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PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:56 pm Reply with quote

hey guys, iv been looking all over but i cant seem to find a mod that will allow me to do mouse over for World Of Warcraft loot that loads from one of the WoW sites (such as wowhead or thottbot). I found one that seemed nice for phpbb3 but my RN has pvpbb2 and also since it came with raven nuke the folders and files seem to be modified a bit so i cant really follow their instructions for installation because i cant find the files they are talking about. So does anybody by chance know of a good mod that works with raven nuke that would allow me to do this? Or does anybody know how i might be able to get the one i already found to work with raven nuke rather than phpbb3? Here are links to examples of what i'm talking about as well as the mod if ound for phpbb3. Ty in advance for the help guys Smile.

EXAMPLE: http://firefly-guild.net/forum/wowarmory_tooltip/demo/

phpbb3 MOD i cant figure out how to alter to work with raven nuke: http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=1203255

in case anybody can help me, the one i already found that i linked to above, it says to put a code into overall_header.html. but for the life of me i cant find that file in raven nuke. I"m assuming it was altered to fit into raven nuke so is either renamed, doesn't exist, or just in a spot i cant find it. After that it sais i need to navigate to "posting" and select the "BBCodes" option from the side menu. i cant find this either which I'm assuming is a phpbb3 thing only? Is there a way to do this in phpbb2 (the version that came with nuke) or am i just sol? lol

here is a copy and paste of the eventual solution to this problem for easy access Smile.

norefund17 wrote:
well, in the end i ended up using another method that isn't this mod that is provided directly from wowhead. Its not the mod i was trying to get to work, but it is a way to accomplish the same task that the mod i was trying to get to work would have. I did not know that this script was available from the wowhead site before. Even though its not a mod though, here is a quick rundown of how to get this to work on your site (works for any forum you have access to the code on, or even on non forum pages).

Basicly its a two step process (in short).

1. Find the Global header page, which raven was kind enough to help me with above.

Raven wrote:
There never has been an overall_header.html. There always has been an overall_header.tpl so that may be the issue for you locating the file. If your theme has a forums folder then you will find an overall_header.tpl file for each theme in the themes/YOURTHEME/forums folder. You will also find an overall_header.tpl file in modules/Forums/templates/subSilver and modules/Forums/templates/Sunset. All will need to be changed. See if that helps Smile

once you find the overall_header.tpl file you need to copy and paste this line towards the top, this will include a provided wowhead javascript into the top of your forums. (wich is a nice way to do it cause it will be updated automatically by wowhead.

<script src="http://www.wowhead.com/widgets/power.js"></script>

2. Once you have the javascript file linked to your forums, then all you have to do is use the following BBCode to make a link to that item on wowhead, which in turn creates the mouseover tooltip image also.


the two parts you will need to change for each item you wish to link are the link to the item on wowhead and the name of the item. To find the link to the item you just visit www.wowhead.com, search for the item you want, find the page of an item the copy the full URL from your browsers URL bar. You will want to replace the link of this item with the link provided in the code above (this is the http://www.wowhead.com/?item=12621 part of the code). Then just change the name of the item as it will apear in your forum post (in this above code example its Demonfork, make sure to keep the brackets [] and only replace the text). hit submit and your done! it should work from there on out Smile

again like i said before, this isn't the mod i was originally trying to get to work, but it accomplishes the same task and it is very easy to get working on any forums you have access to the global header file of, so I'm using it hehe. Hope this helps some of you wow people out there, good luck^^.

Last edited by norefund17 on Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:47 am; edited 1 time in total 
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 7:48 pm Reply with quote

There never has been an overall_header.html. There always has been an overall_header.tpl so that may be the issue for you locating the file. If your theme has a forums folder then you will find an overall_header.tpl file for each theme in the themes/YOURTHEME/forums folder. You will also find an overall_header.tpl file in modules/Forums/templates/subSilver and modules/Forums/templates/Sunset. All will need to be changed. See if that helps Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:27 pm Reply with quote

awsome, ty for the fast reply, il see if that gets it working Smile

PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:50 pm Reply with quote

well i found the file and thank you so much! But i guess it apears i cant create custom bbcodes using RN? Because its phpbb 2.X? Or am i wrong? is there still a way to add custom bbcodes?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:55 pm Reply with quote

You can w/o any problem Smile. That's a function of phpbb, not RN. We have made the Forums module stand alone just like any other module. So, all the code is now relocated and centralized in the module/Forums folder. In modules/Forums/includes you will find the file bbcode.php. That is where you will add the new codes. There may be other places that you need to reference but it will all be in the Forums folder and possibly an y themes/YOURTHEME/forums folder (templates). Other than moving all the Forum code to the Forums folder, you should not be restricted from doing anything with phpbb modifications.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:45 am Reply with quote

lol yep, its there, i found it but i'm a php noob :/. Well more like a php illiterate ; ;. The directions i have are for phpbb3 which i guess has a custom bbcode generator build in, but I'm using phpbb2 obviously. I know this isn't the phpbb forums, but i figured id give it a shot anyway. Here are the directions on what I'm suppose to do with phpbb3. Any idea how i would actually go about inputting this into the file you pointed me to for phpbb2? I'm lost. I tried to download other custom bbcode's to see how they did it. But i just don't know enough about the language to even begin to try and decipher it. (sorry for all the trouble and ty so much for all your help so far)

Here are the directions for phpbb3:

phpBB3 Integration

To integrate WAT into phpBB3, copy the WAT directory to your web
server, then log in to your forums administrator control panel, and
edit your style's overall_header.html template, and add the line shown
in the previous section.

