you are not able to resolve, I recommend you have one of several experts whom frequent this site take a look at your tables and install Very Happy

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