Once done, navigate to "Posting", and select the "BBCodes" option from
the side menu, there you can add new ones.

We'll create two new BBCodes: [armory=Realm]Char[/armory], and [item]Item[/item].

Into the first box (BBCode Usage), enter the following text:


Into the second box (HTML Replacement), enter the following:

<a class="wat_tip" rel="char" title="{TEXT1}:{TEXT2}"
of {TEXT1}</a>

Into the third box (Help line), enter something like this:

Insert a link to a character sheet on armory. Usage: [armory=REALM]CHAR[/armory].

Doing the same for [item] is left as an excercise for the reader.

WAT integration is complete!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:36 am Reply with quote

I am pretty tied up from now through Christmas, at least during the day. I will be on more in the evenings though, at least today and Christmas. If no one has helped you by then I will work with you on it.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:44 pm Reply with quote

awesome, i really appreciate it. Il keep trying trying to figure it out on my own, but since I'm so bad at php i doubt i will lol. Il let you know if i do though so i dont waste more of your time hehe. But if you don't see another post from me, means i'm still clueless and could use the help whenever you get a few free moments. Ty again guys for all your time and help Smile.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:56 pm Reply with quote

phpBB3 is really a separate beast. You will have to see whether the creator will make a mod for phpBB2

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 2:07 pm Reply with quote

darn, that probably isn't going to happen Sad. well if anybody knows a mod like this that works with phpbb2, please let me know, otherwise ty so much for your help guys. i really appreciate it^^

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 4:57 pm Reply with quote

norefund17 wrote:
darn, that probably isn't going to happen Sad. well if anybody knows a mod like this that works with phpbb2, please let me know, otherwise ty so much for your help guys. i really appreciate it^^

If you can hang in there until after Christmas, I can help you through this Wink

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:25 pm Reply with quote

i can wait as long as you need Smile. i just appreciate your help^^ (have a good Christmas)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:02 pm Reply with quote

oo i think i figured it out! awesome it seems to be working now. Didn't think id ever figure this one out, lol. Anyway, ty so so much for your time and help, i really appreciate it and happy holidays (again^^)
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 9:41 pm Reply with quote

if you have time to post a brief summary of what you had to that would be nice. In case anyone else wants to use this mod.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 2:17 am Reply with quote

Great news and Congratulations Cheers ! As Palbin requested, it would be very helpful to share the code as there are several, if not many, WOW users who frequent this site Wink

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 4:50 am Reply with quote

well, in the end i ended up using another method that isn't this mod that is provided directly from wowhead. Its not the mod i was trying to get to work, but it is a way to accomplish the same task that the mod i was trying to get to work would have. I did not know that this script was available from the wowhead site before. Even though its not a mod though, here is a quick rundown of how to get this to work on your site (works for any forum you have access to the code on, or even on non forum pages).

Basicly its a two step process (in short).

1. Find the Global header page, which raven was kind enough to help me with above.

Raven wrote:
There never has been an overall_header.html. There always has been an overall_header.tpl so that may be the issue for you locating the file. If your theme has a forums folder then you will find an overall_header.tpl file for each theme in the themes/YOURTHEME/forums folder. You will also find an overall_header.tpl file in modules/Forums/templates/subSilver and modules/Forums/templates/Sunset. All will need to be changed. See if that helps Smile

once you find the overall_header.tpl file you need to copy and paste this line towards the top, this will include a provided wowhead javascript into the top of your forums. (wich is a nice way to do it cause it will be updated automatically by wowhead.

<script src="http://www.wowhead.com/widgets/power.js"></script>

2. Once you have the javascript file linked to your forums, then all you have to do is use the following BBCode to make a link to that item on wowhead, which in turn creates the mouseover tooltip image also.


the two parts you will need to change for each item you wish to link are the link to the item on wowhead and the name of the item. To find the link to the item you just visit www.wowhead.com, search for the item you want, find the page of an item the copy the full URL from your browsers URL bar. You will want to replace the link of this item with the link provided in the code above (this is the http://www.wowhead.com/?item=12621 part of the code). Then just change the name of the item as it will apear in your forum post (in this above code example its Demonfork, make sure to keep the brackets [] and only replace the text). hit submit and your done! it should work from there on out Smile

again like i said before, this isn't the mod i was originally trying to get to work, but it accomplishes the same task and it is very easy to get working on any forums you have access to the global header file of, so I'm using it hehe. Hope this helps some of you wow people out there, good luck^^.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 1:26 pm Reply with quote

Thanks so much! Often times the best way is the easiest way Wink
I also moved this to the How To forum and made it a sticky Smile
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